Ludi Cornelii - Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander from Around the World

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[[File:C. Sempronius' tribute to Lentulus Alexander.jpg]]
[[File:C. Sempronius' tribute to Lentulus Alexander.jpg]]
==Tribute by D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, from Provincia Australia==
D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, tribunus plebis of Nova Roma, legatus pro praetore of Australia, is raising a glass in offering to the Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.
[[File:D.Aurelius Tribute to Lentulus Alexander resized.gif]]

Revision as of 21:15, 31 July 2021


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Tabula ansata funebris Cn. Lentuli Alexandri - MINI - 180px.gif
Tabula ansata cum versu Saturnino de Cn. Lentulo Alexandro - MINI - 180px.gif

A. Iulius Paterculus omnibus in foro s. p .d.

One of the many of tasks undertaken by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander on behalf of Nova Roma was assuming the role of proconsul cum maiore imperio over all the provinces without an officially assigned governor in 2770, in order to seek out qualified local governors for them and to restore them to activity. Here is the list of these provinces:

  1. Britannia (the British Isles, Great Britain and Ireland)
  2. Gallia (France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands)
  3. Germania (Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
  4. Thule (Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland)
  5. America Hispanica (U.S. States of New Mexico and Colorado)
  6. America Mississippiensis (U.S. States of Mississippi and Alabama)
  7. America Missuriensis (U.S. States of Missouri and Iowa)
  8. America Montana (U.S. States of Montana and Wyoming)
  9. America Nebrascensis (U.S. States of Nebraska and Kansas)
  10. America Noveboracensis (U.S. States of New York and New Jersey)
  11. America Oregonensis (U.S. States of Oregon, Idaho and Washington State)
  12. America Transappalachiana (U.S. States of Tennessee and Kentucky)
  13. Carolina (U.S. States of North Carolina and South Carolina)
  14. Dacota (U.S. States of North Dakota and South Dakota)
  15. Georgia Florida (U.S. States of Georgia and Florida)
  16. Minnesota (U.S. State of Minnesota)
  17. Nova Britannia Citerior (U.S. States of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont)
  18. Nova Hispania (Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama)
  19. Argentina (Argentina)
  20. Brasilia (Brazil)
  21. Guria (South and North Korea)
  22. Nipponia (Japan)

To illustrate and honour this monumental project of rejuvenating Nova Roma's local activities on five continents, which Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander began and which continues today, we are seeking photographs from each of these 22 provinces showing the tributes local citizens are paying to his memory. We hope to collect these tributes on a single page, showing the vast breadth of citizens he sought to organize and motivate.

Please send an image of how you are memorializing Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander during these official days of mourning, from June 25th to July 9th to:

arthur.f.waite (at)

This could be an image of a toast or sacrifice offered in memory of Cn. Lentulus Alexander, or just the contributor(s) holding a sign saying a short message such as "Thank you, governor." This submission should be accompanied by the your Roman name and province of residence (currently and from the time of Cn. Lentulus Alexander's governorship), for use as a caption. Although we are particularly looking for contributions from those provinces overseen by Cn. Lentulus Alexander, all citizens and friends of Nova Roma, and all personal friends of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander and his family are welcome to participate. You are encouraged to share your personal tributes on this and other Nova Roman fora as well.


A. Iulius Paterculus


Tribute by A. Iulius Paterculus, from Provincia Nova Britannia

A. Iulius Paterculus, aedilis curulis of Nova Roma, is raising a glass in offering to the Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.

Toast to Cn. Lentulus Alexander by A. Iulius Paterculus.gif

Tribute by C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, from Provincia Britannia

C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus, quaestor, is sacrificing to the Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, in Provincia Britannia, one of the provinces that Lentulus Alexander governed. Petronius made the offering to the memory of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander on behalf of all citizens and peregrini of Provincia Britannia.

Tribute to Lentulus Alexander by C. Petronius Stephanus - full figure.gif Tribute to Lentulus Alexander by C. Petronius Stephanus.gif

212818132 10158503151881871 7069634563300129807 n.gif

Tribute by Q. Arrius Nauta, from Provincia Pannonia

Q. Arrius Nauta, consul of Nova Roma, praying to the Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander at the Roman funeral of Lentulus Alexander in Pannonia where he lived.

Tribute to Lentulus Alexander at the funeral by Q. Arrius Nauta.gif

Tribute by D. Marcius Vulpes, from Provincia Nova Britannia

D. Marcius Vulpes is building a Roman fort in his land in Maine (Nova Britannia), and he offered to dedicate a shrine in honor of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander on this spot, as seen on the photograph:

Proposed site of the shrine dedicated to Lentulus Alexander.jpg

Tribute by M. Furius Purpureo, from Provincia Britannia

M. Furius Purpureo is sacrificing to the Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander, in Provincia Britannia, one of the provinces that Lentulus Alexander governed. Furius made the offering in his home, at his home altar, surrounded by his other sacred objects.

Ludi Cornelii Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander by M. Furius (3).gif Ludi Cornelii Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander by M. Furius (4).gif Ludi Cornelii Photo Tributes to Lentulus Alexander by M. Furius (2).gif

Tribute by C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola, from Provincia Australia

C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola, quaestor of Nova Roma, provincial quaestor of Australia, is raising a glass in offering to the Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.

C. Sempronius' tribute to Lentulus Alexander.jpg

Tribute by D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, from Provincia Australia

D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, tribunus plebis of Nova Roma, legatus pro praetore of Australia, is raising a glass in offering to the Di Manes of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander.

D.Aurelius Tribute to Lentulus Alexander resized.gif

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