Ludi Romani 2767 a.u.c./Ludi circenses

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About the Contest

Salvete omnes,

This year's Ludi Romani will feature a chariot race and a gladiatorial series.



Optime valete,


Aedilis curulis


Send your entries to: NO LATER THAN Wednesday, September 10th.


Please forward the following information on your entry:

A. Your name in Nova Roma;

B. The name of your driver; C. The name of your chariot;

D. Your tactics for the Quarter and Semifinals;

E. Your tactics for the Finals;

F. The name of your "factio" or team :

Albata - The Whites
Praesina - The Greens
Russata - The Reds
Veneta - The Blues

Tactics: Six (6) race tactics are possible:

A. To hurry in the last laps

B. To pass the curves closely the "spina" of the circus.

C. To support a constant pace

D. To lash the rivals

E. To push the rivals to the wall of the circus

F. To hurry in the straight lines




This is Servius Atius, reporting to you live from Roma, the Eternal City!

We have just received the unofficial report from the Circus Maximus for todays Ludi circenses Quarter-Finals races. Due to audio complications at the Circus, we lost our live feed and could not report the race-by-race action. But, we are back on the air again and here are the unofficial results, which should be certified by tomorrow and published publicly by the magistrates:

Race I

1st Place – Florius, driving Ballista for Team Russata – M. Cornelius Rutilus, Dominus

2nd Place – Pankakis, driving Blueberry Suripius for Team Veneta – Ti. Vitellia Triaria, Domina

Race II

1st Place – Amadan the Celt, driving Aurum for Team Russata and also owned by Pub. Annæus Constantinus Placidus, Dominus

2nd Place – Maleos of Alexandria, driving White Lightning for Team Albata – G. Decius Laterensis, Dominus

Race III

1st Place – Amarach the Celt, driving Firefy for Team Russata – Pub. Annæus Constantinus Placidus, Dominus

2nd Place – Atrectus, driving Currus Bibulus for Team Veneta – M. Pompeius Caninus, Dominus

Race IV

1st Place – Vellocatus, driving Potentia for Team Veneta - M. Pompeius Caninus, Dominus

2nd Place – Quebius, driving the Green Griller for Team Praesina – Q. Vitellius Triarius, Dominus

Tune in Tomorrow, where Iulia Gellia and I will be providing live coverage for the Ludi circenses Semi-Finals and Finals Races!

See you tomorrow at the track on the spina in the Circus Maximus!


Note: The race results were randomly generated through the Virtual Racing Assistant (VRA) Program by the Aedilis curulis, assisted, witnessed and verified by Ti. Vitellius Triarius (eldest son of the Aedilis curulis and Staff Intern at the Curule Aedile's Office).


Salvete omnes!

This is Servius Atius, reporting to you again this afternoon live from Roma, the Eternal City!

We are here at the Circus Maximus, awaiting the official start of the Semi-Finals for the Ludi circenses for the Ludi Romani 2767 a.u.c.! As we celebrate the oldest of the Roman games, we go now to our correspondent inside the Circus, Julia Gellia. Julia, what is it looking like inside? The crowds out here are immense.

Atius, the crowd inside is about the same. The citizens are making their way to their seats and are dressed in the colors of their factions. The seats are really beginning to fill up now. There are numerous factio banners waving and people are somewhat rowdy, but all in all, it looks like everyone is here to have a good time and WIN. I’m getting the word that you have just received the results of yesterday’s Quarter-Finals, so I’ll pass it back to you, Atius.

Yes, Gellia, I have just been hand the official results and I think we have time to cover the results before the procession enters inside.

In the Quarter-Finals Races, the officially certified results from yesterday are as follows:

Race I

1st Place – Florius, driving Ballista for Team Russata – M. Cornelius Rutilus, Dominus

2nd Place – Pankakis, driving Blueberry Suripius for Team Veneta – Ti. Vitellia Triaria, Domina

Race II

1st Place – Amadan the Celt, Amarach's younger brother-He may be not as tall and strong as Amarach, but he is very skilled in the art of chariot-driving, in spite of the fact that he looks a bit silly - always with a boyish smile on his face. Driving for Team Russata and also owned by Pub. Annæus Constantinus Placidus

2nd Place – Maleos of Alexandria, driving White Lightning for Team Albata – G. Decius Laterensis, Dominus

Race III

1st Place – Amarach the Celt, driving Firefy for Team Russata – Pub. Annæus Constantinus Placidus, Dominus

2nd Place – Atrectus, driving Currus Bibulus for Team Veneta – M. Pompeius Caninus, Dominus

Race IV

1st Place – Vellocatus, driving Potentia - M. Pompeius Caninus, Dominus

2nd Place – Quebius, driving the Green Griller for Team Praesina – Q. Vitellius Triarius, Dominus

Although the drivers are both veterans, the two Russata chariots owned by Pub. Annæus Constantinus Placidus, are new addidtions to the racing circuit here in the Circus Maximus.

