Provincia America Boreoccidentalis - Edictum I Legati Pro Praetore (Nova Roma)

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Edictum I Legati Pro Praetore M. Pompeii Canini de Sacerdote Provinciae nominando
Edictum I of Legatus Pro Praetore M. Pompeius Caninus regarding the appointment of a Provincial Sacerdos

Whereas America Boreoccidentalis Provincia does not have another active citizen with satisfactory skills and dedication regarding the Religio Romana, and because practice and precedent set in other provinciae permits simultaneous Provincial Sacerdotium and Governorship roles filled by the same person, and because the religious development of America Boreoccidentalis requires the establishment and maintenance of a local priesthood:

I. I hereby appoint myself, Marcus Pompeius Caninus, as Sacerdos Provinciae Americae Boreoccidentalis to fulfill the following functions:

A. Special Obligations
1) To lead and supervise the religious life of America Boreoccidentalis;
2) conduct public sacrifices and observe religious festivities;
3) promote the Religio Romana in America Boreoccidentalis; and,
4) ensure all such activities follow the forms, guidance and authority of the central religious government.

B. Universal Obligations
1) To access the internet regularly, at least once a week, to read and respond to e-mails; and,
2) to inform the citizenry of America Boreoccidentalis on the provincial mailing list and/or by direct email of the date(s) of any absence that may interfere with weekly contact.

II. This Edictum becomes effective immediately.

Given the 19th of July, MMDCCLXVI AUC
Datum ante diem XIV Kalendas Sextiles L. Sulla (III) cos. sine collega anno MMDCCLXVI AUC

M. Pompeius Caninus