Collegium Pontificum voting results - March MMDCCLXVII (Nova Roma)

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(TOC added)
Line 40: Line 40:
'''Item 1: Decretum pontificum about the creation of camilli.'''
==='''Item 1: Decretum pontificum about the creation of camilli.'''===
'''I. Application for priesthoods.'''
'''I. Application for priesthoods.'''
Line 73: Line 73:
'''Item II: Decretum pontificum about the pontifical schools.'''
==='''Item II: Decretum pontificum about the pontifical schools.'''===
1. In order to advance the basic training program of the Nova Roma’s priesthood, the Collegium Pontificum encourages and sustains the opening of the pontifical schools.
1. In order to advance the basic training program of the Nova Roma’s priesthood, the Collegium Pontificum encourages and sustains the opening of the pontifical schools.
Line 134: Line 134:
'''Item III: Decretum pontificum about the Collegium Pontificum minimum requiremints'''
==='''Item III: Decretum pontificum about the Collegium Pontificum minimum requiremints'''===
I. Pontifex status in the Nova Roma Religio Romana shall be "for life", so long as a pontiff maintains a minimum level of activity, as defined herein.
I. Pontifex status in the Nova Roma Religio Romana shall be "for life", so long as a pontiff maintains a minimum level of activity, as defined herein.
Line 175: Line 175:
'''Item IV: Cancellation of the Decretum pontificum about the crime of blasphemy.'''
==='''Item IV: Cancellation of the Decretum pontificum about the crime of blasphemy.'''===
The Decretum pontificum about the crime of blasphemy is cancelled.
The Decretum pontificum about the crime of blasphemy is cancelled.
Line 192: Line 192:
'''Item V: Decretum pontificum about the system of the creation of priests in Nova Roma.'''
==='''Item V: Decretum pontificum about the system of the creation of priests in Nova Roma.'''===
'''A. Application to priesthood in Nova Roma.'''
'''A. Application to priesthood in Nova Roma.'''
Line 310: Line 310:
'''Item VI: Decretum pontificum de pontifice ab oficiis.'''
==='''Item VI: Decretum pontificum de pontifice ab oficiis.'''===
I. Election of a secretary of the Collegium Pontificum.
I. Election of a secretary of the Collegium Pontificum.
Line 353: Line 353:
'''Item VII: Decretum pontificum about the inauguration of priests in Nova Roma.'''
==='''Item VII: Decretum pontificum about the inauguration of priests in Nova Roma.'''===
1. Any priest of Nova Roma, after being ceremonially elected by the comitia curiata, shall be inaugurated by an augur.
1. Any priest of Nova Roma, after being ceremonially elected by the comitia curiata, shall be inaugurated by an augur.
Line 378: Line 378:
'''Item VIII: The schedule of the yearly activities of the Collegium Pontificum.'''
==='''Item VIII: The schedule of the yearly activities of the Collegium Pontificum.'''===
Informative item. No vote.
Informative item. No vote.
Line 429: Line 429:
'''Item IX: The database of the priests.'''
==='''Item IX: The database of the priests.'''===
Informative item. No vote.
Informative item. No vote.
Line 441: Line 441:
'''Item X: Decretum pontificum about the festivals and games to be celebrated in Nova Roma.'''
==='''Item X: Decretum pontificum about the festivals and games to be celebrated in Nova Roma.'''===
Line 623: Line 623:
'''Item XI: Decretum pontificum about the annales maximi of Nova Roma.'''
==='''Item XI: Decretum pontificum about the annales maximi of Nova Roma.'''===
1. The annales maximi represent the records of the key public events and the names of each of the magistrates of Nova Roma.
1. The annales maximi represent the records of the key public events and the names of each of the magistrates of Nova Roma.
Line 666: Line 666:
'''Item XII: Decretum pontificum about the business language of the Collegium Pontificum.'''
==='''Item XII: Decretum pontificum about the business language of the Collegium Pontificum.'''===
The item was tabled.
The item was tabled.
Line 676: Line 676:
'''Item XIII: Decretum pontificum about the new pontifices appointment'''
==='''Item XIII: Decretum pontificum about the new pontifices appointment'''===
1. The Collegium Pontificum acknowledges that the Senate has appointed as pontifices the following and has also invested them individually with all the all the rights, powers, privileges and obligations of a pontifex of Nova Roma:
1. The Collegium Pontificum acknowledges that the Senate has appointed as pontifices the following and has also invested them individually with all the all the rights, powers, privileges and obligations of a pontifex of Nova Roma:

Revision as of 12:08, 7 April 2014


This is the Collegium Pontificum session report:

The Collegium Pontificum was called into session starting with 08.00 hr.(Rome time) on a.d III Non Mar 2767 a.U.c (Wednesday 05 March 2014) until 18.00 hr.(Rome time) on pr. Kal Apr 2767 a.U.c (Monday, 31 March 2014).