Also, this is the first Semi-Finals race for the Vitellians, Quintus and Tiberia, Children of the Aedilis curulis. It is unique to note, that Quintus’ chariot will be racing for Praesina, rather than the traditional Veneta line-up of the Vitellii! Good luck to both of them.

So, we have the preceding charioteers that will advance to today’s races.

Looks like this is shaping up to be a great day for racing here in the Circus Maximus!

We pause now for a word from the Aventine Guild of Bakers.

Today’s races are being brought to you, in part, by the Aventine Guild of Bakers.

Tired of eating stale bread? Does the mold bother you? Suffer no more. The Aventine Guild of Bakers uses only the finest wheat and barley in our loaves. We pride ourselves in offering you the best bread in the Eternal City. Always buy from local vendors in the Aventine, and buy daily for the freshest loaves. We have distribution points in the Forum Boarium, outside the Temple of Ceres, and mobile vendor carts on the Vicus Columnae Ligneae, Vicus Fortunati, Vicus Laci Tecti, Vicus Mundiciei, Vicus Portae Naevia, and the Vicus Silani Salientis. We also offer vendor shops on the Vicus Portae Trigeminae, Vicus Trium Viarum and Vicus Valeri.

Remember, if it doesn’t say “Mons Aventinus,” it wasn’t made on the Aventine!

And we’re back! This is Servius Atius and we are now inside the Circus Maximus awaiting the opening procession of the Ludi circenses Semi-Finals of the Ludi Romani.

We’re here with some of the Veneta fans to get their reaction on the events today. So, would each of you tell us who you are and where you are from?

I’m Tiberia Cornelia from Cora. I’m Tita Herennia and I am also from Cora. And I am Aulus Durmius from Signia. I’m Sextus Villius from Ferentinum.

So, what do you guys expect to see from today’s Races?

(Herennia) I think we will be in for some challenges from the Russata Team. They had a pretty tough show for the Quarter-Finals.

(Cornelia) Yeah, the Albatans are going to present us with some challenges, but nothing the Blues can’t handle.

(Villius) I have confidence in Veneta and their ability to win this thing outright!

(Durmius) I’m really just here for the Falernian vendors, LOL!

So, there you have it people! We will see what happens for Veneta! Good luck to you guys!

Now, we focus our attention on the carcers, where the processional is about to begin.

The herald is now announcing the competitors in Today’s Semi-Finals Races. Let’s listen:


“ Welcome to the Circus Maximus for the Semi-Finals Races of the Ludi Circenses for the Ludi Romani 2767 a.u.c.! (Crowds erupt in loud cheering and jeering the opposing factiones)”

“Today’s races consist of the following:”

“In Race I, we have:”

  • In Carcer I – Florius, driving Ballista for Russata – M. Cornelius Rutilus, Dominus
  • In Carcer II – Amarach the Celt, driving Firefly for Russata – Pub. Annæus Constantinus Placidus, Dominus
  • In Carcer III – Atrectus, driving Currus Bibulus for Veneta – M. Pompeius Caninus, Dominus
  • In Carcer IV – Quebius, driving the Green Griller for Praesina – Q. Vitellius Triarius, Dominus

“In Race II, we have:”

  • In Carcer V – Vellocatus, driving Potentia for Veneta – M. Pompeius Caninus, Dominus
  • In Carcer VI – Maleos of Alexandria, driving White Lightning for Albata – G. Decius Laterensis, Dominus
  • In Carcer VII – Amadan the Celt, driving Aurum for Russata – Pub. Annæus Constantinus Placidus, Dominus
  • In Carcer VIII – Pankakis, driving Blueberry Suripius for Veneta – Ti. Vitellia Triaria, Domina

“Drivers, mount your chariots and await the mappa!”

Well, folks, there’s the lineup. And, it looks like the procession is about to begin!

(Cornicens and Tubacins are blasting a regal intro beat from the floor of the Circus)

Out of the carcers are marching the Miles Gregari of Legio II Sabina, which is the Pontifex Maximus’ favored Legio. Man they do look mighty and powerful! It’s no wonder any on the outer reaches fear the ground upon which they have tread.

Behind them is a special escort of the Priests of Iuppiter, carrying a gilded figurine of the god Iuppiter Optimus Maximus. As you know, these games, as well as the Plebeian Games, are dedicated to Iuppiter.

Here come the acrobats, however, these are a special troupe, not the ones we saw earlier in the Quarter-Finals. These are from around the Respublica and have been formed especially for this event, featuring new and upcoming young talent. For many of them, this is their first time performing before such a crowd.

Now comes the procession of the charioteers. But wait, what’s this?!??!?

