Rogatio Moravia Minucia de civitate eiuranda (Nova Roma)

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Citizenship in Nova Roma may be voluntarily relinquished or involuntarily revoked as per the Constitution of Nova Roma, paragraph II.A.4, or may be temporarily suspended under the Lex Fabia de Censu, paragraph VI. Further provision is made by this lex Minucia Moravia de Civitate Eiuranda by which citizenship in Nova Roma may be involuntarily terminated at the discretion of the Censors when a Citizen fails to register in two consecutive censuses. Outlined in this lex are the procedures by which a Citizen may voluntarily relinquish his or her citizenship by a process of resignation from Nova Roma, guidelines for censorial termination of citizenship for non-compliance with the Lex Fabia de Censu, and procedures to be followed when a person returns into citizenship following suspension of citizenship or relinquishment of citizenship.

I. The leges Cornelia et Maria De Civitate Eiuranda and Equitia de Civitate Eiuranda are hereby repealed.

II Resignation of Citizenship

A: Citizenship from Nova Roma may be voluntarily relinquished by notification of the Censors. Submission to the Censors of an intention to resign citizenship should be made in writing with the intention clearly stated, and may be transmitted in writing via any available means.

B. In keeping with Constitutional clause II.A.5, a parent or guardian may voluntarily rescind Nova Roma citizenship of Impuberes (minors) as provided for above.

III. If citizenship is resigned, any and all public offices held by the Citizen are immediately vacated at the time that the Censors receive a resignation. No public offices, elected or appointed, shall carry over into a new citizenship should a resigning citizen later reestablish citizenship.

IV A Citizen whose citizenship is temporarily suspended under the Lex Fabia de Censu or by process of law is known as a Socius. A Citizen who voluntarily relinquishes citizenship by submitting a resignation from Nova Roma may also be treated as a Socius for the purposes of this lex. Under the lex Fabia de Censu, a Citizen becomes a Socius after failing to register with one census. Any Socius or former Citizen in a Socius status who fails to register with a census or who fails to otherwise reestablish citizenship may, at the discretion of the Censors, have his or her status terminated, and thus be removed from the censorial Album Civium.

B. A Socius or a former Citizen in a Socius status may request that he or she be removed from the Album Civium and thus all records of the former Citizen's or Socius' former membership in Nova Roma are to be deleted. The Censors must comply with such a request if no exceptions are provided for under the law.

V: A former Citizen or Socius may reapply for citizenship to the Censors under prevailing legal procedures.

VI.A: When a former Citizen applies for reinstatement of citizenship, a waiting period of ninety (90) days precedes reestablishment of citizenship. When citizenship is reestablished a Socius, or a former Citizen who was in a Socius status, shall have restored any titles, honors and/or effects of past public offices (including century points) that he or she may have held at the time that citizenship was either suspended or resigned. A former Citizen whose Socius status was legally terminated, and whose records were thus lawfully removed from the Album Civium, is not entitled to a restoration of any titles, honors and/or effects of past public offices (including century points).

B. Once citizenship is reestablished, a returning Citizen may apply to the Collegium Pontificum for reappointment to any religious offices that he or she may have previously held. Only the Collegium Pontificum, or an otherwise designated religious body, is authorized to reappoint a returning Citizen to a religious office.

C: Century points that are due to a returning Citizen for any and all public and/or religious offices that he or she may have previously held shall be restored at the time that citizenship is reestablished, provided that citizenship was reestablished while the former Citizen was in a Socius status, as per VI.A.

D. Senatorial status may be resumed by a returning Citizen at the discretion of the Censors collegially.

VII. If a Citizen resigns his or her citizenship, is subsequently reinstated, and resigns a second time, the Censors may bar this former Citizen from reinstatement as a Citizen of Nova Roma. An exception to IV.B is hereby made such that the Censors may retain records in addition to the Album Civium on any person who has been barred from citizenship in Nova Roma for any reason.

VIII.A: All rights and privileges of citizenship are restored in full to a returning Citizen at the time his or her citizenship is reestablished. This lex does not in itself restrict a returning Citizen in any way from lawfully pursuing any entitlements or official positions (via election or appointment) for which he or she would again become eligible.

B. At the discretion of the Senate, the normal waiting period of ninety (90) days may be waived.

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