The session schedule was:


Starting with 08.00 hr.(Rome time) on a.d III Non Mar 2767 a.U.c (Wednesday 05 March 2014) until 08.00 hr.(Rome time) on a.d VII Kal Apr 2767 a.U.c (Wednesday, 26 March 2014).


Start with 08.00 hr.(Rome time) on a.d V Kal Apr (Friday, 28 March 2014) and ends at 18.00 hr.(Rome time) on pr Kal Apr 2767 a.U.c (Monday, 31 March 2014).

The following collegium members participated in session:

  • Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (CnCL)
  • Q. Fabius Maximus (QFM)
  • Cn. Iulius Caesar (CnIC)
  • T. Iulius Sabinus (TIS)
  • C. Maria Caeca (CMC)
  • M. Pompeius Caninus (MPC)
  • L. Vitellius Triarius (LVT)
  • Q. Vipsanius Agrippa (QVA)

Proxy were not assigned during the contio.

The following collegium members did not vote therefore are recorded as absents:

  • Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Postumianus (QCMPP)
  • M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus (MCGG)
  • Q. Vipsanius Agrippa (QVA)

The following collegium member do not vote in sessions:

  • M' Titinius Silvanus.

The session results:


Item 1: Decretum pontificum about the creation of camilli.

I. Application for priesthoods.

A.The Collegium Pontificum may not appoint any citizen to priesthood directly, but an applicant shall be first approved as a camillus or camilla, fem. (camilli, pl.)

B. The status of the camilli is considered as that of an apprentice in the Religio Romana matters.

C. The period of time of the camilli status correspond with the period of time of the basic priestly training within the Religio Romana of Nova Roma.

D. The camilli have the right to choose the most convenient priestly training program based of the methods described in the pontifical decree about the priesthood appointment requirements.

E. The camilli shall have the right to assist, to perform basic activities or rituals on behalf of the Nova Roma in the capacity of the priesthood for which they have applied and any ritual they intend to offer may be performed only after revision and approval by at least one pontifex.

II. Conclusions and further instructions.

A. In exceptional situations, this decree requirement may be waived at the discretion of the Collegium Pontificum.

B. The scribii pontificiis and the vestals virgins shall be considered camilli for the purposes of this decree.


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: YES, although I think many further changes will be needed to amend this decree later.


Item II: Decretum pontificum about the pontifical schools.

1. In order to advance the basic training program of the Nova Roma’s priesthood, the Collegium Pontificum encourages and sustains the opening of the pontifical schools.

2. A pontifical school functions in Nova Roma if obtain the authorization of the Collegium Pontificum and yearly renew the authorization. Once the authorization is obtained or renewed, the pontifical school is registered within the Collegium Pontificum.

3. Any Nova Roma’s priest, who has a relevant experience in the public Roman Religion, is entitled to open a pontifical school. Among other, a relevant experience means at least 1 year of active service as one of the Nova Roma public priesthood, in good standing with the pontifical decrees and the laws of Nova Roma.

4. To obtain the authorization and to be registered as a pontifical school an application shall be submitted to the Colegium Pontificum. The application will include:

a. the name of the pontifical school.

b. the name of the pontifical school leader.

c. the name of the teachers if at the start date of the training program are many.

d. the main courses to follow during the training program.

e. the time period of the training program.

5. Case by case, the Collegium Pontificum may require other useful information and will provide a resolution in no more than 30 days from the date when the application was submitted.

6. To authorize a pontifical school, the Collegium Pontificum, will take in consideration during the analyze of the application, if it accomplish the main objective of this decree which is to advance the basic training program of the new priesthood of Nova Roma in the following main aspects, but not limited to, how is the basic performance of the rituals, basic prayer composition, reconstruction of the roman religion and the development of the necessary abilities to serve in the public roman religion of Nova Roma.

7. Based on applications, other pontifical schools with a more advanced training program may be approved at the discretion of the collegium.

8. The responsible of the entire activity of the pontifical school is the school leader. At the Collegium Pontificum request, the school leader will provide anytime any relevant information about the training program of the pontifical school stage of functioning or development.

9. Any Collegium Pontificum member is entitled to observe the pontifical schools activity. The school leader is responsible to assure the access to the web platforms or places where the activity of the training program takes place. Once brought in the attention of the collegium, a failure to fulfill this requirement results in the cancellation of the authorization to function of the respective pontifical school.

10. The Collegium Pontificum members may observe but not interfere during the lessons, but notifications must be sent to the teacher privately; only the Collegium Pontificum as a body shall be entitled to compel the program leader to change or terminate parts or the entirely of his training program. Once brought in the attention of the collegium, a failure to respect this requirement results in the cancellation of the observer status of a Collegium Pontificum member.

11. The way of conducting these courses, their content, the requirements to pass the courses shall be at the discretion of the program leader.

12. Other citizens, not necessarily priests, may be involved as assistant teachers at the discretion of the leader of the training program.