Leading them is the Curule Aedile, L. Vitellius Triarius, himself, dressed in his senatorial toga, wearing sunglasses, waving to the crowd from his personal chariot, the Midnight Flyer, that big blue and chrome trimmed piece of spina elegance. It seems he has the song, “Promised Land” by Elvis Presslius, blaring on the externally-mounted speakers! The Veneta crowd is going wild! He is leading the charioteers down the straight-away and they are all waving wildly at the crowd who is responding like a hoard of crazed lunatics! What a show this is going to be!

Followed by the Aedile and the charioteers are the Elected Officials of the Respublica entering on special chariots! Many of them, especially the Consuls, are driving chariots from their own stables! What a show these guys are putting on, and the fans are all about it! I might also mention, in honor of Iuppiter Pater, each of the chariots in Today’s procession are bearing a ceremonial lightning bolt.

Everyone is taking their places and the charioteers are lining up in the carcers, preparing to launch from the gates.


The Curule Aedile rises, the crowd quietens, the mappa is raised, and...down it goes!

The gates fly open and their off! It’s QUEBIUS in the Green Griller in the lead, followed by ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus. Next is AMARACH the Celt in Firefly, closely followed by FLORIUS in Ballista. As they run down the sunny straight-away toward the meta post, it is brightly spewing its golden rays all over the Circus...a beautiful site! They are approaching the meta post for the first turn, and we will see how that goes. Here they go...

Around the first turn, and ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus takes the lead over QUEBIUS in the Green Griller. They are spanning out and racing down the back side. Making the second turn and FLORIUS in Ballista overtakes AMARACH the Celt in Firefly. It’s anybody’s game as the first dolphin is turned on the top of the spina. Gellia, what is it like over on the spina?

Well, Atius, it’s DUSTY over here, but we’re hanging in there. Our table is now officially covered in sand, but the audio is still working. They have just turned the second dolphin, and...can you still hear me...the sound over here is deafening! I’ll turn it back over to you, Atius.

Yes, we can hear you! So back to the race as the third dolphin turns, it’s ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus still in the lead with FLORIUS in Ballista and QUEBIUS in the Green Griller running side by side and AMARACH the Celt in Firefly looking for an opportunity.

As they approach the meta post, they turn and OHHHH! AMARACH the Celt in Firefly inserts himself in between QUEBIUS in the Green Griller and FLORIUS in Ballista. They are lashing each other with their whips! The dust is flying everywhere and the chariots are fighting for lead position. ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus keeps turning around checking his position as they approach the opposing meta post.

Around they go in a fury and here they come, flying past the curule chairs as the fourth dolphin is turned, and on to the next turn they go. Coming up on the turn, ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus checks backwards again, and OH NO! He has bumped the spina pretty hard, the chariot wobbles a little and then straightens out. Good luck on that one! Iuppiter must be watching over him!

No, he’s not. QUEBIUS in the Green Griller has just taken the lead, cutting him off in another hard bump into the spina wall. ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus is furious! Now it is QUEBIUS in the Green Griller, ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus, and FLORIUS in Ballista and AMARACH the Celt in Firefly in a dead heat for third as they round the turn.

Here we go as the fifth dolphin drops and the battle is on. There seems to be a giant dust ball rolling around the track here in the Circus Maximus Today. Gellia, are you still with us?

Yes, we are watching diligently as they are coming straight down the backside. HEY, AMARACH the Celt in Firefly just pulled around FLORIUS in Ballista and is bearing down hot and heavy on ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus, who still is holding second at this time. Atius, back to you, they are coming up on the far turn and we just can’t see them from where we are at this point.

Yes, Gellia, we have them in a close turn AND FLORIUS in Ballista HAS JUST CUT IN FRONT OF ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus TO DOMINATE SECOND POSITION! QUEBIUS in the Green Griller must be worrying now, but it’s still anybody’s game. They are turning down the sixth dolphin now, so we enter the last lap of this race!

We can see over in the carcers that the chariots for the next race are lining up now. The horses are snorting madly and bucking wildly out of control. They can feel the power of the track and are going mad waiting on the start. They just cannot wait to hit the dirt! Let’s see where we are now.

Approaching the first meta post in this lap, the crowds are on their feet cheering wildly, the sound is absolutely deafening! Around they go to the back side. Gellia, what are you seeing?

Atius, it is absolute chaos, absolute chaos! They have bunched together and are lashing each other and trying to drive each other into the spina! It’s wild, I say! They are going down the backside and it looks like QUEBIUS in the Green Griller and FLORIUS in Ballista are now fighting for first, ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus in second and AMARACH the Celt in Firefly has fallen back to third position again. Back to you!

Yes, here they come around the last meta post!

