Officina aedilium curulium MMDCCLX/Ludi Romani

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Ludi Romani 2760 AUC

Organized by curule aediles T. Artoria Marcella and Iulia Caesar Cytheris Aege

Ludi Romani 2760 AUC program:

  • Non. Sept. - Opening ritual.
  • a.d. VIII Id. Sept. - Military tactical maps contest day one.
  • a.d. VII Id. Sept. - Theatre: "The Eunuch" by Terentius.
  • a.d. VI Id. Sept. - Ludi Romani Venationes.
  • a.d. V Id. Sept. - No event scheduled.
  • a.d. IV Id. Sept. - Military tactical maps contest day two.
  • a.d. III Id. Sept. - Ludi Romani Circenses quarters.
  • prid. Id. Sept. - Ludi Romani Munera Gladiatoria.
  • Id. Sept. - Poetry: Vergil and Ovid.
  • a.d. XVIII Kal. Oct. - Military tactical maps contest day three.
  • a.d. XVII Kal. Oct. - Ludi Romani Circenses semifinals.
  • a.d. XVI Kal. Oct. - Theatre: "Hecyra" by Terentius.
  • a.d. XV Kal. Oct. - Ludi Romani cultural award.
  • a.d. XIV Kal. Oct. - Ludi Romani Circenses finals.
  • a.d. XIII Kal. Oct. - Military tactical maps contest results; closing.

Regulae Ludorum

Ludi Romani 2760 AUC results:

  • Winner of Ludi Romani Circenses: Russata Dawn, owned by L. Curtius Paullus - Factio Russata.
  • Winner of Military tactical maps contest: C. Octavia Agrippa.
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