13. During the month of April of each year, the Colegium Pontificum will analyze the renewal of the authorization of the pontifical schools. The renewal of the authorization is applicable only to that schools which already have 12 months of functioning. If the renewal of the authorization is analyzed during the time when the courses are in progress, the renewal or the cancellation of the authorization takes effect when the courses end.

14. The renewal of the authorization of a pontifical school depends by all requirements of this decree, the eventually reports of the Collegium Pontificum observers of the school and, in addition, a pontifical school is required to announce at least one training program during a year of activity.

15. Any complain of any aspect about a pontifical school enter under the Collegium Pontificum decision and resolution in no more than 30 days from the date when was submitted.

16. With the support of the Collegium Pontificum, a pontifical school is allowed to apply for Nova Roma sponsorship. The details of such sponsorship enter under the Senate of Nova Roma and it financial committee and officers’ competence.

17. Other benefits directed to the pontifical schools do not enter under the Nova Roma, Nova Roma institutions and it officials’ responsibility and are not the subject of any legal liability on their part.

18. Under the letter of this decree, the first pontifical school of Nova Roma, authorized and registered with no.1 is “The pontifical camillus school of Cn. Lentulus” with all the rights and privileges.


  • TIS: Uti rogas. It is good to have this decree in case there are requests to start training.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: YES, but, again, it is very incomplete, changes will be need. The previous decree specified that the camilli need to learn ritual gestures, prayer composition, basic Latin ritual language, and now it has become too vague. No "outcome" requirements are mentioned. It is good to give freedom to the trainers, but there should be a clear goal what has to be learned.


Item III: Decretum pontificum about the Collegium Pontificum minimum requiremints

I. Pontifex status in the Nova Roma Religio Romana shall be "for life", so long as a pontiff maintains a minimum level of activity, as defined herein.

II. In February of each year the Collegium Pontificum must vote on possible from the collegium those pontifices who have failed to maintain that minimum level of activity. A pontifex must be voted out by a 2/3 margin to be removed.

III. Should a pontifex voted from the collegium become active again, they may re-apply for pontifex status by standard means, and have opportunity to be reappointed by a 2/3 margin.

IV. A pontifex is required to cast votes on at least two third of the collegium agendas that are brought to a vote during any calendar year. Should he or she fail to do so, they may be removed by the collegium as stated above.

V. Voting by proxy shall be considered acceptable for satisfying these requirements, provided that proxy is granted during the discussion period that immediately precedes that particular vote.

VI. Pontifices must uphold a minimum level of 'public' activity outside the collegium each year. This public activity must include no less than one religious post to a Nova Roma forum in a year and one "religious project".

VII. A "religious project" may contain the following (or an equivalent thereof proposed by a pontifex and accepted by the Collegium Pontificum):

a. writing one article or essay for the Nova Roma website or,

b. writing the text of one ritual or offering to the Gods or,

c. presiding over one public ritual or offering or,

d. teaching an online Religio Romana class or study group, etc.

VIII. A pontifex shall contribute to advancing the administrative tasks of the Collegium Pontificum serving as secretary of the Collegium Pontificum at least once in every three years.

IX. Newly accepted pontifices are exempt, regardless of their participation level the previous year. Any pontifex appointed less than six months before the end of the year is exempt.


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: YES. Although I would expect a little more required from the priests.


Item IV: Cancellation of the Decretum pontificum about the crime of blasphemy.

The Decretum pontificum about the crime of blasphemy is cancelled.


  • TIS: Uti rogas. No need for it. Currently Nova Roma has a Code of Conduct which functions better.
  • QFM: Because I dislike all the Decrees, especially eliminating my Blasphemy one, with no alternative,I Q. Fabius Maximus vote Antiquo on all.Sorry.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas. In the highly unlikely situation that any event that this decretum was originally intended to deal with occur, then the Code of Conduct will deal with it. This was a political weapon used by all sides in the former factions and has no relevance to Nova Roma today. As long as it remains in force however it could prove too tempting for some future individual(s) to seize upon and use. It is time to give it a funeral and have done with it.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: YES.


Item V: Decretum pontificum about the system of the creation of priests in Nova Roma.

A. Application to priesthood in Nova Roma.

1. Any public priesthood or religious position may only be conferred upon citizens of Nova Roma, who have submitted an application, have 18 years old at the date when the application is submitted and is assidui/assidua (tax payer).

2. Applications for any priesthood or religious position shall be made through an e-mail sent to the owner address of the official mailing list of the Collegium Pontificum (collegium_pontificum_nr

3. There shall be a separate application submitted for every different or every new priesthood or religious position that the applicant wishes to undertake.

4. The Collegium Pontificum shall decide about the application within the first session of its receipt.

B. Priesthood appointments requirements in Nova Roma.

1. Camillus/camilla.

An applicant shall be approved camillus by the decision of the Collegium Pontificum.