Looks like it is QUEBIUS in the Green Griller in the lead. OHHHH! ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus just overtook FLORIUS in Ballista for second position! OHHH! AMARACH the Celt in Firefly has pulled around on the outside and is driving his team HARD, I mean HARD!

AMARACH the Celt in Firefly has just overtaken FLORIUS in Ballista and is pushing hard against ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus! The fight is on! ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus and AMARACH the Celt in Firefly have their wheels tangled up and are trying in these last few seconds to break loose! They are bouncing into the spina repeatedly as one tangled mess! OHHH! They’re free and AMARACH the Celt in Firefly loses some control and veers off to the right and is slowing down. The remaining three are all about the win, driving hard and coming up fast on the finish line!



It’s QUEBIUS in the Green Griller for the Win!

Factio Praesina takes home the corona for this one! The Factio Praesina are going wild! What a has been!

QUEBIUS in the Green Griller is now driving up to receive his corona from Aedile Vitellius, who congratulates him! He makes a victory lap around the Circus and then off the field. It’s time for the Second Race!

We go now to Gellia, who is with Q. Vitellius Triarius and his sister, Tiberia. So, Quintus Vitellius, how does it feel to run your first Semi-Finals Race and get the win?

Awesome, truly awesome. My dies natalis was a few days ago, and this just tops it off!

And how old are you?



SO, let me ask your sister...Are you ready for Pankakis to win the next race?

YES! But, if he does not, that will be okay. It’s about the thrill of the race more than the win for me, I think...It’s the anticipation!

And you are how old?


So, where did you get the chariot name?

My favorite Breakfast food. And the driver, Pankakis, well...he’s a Greek...and the name just paired well with the chariot, so I chose him to drive. He’s done this before in other places.

Well, Atius, that’s the word from the Domus Vitellia! Back to you now.

Thanks, Gellia.

The officials have just released the results and it looks like this:

  • 1st Place – QUEBIUS in the Green Griller for Factio Praesina
  • 2nd Place – ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus for Factio Veneta
  • 3rd Place – FLORIUS in Ballista for Factio Russata
  • 4th Place – AMARACH the Celt in Firefly for Factio Russata


After a brief pause to rake the track and remove the debris thrown down by the fans, the spina staff has reorganized, knocked of the dust, and is now giving the signal to the officials that they are ready to begin.

Everything gets quiet. Aedile Vitellius stands with mappa in hand, raises the mappa, drops and the carcer gates fly open!

Out of the gates it’s VELLOCATUS in Potentia, followed by PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, then MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning, and AMADAN the Celt in Aurum.

Down the straight-away they go furiously! Approaching the first turn, it’s kind of messy, but they make it through. They round the turn onto the back stretch and MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning makes a cut to overtake VELLOCATUS in Potentia. It doesn’t work. PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius anticipates the call and charges forward. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning attempts it again. For the second time, it doesn’t work. AMADAN the Celt in Aurum pulls to the outside and charges past MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning who did not see him coming up from the rear. VELLOCATUS in Potentia runs hard for the next turn and clears the turn a good chariot length ahead of the rest. He is running his horses maybe a little too hard this early on, but, maybe he knows something we don’t. In any case the first dolphin falls with VELLOCATUS in Potentia in the lead, followed by PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, then AMADAN the Celt in Aurum, then MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning. They make the next turn and it is a little bumpy for PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, as AMADAN the Celt in Aurum forces him into the spina wall, causing a large long fresh scrape around the corner of the spina wall end. Gellia, what are you seeing?

I’m seeing dust and more dust. They have just passed us by. OH NO! One of the Circus staff has just fallen of the wall onto the track. They are racing to get him back up on the wall before the charioteers come back around. Two men are grabbing him as the second dolphin falls and they approach the curve. Looks like he has been successfully pulled back up and here they come. It’s PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius up front, followed by VELLOCATUS in Potentia. Looks like VELLOCATUS in Potentia took the lead somewhere along the way in all the confusion. Next is AMADAN the Celt in Aurum, then MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning. Back to you Attius!

The third dolphin has been turned down and MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is fighting for third as they approach the turn. Through the turn, MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning seizes the opportunity to pull ahead of AMADAN the Celt in Aurum! As they were entering the turn, MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning bore down hard left on AMADAN the Celt in Aurum, forcing AMADAN to pull back or loose a wheel to the spina.

MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning clears the turn and plays catch up to the two opponents in front of him. As they proceed down the back stretch, it’s still PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius maintaining the lead, with VELLOCATUS in Potentia following closely behind. Gellia, can you see what is going on back there?

Yes, Atius, it’s crazy! MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is charging VELLOCATUS in Potentia for second position! They are running neck-to-neck down the back stretch. As they approach the back turn, PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius races smoothly around the bend. OHHHH! MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is attempting the same maneuver on VELLOCATUS in Potentia that he pulled off against AMADAN the Celt in Aurum on the other turn....can he do it....YES!!!! MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning has overtaken VELLOCATUS in Potentia for second position! As they race up the track, the officials are turning the fourth dolphin down. The crowd is going mad at this series of ever-changing events, especially the Factio Albata fans!

Now through the turn and on the back side again, it is AMADAN the Celt in Aurum and VELLOCATUS in Potentia competing for third. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is charging hard on the back bumper of PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, who is not about to give up his lead at this point. Back around to the front side, MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is charging PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, but with no success. They are all still running strong. They make the next turn and BANG!

AMADAN the Celt in Aurum has forced VELLOCATUS in Potentia into the spina...and hard! But, VELLOCATUS in Potentia maintains the lead over AMADAN the Celt in Aurum! MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is still trying to force PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius to give up his long-standing lead...AND HE DOES! MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning has taken the lead over PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius! No wait, PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius is lashing his opponent fiercely and it does the trick, thrusting PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius back into the lead!

Now they are coming into the turn and AMADAN the Celt in Aurum is on the inside locking wheels with VELLOCATUS in Potentia on the outside! They are fighting each other to free the lock. BAM! The wheels come unlocked, but VELLOCATUS in Potentia is in a bad way! The chariot comes loose and so does the left wheel! VELLOCATUS in Potentia is fighting to keep the chariot from flipping over and is running off to the right out of harm’s way on one wheel! What a driver! He has successfully prevented a catastrophe, but it looks like he is done for the day. The remaining three competitors fly by the Officiants and the fifth dolphin is turned down.

Making their way down and around, they are all bunched together. Gellia, can you see the results of the turn in all the dust?

Yes, Atius, PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius is still in the lead and MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning and AMADAN the Celt in Aurum are fighting for second. It looks like AMADAN the Celt in Aurum and MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning are rotating back and forth by a nose length for second position as the race down the back stretch. Back to you.

Here they come around the meta post and its PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, then AMADAN the Celt in Aurum, then MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning out of the turn. But WAIT! PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius is experiencing something wrong! We cannot tell at this time what it is, but he is slowing down slightly. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning leaps forward taking the lead over PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius. AMADAN the Celt in Aurum makes a move on PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, but he averts the call and maintains second as the sixth dolphin is turned down. Off they go into the turn.

It is still anybody’s guess as to which team will win at this point. Fighting their way down the back stretch, PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius has regained the lead over MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning, with AMADAN the Celt in Aurum in third position. Back around the turn, they race down the front straight-away with no change as the seventh dolphins id turned down. This is it folks! The last lap of the race. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is charging PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius as they go into the turn. Will he attempt to take the lead? Yes, he lashes PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius as they go into the turn and forces himself in front of PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius! MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning has taken the lead!

Down the back stretch they go! AMADAN the Celt in Aurum pulls up beside PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius and is attempting to beat him to the curve... and he does! But, it looks like HE’S TAKEN THE CURVE TOO FAST! He starts to slide and PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius slides through on the inside to take second position over AMADAN the Celt in Aurum. This mishap has allowed MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning to pull ahead by about two chariot lengths.

Toward the finish line they run...and run hard! PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius is charging fast to catch up with MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning. Will he make it? NOOOOO! MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning crosses the line by a head’s length to win! The Factio Albata Fans GO CRAZY! People are jumping up in the air and throwing things all over the Circus in celebration!


The Official is making his way over to the Aedile with the official results. Aedile Vitellius stands and loudly yells:



Looks like the final results for Race II are:

  • 1st Place – MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning for Factio Albata
  • 2nd Place – PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius for Factio Veneta
  • 3rd Place – AMADAN the Celt in Aurum for Factio Russata
  • 4th Place – VELLOCATUS in Potentia for Factio Veneta

The streets in Roma will not be safe tonight unless you are wearing WHITE...but, hey, most people are wearing white, right! ...Anyway...

This is Servius Atius and we are signing off with another successful round of races at the Circus Maximus!

Stay tuned for the Circenses Finals later on today!

NOTE: The race results for this event were randomly generated through the Virtual Racing Assistant (VRA) Program by the Aedilis curulis, assisted, witnessed and verified by Ti. Vitellius Triarius (eldest son of the Aedilis curulis).


Salvete omnes!

This is Julia Gellia, and I am here with Servius Atius for the Finals Coverage of the Ludi Circenses of the Ludi Romani 2767 a.u.c. here in the Circus Maximus. Atius, what is your assessment of the crowds.

Gellia, earlier after the Semi-Finals, I was out on the streets and the mood was very competitive. The fans are just waiting to see who the Victor will be in this series of races. The mood was elevated and they no one can seem to calm down after the events of the day. It has just been one of those exciting type of days. Oh look, they are beginning the procession now. Let’s watch.