2. Sacerdos /Vestales Virgines/Flamines and/or Flaminicae Minores/Augures/ Fetiales/Sodales.

An aplicant shall be appointed sacerdos/vestalis/flamen/augur/fetialis/sodalis by the collegium pontificum if meet these requirements:

a. Served as camillus/camilla for six months.

b. Followed a training program based of one of these methods: by himself/herself, by a pontifical school or was trained and have the recommendation of at least one pontifex or in the case of vestales, of the Virgo Vestalis Maxima or the Pontifex Maximus.

c. In addition of the application submit a work (article), strictly related to the position that applied, composed of a minimum of 1000 words without spaces, with quality academic resources referenced within the article.

3. Virgo Vestalis Maxima.

An applicant shall be appointed Virgo Vestalis Maxima by the Collegium Pontificum if meet these requirements:

a. Served as vestalis for six month. b. Have the Pontifex Maximus recommendation.

4. Pontifex

An aplicant shall be appointed pontifex by the Collegium Pontificum if meet these requirements:

a. Passed all requirements of point B.2.

b. Served as sacerdos/vestalis/flamen/augur/fetialis/sodalis for six months.

c. In addition of the application submit a work (article), strictly related to the position that applied, composed of a minimum of 1200 words without spaces, with quality academic resources referenced within the article.

5. Pontifex Maximus

The Pontifex Maximus shall be elect by the Collegium Pontificum if meet these requirements:

a. Passed all requirements of point B.4.

b. Meet all other specific requirements of the position based of the CP decrees and specifications.

6. Flamen and Flaminica Dialis/Flamen Quirinalis/Flamen Martialis.

An aplicant shall be appointed Flamen Dialis and Flaminica Dialis/Flamen Quirinalis/Flamen Martialis by the Collegium Pontificum if meet these requirements:

a. Must be a patrician citizen of Nova Roma.

b. Passed all requirements of point B.2.

c. Served as sacerdos/flamen/augur/fetialis/sodalis for six months.

d. Must be married by confarreatio. This condition might be waived through a special dispense through a responsum of the Collegium Pontificum.

e. Meet all other specific requirements of the position based of the Collegium Pontificum decrees and specifications.

f. In addition of the application submit a work (article), strictly related to the position that applied, composed of a minimum of 1200 words without spaces, with quality academic resources referenced within the article.

7. Rex and Regina Sacrorum.

The Rex Sacrorum shall be elect by the Collegium Pontificum if meet these requirements:

a. Must be a patrician citizen of Nova Roma.

b. The Rex Sacrorum passed all requirements of point B.2.

c. The Rex Sacrorum shall not be a magistrate or senator of Nova Roma. If he is a magistrate or a senator in the moment of his appointment as Rex Sacrorum, he shall resign his magistracy or his membership of the Senate before he is eligible to be elect as Rex Sacrorum.

d. The Rex Sacrorum shall be married through confarreatio. His wife shall automatically receive the title of Regina Sacrorum, and the rights and duties associated with that title.

e.Meet all other specific requirements of the position based of the Collegium Pontificum decrees and specifications.

C. Priesthood removal and suspension in Nova Roma.

1. The priesthood removal in Nova Roma is stipulated in the current decrees of the Collegium Pontificum.

2. The suspension of Nova Roma priesthood takes effect only in the cases of the loss of the tax payer status and if sentenced by the laws.

3. The suspension is effective as long as the cause is in effect.

4. In the case of a priesthood removal it is the duty of the Pontifex Maximus to perform a piaculum in the name of the entire collegium.

D. Other instructions.

1. This decree does not apply retroactively.

2. All the works submitted in addition of the applications for priesthood become the property of Nova Roma and are published on the Nova Roma website.

E. Exemption procedures

1. In exceptionally situations the Collegium Pontificum can waive partially these requirements if it is not in contradiction with the Constitution and the laws of Nova Roma.

2. The exemption is valid if approved by a vote of two-thirds of the Collegium Pontificum.


  • TIS: Uti rogas. Including all priestly positions requirements it give to the newcomers a complete view.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: ABSTAIN. It is one step into the good direction, but this is not the step what we needed. Nova Roma needed to establish a proper priestly establishment: every single priest must be properly appointed, inaugurated and consecrated. Until a priest isn't consecrated, he or she isn't a priest, but only an "acting priest". This situation should have been *primarily* handled.


Item VI: Decretum pontificum de pontifice ab oficiis.

I. Election of a secretary of the Collegium Pontificum.

A. The Collegium Pontificum shall elect a secretary of the collegium, with the Latin title "pontifex ab officiis", among the pontifices to assist the collegium in advancing its administrative tasks.

B. The term of office of the pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum is for 6 months, and he can be re-elected to this position without limitation.

C. Any pontifex may declare himself a candidate to the pontifex ab officiis position, and the Collegium Pontificum shall elect the next pontifex ab officiis among the candidates before the day when the term of office of the previous pontifex ab officiis expires, or within 30 days if the office of the pontifex ab officiis becomes vacant by resignation, death, or by the disappearing of the sitting pontifex ab officiis, by analogy with the lex Minucia Moravia de eiuratione magistratum II.A., if the censors make a public statement that the pontifex ab officiis "is unreachable after an absence of 45 or more days."