Out of the carcers come the Officiants. Well, I guess that wasn’t the procession. Just the Officials taking their positions around the track and on top of the spina wall. No here they come. There is a mass of cornicens and tubacins blaring a militaristic tune.

Here comes the Curule Aedile and his staff in his chariot, followed by the Consuls in their own chariots. It is hard to see who is next in the processional. There is an immense amount of huge, black bubbles being generated from the Senior Consul’s chariot! They are everywhere and they are floating all over the Circus Maximus! The breeze in the Circus is elevating the bubbles rapidly now and we can see the next chariot...

IT’S THE PRINCEPS SENATUS, Sulla, and he is riding in a specially-made chariot...THE FELIX! It carries a hospital bed and Sulla is on it waving to the crowd and throwing out free copies of his new book to the masses! The book is the latest on Respublica shelves...”The Idiot’s Guide to Writing Senate Consultae.” Looks like another great addition to the Idiot’s Guide series! BUT, the AMAZING THING IS...Sulla’s chariot is being pulled by hundreds of CATS!!! What a show!

Next, we see several members of the Senate and Collegium Pontificum in their own chariots, including Gn. Iulius Caesar and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, who are shooting each other with chariot-mounted water cannons. Who needs fireworks!

Here comes Senator Fabius, who is being carried on a litter, complete with a mini-bar containing small amphorae of the finest wines from around the Respublica. His litter is being transported by a dozen gladiators!

Now, we have T. Iulius Sabinus, Senator and Pontifex Maximus, arriving with the Priests of Iuppiter, who are riding on a special elongated chariot, which is engulfing the Circus with clouds of frankincense! Smells GREAT in here today! If you have ever smelled those stables, you would understand the frankincense!

Here we see following next Senator Venator in a wagon with servants throwing loaves of bread out to the crowd, no doubt from the Sodalitas and made from some of the recipes he has collected on his recent travels from villa to villa around the Respublica.

Next, comes Augur Quadratus in his chariot, dressed in the armor of Augustus! His face is painted red! And, he is throwing denarii out to the crowds! They love him! What a Iuppiterian show...this guy! Iuppiterian...that is a word, isn’t it?

As they make the final turn around the second spina and move to their respective positions to view the race, we notice Aedile Vitellius jump off his chariot, pick up what appears to be a gauntlet, and toss it to the Senior Consul...hmmm...she must have dropped it on the first pass around the track...oh well...

Here come the acrobats and entertainers from here in the wait...these are from the Sarmatian troop visiting the city for the games! They will also be performing at the Theatre Marcellus all week!

The Curule Staff Member, Governor L. Ulpius Atellus, is out on the track now and is making his way to the Aedile’s box to herald the announcement of the charioteers competing in this race.

Okay, Ulpius is making the announcement now:

In Today’s Finals Race, the competitors are:

  • ATRECTUS, driving the chariot Currus Bibulus for Factio Veneta
  • MALEOS of Alexandria, driving the chariot White Lightning for Factio Albata
  • PANKAKIS, driving the chariot Blueberry Suripius for Factio Veneta
  • QUEBIUS, driving the chariot the Green Griller for Factio Praesina


The crowd is roaring with excitement, as Aedile Vitellius steps up with the mappa. Receiving the go ahead from the officials on the track, he raises the blows freely in the wind...he holds it there momentarily with anticipation...he waits...he checks his hourglass...the mappa continues to blow freely in the wind...he takes a sip of Falernian...he and Senator Fabius discuss the nice weather we are having...then he releases it and the carcer gates are flung open, beginning this last and final race!

Out of the gates they come! Running side by side, they dash up the straight-away by the magistrates and fight for the prime position before entering the first turn. It’s ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus in front, followed by PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius and MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning running side by side around the bend, followed by QUEBIUS in the Green Griller. Down the back stretch they go, kicking up some dust, but not as much as before. We understand that the track has been watered down to lower the dust level (not only by Pontifices Caesar and Lentulus, but the Circus staff), but there is still enough dust to make one feel they are here in the Circus. It just wouldn’t be right to be here with no dust!

Around the curve they come and by the dolphin rack they fly as the first dolphin is turned down. No change in position as they round the next turn. OHHH! It looks like PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius has pulled in front of MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning to dominate second position. They are running hard down the back stretch and not pulling any fancy moves at this early point in the race. This is not the race to show off and risk a loss. It’s just plain, methodic racing AND GUTS at this point. They come around the back turn with no one getting scathed so far.

Well, I spoke too soon. PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius is bumping ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus into the spina wall repeatedly. ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus is getting tired of this and begins to lash PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius over and over again, so PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius backs off. Now, folks we have a REAL chariot race!

As the second dolphin drops, they race for the curve and QUEBIUS in the Green Griller finds a hole on the inside, slipping past MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning. On the back stretch now, MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning charges QUEBIUS in the Green Griller and retakes the third position in the race. Charging hard toward PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning attempts to overtake PANKAKIS in the turn, but does not make it. He remains in third position.

Down the track and by the curule chairs they go as the third dolphin is turned down. Into the curve they go, around the meta post and ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus and PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius are in a fierce competition for the front position. They begin to lash at each other and their whips get tangled. Fighting to free their whips slows them down and MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning CHARGES FORWARD TO TAKE THE LEAD! The race is on now! What a fortunate event for MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning! But, can he hold out? We’ll see. Gellia, what’s it looking like down there on the spina?

Atius, we are just braving the dust! It looks like QUEBIUS in the Green Griller is attempting to make and end run around ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus and PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, but they have untangled their whips and are now charging ahead of him. They are going out of sight now, so back to you, Atius.

They are coming around the meta post now and firing around the curve like a round launched from a catapult! Down the track they run as the fourth dolphin is turned down. Toward the curve they go and WAIT! QUEBIUS in the Green Griller is attempting to insert himself in between ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus and PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius! He’s done it! They go around the curve side by side! Gellia, you’re nearest, did they make the turn!

Yes, Atius! They made the turn and are currently running side by side, fighting for second! Back to you!

Down the back stretch they go, and ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus makes it to the turn first and takes second position, followed by PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, then QUEBIUS in the Green Griller. Down the straight-away and past the fifth dolphin being turned down, they race towards the meta post. QUEBIUS in the Green Griller charges hard and overtakes PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius as they enter the turn, cutting him off by lashing him hard and driving hard to the left!

As they make the turn, ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus is looking back to see QUEBIUS in the Green Griller bearing down hard on his rear. ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus HAS Hit SOME DEBRIS ON THE TRACK! HE BOUNCES UP AND IS THROWN OVER THE FRONT WALL OF THE CHARIOT!!! But, he recovers, maintaining his balance and keeps the team charging ahead. This little mishap has landed him in third position, as QUEBIUS in the Green Griller bounds forward in the fiasco! Now, PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius makes an attempt to overtake ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus and is successful as well. As they round the back turn MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is a little overconfident and allows QUEBIUS in the Green Griller to overtake him for the lead as well!

As the sixth dolphin is turned, the officials finish removing the debris from the track and QUEBIUS in the Green Griller rounds the turn in first position, followed by MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning, then PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, then ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus. Down the back stretch they go and ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus makes his move on PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, lashing him and driving him into the spina wall. PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius bounces up against the spina wall, but is maintaining his lead. ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus drives harder and lashes harder, and PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius gives up the third position to ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning is bearing down on QUEBIUS in the Green Griller, but just can’t seem to break through for the lead. They round the bend and drive hard down the track. ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus attempts to pull wide to the right to overtake MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning, but his team is just not going to do it, so he pulls back in toward the spina to prevent losing his place in the lineup.

As the seventh dolphin is turned down, all the charioteers know this is it...the last lap and the last chance. They race dramatically toward the meta post and make the curve at break-neck speed, all of them sliding through the curve, but the positions do not change. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning makes another attempt to overtake QUEBIUS in the Green Griller in the back stretch, but cannot make it. QUEBIUS in the Green Griller launches a series of green water balloons at MALEOS! These kids today...

They drive hard to the last turn and slide hard around the bend, all chariots fishtailing in the dust! Now, the finish line is in sight! JUST NOW MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning makes a dash around QUEBIUS in the Green Griller and they are running neck to neck, followed by ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus and PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius, who have pulled up beside each other and are in a heated melee of their own.

Charging hard they approach the finish line, everyone in the Circus is on their feet waiting in anticipation! Then, the crowd erupts like an exploding bomb as MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning noses ahead of QUEBIUS in the Green Griller to win by a few inches! ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus manages to hold third position with PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius inches behind him for fourth!

The Factio Albata is uncontrollable, and the Whites have enraged the Factio Praesina fans! Fights are erupting all over the Circus Maximus! It’s crazier than crazy!

After a few moments, the passion subsides and Aedile Vitellius announces the winner:

And the Victor of this year’s Ludi Circenses for the Ludi Romani 2767 a.u.c. is:

MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning for Factio Albata!

Congrats to the WHITES and to Dominus G. Decius Laterensis!

Governor L. Ulpius Atellus presents MALEOS of Alexandria with the victory prize and Aedile Vitellius crowns him with the corona. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning then remounts his chariot and makes a victory lap around the track to celebrate!

Well, Gellia, it looks like this raps up the Circenses competition for this Ludi.