D. The pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum may be revoked from his position by a voting of the Collegium Pontificum for any reason and at any given time.

II. Duties of the secretary of the Collegium Pontificum

A. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the pontifex ab officiis to manage all administrative activities of the Collegium Pontificum.

B. The main duty of the pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum is to ensure that important matters of religious business keep on going in a timely manner, communications directed to the collegium are answered, applications for priesthoods are properly published and administered, and the priests and religious activities of the Nova Roman Republic are coordinated.

C. The pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum is the contact person and the spokesman of the collegium, informing the collegium about any official or private questions, requests, mandates and calls directed to the collegium, about priesthood applications, or about any tasks to attend, and answering to the authorities or individuals in the name of the Collegium Pontificum, such communications made with a reaction time of no later than within 14 days;

D. The pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum maintain and publish an up-to-date database of applicants for priesthood, and either have the collegium appoint them as camilli, and direct them to the authorities where they undergo a training, or, if the applicant has already got the necessary qualifications or training, to put his name on the agenda of the Collegium Pontificum for appointment to a priesthood;

E. The pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum prepares and publishes (except in case of a closed session) the agenda and convenes the collegium. If the Collegium Pontificum has not been convened for more than 30 days since the last day of the previous session, and no other pontifex has publicly declared his intention to convene the collegium, the pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum shall call the collegium into session, and if there is no other proposal to vote on, the pontifex ab officiis shall submit to vote a decree on the reasons of inactivity of the Collegium Pontificum.

F. The pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum can temporary substitute with all the powers and rights the Pontifex Maximus based of the censors’ official declaration about the inactive status of the Pontifex Maximus, having as immediately duty to present the issue in front of the CP and to organize election for a new Pontifex Maximus.

III. Other instruction.

The pontifex ab officiis of the Collegium Pontificum will perform other administrative duties as defined by the collegium.


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: NO. The previous regulation was better and more up to our needs.


Item VII: Decretum pontificum about the inauguration of priests in Nova Roma.

1. Any priest of Nova Roma, after being ceremonially elected by the comitia curiata, shall be inaugurated by an augur.

2. The priests ceremonially elected by the curiae shall be inaugurate no later than 45 days from the approval. It is the duty of the ceremonially elected priests to ask an augur for inauguration.

3. The inauguration of the priests is recorded in the Collegium Pontificum files and in the annals of the Nova Roma.

4. Under this decree camilli and scribis pontificiis shall be not inaugurated.

5. An augur shall have the right to inaugurate himself.


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: ABSTAIN. Inauguration without consecration means nothing. But I don't vote with "no", because at least this is some tine process, and it's better than nothing.


Item VIII: The schedule of the yearly activities of the Collegium Pontificum.

Informative item. No vote.


  • the Pontifex Maximus announce the fasti.
  • the Collegium Pontificum analyze the tax payer status of the NR priesthood.
  • the Pontifex Maximus/the secretary of the collegium presents the annales maximi in forum.


  • the Collegium Pontificum analyze the activity of the pontifices based of the decree about the minimum requirements.


  • the Collegium Pontificum review the status of the lictores of the Comitia Curiata.


  • the Collegium Pontificum review/register the pontifical schools.


  • ordinary business of the collegiums.


  • the Collegium Pontificum elect a secretary of the collegium for the next 6 months.


  • the Pontifex Maximus/the secretary of the collegium presents the annales maximi in forum.


  • ordinary business of the collegium.


  • ordinary business of the collegiums.


  • reports of all citizens who hold a sacerdotal office are submitted to the Collegium Pontificum.


  • in the name of the Collegium Pontificum the Pontifex Maximus present the report to the Senate.


  • the Collegium Pontificum set the next year nundinae and the next year calendar.
  • the Collegium Pontificum elect a secretary of the collegium for the next 6 months.
  • the Pontifex Maximus convene the Comitia Curiata for the lex de imperio.
  • a public piaculum is performed on 31 Dec. for the entire year.


  • TIS: It is a start of the monthly working procedures based of the current decrees.
  • CnIC: A good start in making the work of the Collegium known.

Item IX: The database of the priests.

Informative item. No vote.

The current database


  • TIS: The database is important and we need to complete it with many other dates.
  • CnIC: A good initiative.

Item X: Decretum pontificum about the festivals and games to be celebrated in Nova Roma.


I.A. Ordinary Public Holidays.

The public holidays, the feriae publicae, are listed in the official Nova Roman calendar announced by the Collegium Pontificum. The public holidays are celebrated:

I.A.1. By ritual, sacrifice and public games; listed in section II.

I.A.2. By sacrifices accompanied by the public games; listed in Section III.

a. Celebrated by sacrifice only: holidays which are celebrate only with public rituals and sacrifices; listed in section III.

b. Public holidays with optional celebration: holidays optionally celebrated, with or without games, or only with sacrifice, as described in II.B.1. and III.B.1.