Yes, Atius, what a series of races it was! One can hardly wait for the next series!


No, Gellia, they cannot.

To sum up this event, the officials have certified the places and here are the just announced official results:

  • 1st Place – MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning of Factio Albata
  • 2nd Place - QUEBIUS in the Green Griller of Factio Praesina
  • 3rd Place – ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus of Factio Veneta
  • 4th Place – PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius of Faction Veneta

WAIT! We are receiving news that there will be a Final Exhibition Race in the tradition of the original Ludi Romani circenses!

Gellia, can you confirm this?

Yes, Atius, you are correct. The Aedilis curulis has just announced it and ALL the charioteers are moving back into the carcers to get ready, while the Circus staff prepares the track for this last exhibition.

How is this going to work exactly, Gellia?

Just like it did in the original race organized by Tarquinius Priscus. The Chariots will be mounted in Greek fashion with the driver and a warrior. A legionnaire of Legio II Sabina will be mounted on each chariot with the driver. The chariots will race one lap around the Circus, stop, the legionnaires will dismount and run the last lap. Whoever crosses the finish line first wins it! Okay, Atius, back to you!


It looks like they are ready...Aedile Vitellius stands up, the crowd quietens, the mappa is dropped...and THERE THEY GO!!!

It’s ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus in the lead, followed by MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning, next we have QUEBIUS in the Green Griller, AMARACH the Celt in Firefly, and AMADAN the Celt in Aurum running side-by-side. Inches behind them are FLORIUS in Ballista, PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius and VELLOCATUS in Potentia! They are all fighting for the lead as they turn the first meta post in a ball of dusty confusion!

Gellia, can you see anything!

No, Attius, just dust and more dust!

As they come down the back stretch, it looks like they are all crunching each other and several of the chariots are banging repeatedly into the spina accidents yet.

They are approaching the second meta post. They are spreading out and make the second turn in a fanning formation...they are approaching the line and all are sliding to a halt. MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning smacks into FLORIUS in Ballista and AMARACH the Celt in Firefly! The legionnaire is ejected from MALEOS of Alexandria’s chariot, flies through the air, hits the sand, rolls and is on his feet running forward! MAN! What a show! Nothing stops these guys! Made of war, guts and glory!

It looks like all of the legionnaries are now on foot and running hard down the lanes! That must be tough, Gellia?

Yes, Atius, it has to be. I can see them running in a mob, pushing and shoving each other, as they make it to the first meta post. They all look like they have plenty of fight in them, but they still have a good way to go.

Yes, that back stretch is going to be a back breaker, Gellia. I can see that they are starting to slow down a bit, with a couple of legionnaires starting to fall behind a little.

Yes, Atius, they are slowing down a bit, but they are all well in the game. They are all starting to pace themselves down the straight part of the lanes.

Gellia, I can see them coming toward the second meta post, and they...OHHH! Two of the legionnaires have stopped and are fighting with each other!

Oh it looks like they...yes...they have “worked out their differences” and are now back in pursuit of the mob in front of them. They are all turning around the end of the come the last two...they are picking up the pace!

They are all running hard now! IT’S A FULL SPRINT, PEOPLE!

They are giving it all they can! The charioteers are on the sand screaming for their guy! They are urging them on to victory! They are approaching the finish line, and it’s...

  • The legionnaire with PANKAKIS in Blueberry Suripius in First Place!
  • the legionnaire with FLORIUS in Ballista comes across the line Second,
  • then the legionnaire with ATRECTUS in Currus Bibulus in Third Place,
  • followed by the legionnaire with ARAMACH in Firefly in Fourth,
  • the legionnaire with AMADAN in Aurum in Fifth,
  • the legionnaire with MALEOS of Alexandria in White Lightning in Sixth,
  • the legionnaire with VELLOCATUS in Potentia in Seventh,
  • And in Last Place, it’s the legionnaire with QUEBIUS in the Green Griller!


Aedile Vitellius is on the track in his chariot with the Consuls on board to drive out and present the palm of victory to the Victor! The crowd is cheering in this, the loudest place in the Eternal City at this moment!

Factio Veneta will also be celebrating hard tonight...looks like its FREE pancakes with blueberry syrup ALL NIGHT LONG at the Factio Veneta Stables! WOO HOO!!!

That’s all we have, people! I’m Servius Atius. And I am Julia Gellia. And this had been the official coverage of the Ludi Circenses of the Ludi Romani 2767 a.u.c.! Take care and we’ll see you at the track on the sand in the Circus NEXT TIME!

Optime valete omnes!

NOTE: The race results were randomly generated through the Virtual Racing Assistant (VRA) Program by the Aedilis curulis, assisted, witnessed and verified by Ti. Vitellius Triarius (eldest son of the Aedilis curulis).

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