I.B. Extraordinary public holidays and solemnities.

The priests, the senate, the people and their magistrates, under certain conditions described in sections II.B and III.B, have the right to create extraordinary holidays, with or without games, the feriae imperativae, or other forms of solemnities with public rituals and sacrifice, which are not preset in the calendar until announced.

An extraordinary game must always include an extraordinary sacrifice, since all games are centered on a ritual, but an extraordinary public sacrifice shall not necessarily be accompanied by games.

a. Extraordinary games are listed in Section II.B.2.

b. Extraordinary sacrifices are listed in Section III.B.2.


The certain holidays are celebrated by annual public games, the ludi annui, but it is also possible to set up extraordinary games on occasion.

II.A. Ordinary Games.

II.A.1. Ludi Annui: games celebrated each year which include the following categories:

II.A.1.i. Ludi Annui Stativi: games celebrated each year that have exactly fixed dates on which they are celebrated. These games are:

a.Ludi Novi Romani or Concordiales (or the Nova Romania or Concordialia); traditionally organized by the aediles curules. It shall last from the Kalends of March (March 1) to the Ides of March (March 10).

b.Ludi Megalenses or Megaleses (or the Megalensia or Megalesia), traditionally organized and presided over by the aediles curules. It shall last from pr. Non. Apr. (April 4) to a.d. IV Id. Apr. (April 10).

c.Ludi Apollinares (or the Apollinaria), traditionally organized and presided over by the praetores. It shall last from pr. Non. Quint. (July 6) to a.d. III Id. Quint. (July 13).

d.Ludi Romani or Maximi (or the Romania), traditionally organized by the aediles curules and presided by the consules. It shall last from the Nones of September (September 9) to a.d. XIII Kal. Oct. (September 19).

e.Ludi Plebeii, traditionally organized and presided over by the aediles plebis. It shall last from a.d. pr. Non. Nov. (November 4.) to a.d. XV Kal. Dec. (November 17.).

II.A.1.ii. Ludi Annui Conceptivi: are games celebrated each year that don't have exactly fixed dates on which they are celebrated, but may vary from year to year, within a certain time span. The only such game in Nova Roma is:

a.Ludi Cereales or Ceriales (or the Cerealia or Cerialia), traditionally organized and presided over by the aediles plebis. It start on a day between pr. Id. Apr. (April 12) to a.d. XIII Kal. Mai. (April 19)and last as many days as the aediles plebis deem fit, but include XIII Kal. Mai. (April 19) and its last day is no later than a.d. IV Kal. Mai. (April 28).

II.A.1.iii. Quinquennalian or Decennalian Games.

A subcategory of ludi annui is the games held in every five years on the occasion of the sacred year of Concordia. In such a sacred year, organizers of the games will include a special quinquennalian or decennalian thematic into their ludi and create an overarching series of quinquennalian or decennalian ludi, or even include a separate special ludi for the anniversary, called ludi Quinquennalesor ludi Decennales or ludi Vicennales.

II.B. Extraordinary Games: Ludi Indicti.

Magistrates with imperium and all aediles can announce, organize and preside over a one-time public game they create on a given occasion. The Senate or the comitia are entitled to set such ludi indictior decreti. These games are not specified by the religious calendar. There can be two types within this category:

II.B.1. Holding a traditional Roman game not required to be hold.

This game may be organized, and presided over, only by the magistracy which historically held it, and the dates of the game must be within the historical time frames of the game.

II.B.2. Setting up an unprecedented new game.

There are no restrictions for this type, but none can last longer than 9 days, or 15 days in case of the ludi magni, and none can coincide with a parallel running other game.

a. Ludi Votivi: are games vowed to the Gods by a magistrate.

b. Ludi Votivi Magni (or Ludi Magni): are greater games vowed by a higher magistrate to the Gods and may last up to 15 days.


The magistrates and priests are entitled to perform public sacrifices on behalf of the republic, of the magistrates, and of the Senate and people of Nova Roma.

III.A. Ordinary Rituals.

The holidays that are celebrated with public sacrifice are the following:

III.A.1. Annual Sacrifices on fixed dates:

a. Kalendae Ianuariae: Kalends of January (January 1): a sacrifice to Ianus, Iuppiter and other deities appropriate for the day.

b. Concordialia - Nova Romania: Kalends of March (March 1): a sacrifice to Concordia, Mars and other deities appropriate for the day.

c. Nova Romania (Closing): Ides of March (March 15), traditionally the consules and the aediles curules offer a sacrifice on the Ides of March (March 15) to Mars and Iuppiter and other deities of their choice appropriate for the day.

d. Megalensia: pr. Non. Apr. (April 4), traditionally the aediles curules offer a sacrifice on pr. Non. Apr. (April 4) to Magna Mater for the opening of the festival.

e. Megalensia (Closing): a.d. IV Id. Apr. (April 10), traditionally the aediles curules offer a sacrifice on a.d. IV Id. Apr. (April 10) to Magna Mater for the closing of the festival.

f. Cerealia: a.d. XIII Kal. Mai. (April 19), traditionally the aediles plebis offer a sacrifice on a.d. XIII Kal. Mai. (April 19) to Ceres, Liber and Libera.

g. Parilia: a.d. XI Kal. Mai. (April 21): a sacrifice on a.d. XI Kal. Mai. (April 21) to Pales, to Iuppiter, Mars, Quirinus and other deities appropriate for the day.

h. Apollinaria: pr. Non. Quint. (July 6), traditionally the praetor maior offer a sacrifice on pr. Non. Quint. (July 6) to Apollo, for the opening of the festival.

i. Apollinaria (Closing): a.d. III Id. Quint. (July 13), traditionally the praetor maior offer a sacrifice on a.d. III Id. Quint. (July 13) to Apollo, for the closing of the festival.

j. Romania: Nones of September (September 9): a sacrifice on Nones of September (September 9) Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, Iuno, Minerva, Mars, Quirinus and other deities appropriate for the day.

k. Romania - Epulum Iovis (Principal Day): Ides of September (September 13), traditionallythe consules offer a sacrifice on Ides of September (September 13) to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus.

l. Romania (Closing): a.d. XIII Kal. Oct. (September 19), traditionally the consules and the aediles curules offer a sacrifice on a.d. XIII Kal. Oct. (September 19) to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, Iuno, Minerva, Mars, Quirinus and other deities of their choice appropriate for the day for the closing of the festival.

m. Plebeia: a.d. pr. Non. Nov. (November 4.), traditionally aediles plebis offer a sacrifice a.d. pr. Non. Nov. (November 4.) to Iuppiter, Hercules, Ceres, Liber, Libera and other deities of their choice appropriate for the day of the opening of the festival.

n. Plebeia - Epulum Iovis: Ides of November (November 13), traditionally the aediles plebis offer a sacrifice on the Ides of November (November 13) to Iuppiter.

o. Plebeia (Closing): a.d. XV Kal. Dec. (November 17.), traditionally the aediles plebis offer a sacrifice a.d. XV Kal. Dec. (November 17.) to Ceres, Liber, Libera for the closing of the festival.

p. Civilia: pr. Kal. Ian. (December 31), the Pontifex Maximus offer a piaculum sacrifice pr. Kal. Ian. (December 31) to Ianus, Iuppiter and other deities of his choice appropriate for the day.

III.A.2. Annual Sacrifices on movable dates:

a. Feriae Latinae: April, around April. It shall be held on any day in April, or as close to April as possible. It is feriae conceptivae, and traditionally the consuls appoint the day of the ceremony each year, no later than pr. Kal. Apr. (March 31), and offer a sacrifice to Iuppiter Latiaris.

b. Floralia: between a.d. IV Kal. Mai. (April 28) and pr. Kal. Iun. (May 31). It is feriae stativae with a moveable ceremony only in Nova Roma (since it is a popular festival in Nova Roma celebrated in many provinces where spring comes on different dates). A sacrifice to Flora traditionally is offered by a magistrate any time between a.d. IV Kal. Mai. (April 28) and pr. Kal. Iun. (May 31), but preferably on a.d. V Non. Mai. (May 3).

c. Saturnalia: between the Nones of December (December 5) and a.d. III Kal. Ian. (December 30). It is feriae stativae with a moveable ceremony only in Nova Roma (since it is a popular festival in Nova Roma celebrated it in many provinces where the Saturnalian season comes on different dates).A sacrifice to Saturnus traditionally is offered by a magistrate any time between the Nones of December (December 5) and a.d. III Kal. Ian. (December 30), but preferably between a.d. XVI Kal. Ian. (December 17) and a.d. X Kal. Ian. (December 23).

III.A.3. Biennalian, Quinquennalian or Decennalian Sacrifices.

a. Lustrum: Traditionally every second year, after concluding the census the censors perform the ceremony of lustrum.

b. Sacred year of Concordia: The priests of Concordia, every fifth and tenth year, offer sacrifices to Concordia.

III.B. Extraordinary rituals.

All magistrates, pro magistrates, all priests and provincial priests can announce and perform extraordinary public sacrifices on behalf of the republic on a given occasion. There can be two types within this category:

III.B.1. Conducting ceremony for a traditional Roman holiday not obligatorily required to be celebrated in Nova Roma.

Such a ceremony may be celebrated by any magistracy or priest, except if the magistracy which historically performed it, was, emphatically required to be a certain magistrate or priest, on the date fixed in the official calendar of Nova Roma, or, if it isn't there in that calendar, on its historical day. If the ceremony was emphatically tied to certain magistracy or priesthood, only in the name of that magistracy or the priesthood the ceremony can be conducted. Occasionally, the ceremony it is possible to perform in another day than historically required, but in this case a piaculum is also offered for the inappropriate timing.

III.B.2. Offering an unprecedented public ceremony.

There are no restrictions for this type, but they should not normally exceed one day, and it must be offered for an important public cause. There can be many reasons for, or forms of, extraordinary rituals, among which, without complete listing, the following shall be differentiated:

a. Votive sacrifices. Similarly to the ludi votivi, public sacrifices may be vowed to the Gods by a magistrate, pro magistrate or governor, with imperium, by priests, by the Senate and by the comitiae.

b. Supplicatio. Similar but not identical with the votive sacrifices (there is no vow involved). The senate can decree a supplicatio, a day of extraordinary public prayer, offering rituals and sacrifice for divine intervention in times of crisis, or as an act of thanksgiving after overcoming the difficulties, or after a great success or victory, in honor of an extraordinary hero of the republic, or in response to prodigies.

IV. Other instructions.

a. The ceremonies described in this decree are performed by the magistrates and/or the priests based of tradition and mutual agreement. If necessary, the Collegium Pontificum may mediate for the best arrangements.

b. The Collegium Pontificum is entitled to observe and to determine the failure of the performance of the ceremonies and to present it anytime to the princeps senatus in order to be advanced to the Senate for further instruction and action.

c. Under the Collegium Pontificum authority, this decree may be the subject of other changes or improvements.


  • TIS: Uti rogas. The decree provides a better view upon the ceremonies to be celebrated from the mos maiorum perspective.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: YES. A revision of this and a more detailed guide to the magistrates will be needed, but, again, better than nothing.


Item XI: Decretum pontificum about the annales maximi of Nova Roma.

1. The annales maximi represent the records of the key public events and the names of each of the magistrates of Nova Roma.

2. The annalex maximi have a concise form and record events chronologically, year by year.

3. In the annales maximi are recorded the key public events which simply terminates and unexplained in the way of events as happens. The records do not include details.

4. The annales maximi enter under the Pontifex Maximus and the secretary of the Collegium Pontificum direct responsibility. With the Pontifex Maximus recommendation and the Collegium Pontificum approval a scriba pontificius may be involved in performing the task.

5. Every year, during the months of January and July, the annales maximi are presented in the official forum of Nova Roma for the last six months.

6. The key public events to record, but not limited to, are:

a. the festivities and ceremonies celebrated,

b. the sessions of the comitiae and of the Nova Roma institutions,

c. the edicts of the magistrates with relevance for the entire Nova Roma community, any major religious sign,

d. the participation of Nova Roma in public events,

e. the most relevant appointments and resignations.

7. Based of practical possibilities the annales maximi may include key public events of the past years which were not recorded.

8. The annales maximi are stored in both, the Senate files and the website of Nova Roma.

9. The Senate of Nova Roma and the Collegium Pontificum may recommend anytime other public events to record.


  • TIS: Uti rogas. Traditionally was the Pontifex Maximus responsibility.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: YES.


Item XII: Decretum pontificum about the business language of the Collegium Pontificum.

The item was tabled.

  • TIS: I want to believe that we can work together based of common sense.
  • CnIC: Latin, currently, has the same relevance that Etruscan did to the late republic. Few read it, and fewer still speak it. Rather than waste time getting locked into debates over what was said, or really meant to be said, we should communicate in English.
  • CnCL: Thank you for tabling this item.

Item XIII: Decretum pontificum about the new pontifices appointment

1. The Collegium Pontificum acknowledges that the Senate has appointed as pontifices the following and has also invested them individually with all the all the rights, powers, privileges and obligations of a pontifex of Nova Roma:

- Marcus Cornelius Gualterus Graecus,

- Gnaeus Iulius Caesar,

- Marcus Pompeius Caninus,

- Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa,

- Lucius Vitellius Triarius.

2. As a result of these appointments the Collegium Pontificum recognizing the legality of those appointments, welcomes the cessation of discord between the Collegium Pontificum and the Senate, and looks forward to the continuing contributions that this re-established harmony between the collegium and Senate and the addition of these new pontifices will bring to the work of the collegium, for the benefit of the Religio Romana and Nova Roma.


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnIC: Uti rogas.
  • CMC: Uti rogas.
  • MPC: Uti rogas.
  • LVT: Uti rogas.
  • CnCL: ABSTAIN. This is not what I requested, but the contrary. The Roman religion requires that the Collegium Pontificum appoints the pontifices. Maybe in NR law an SCU by the senate (?!) can do it, but not in the Roman religion. We, as subjects of the NR government, may accept the *legality* of the SCU politically intervening and appointing administrative acting priesthoods, but as the Collegium Pontificum, we have the responsibility to appoint them religiously, too. This decree does not appoint them, but just states that the senate appointed them, and this way they remain in the same irreligious condition. This problem shall be corrected in the future. I don't vote with "no" so that the new pontifices may see I welcome them, but this text still does not make them properly appointed pontifices of the Collegium Pontificum.


Titus Iulius Sabinus 01:20, 1 April 2014 (CEST)

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