MMDCCLXIII/Aedilitas curulis

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Ludi Megalenses    April 4th – 10th  
Ludi Megalenses    April 4th – 10th  
Ludi Novi Romani March 1st –11th  
Ludi Novi Romani March 1st –11th  
Ludi Romani September 9th – 17th  
Ludi Romani September 9th – 17th  

Revision as of 13:38, 14 January 2010

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This is the joint page of the Aedilium curulium Titus Flavius Aquila and Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus for MMDCCLXIII auc (2763 a.u.c.) / 2010. E pluribus unum
AC-2logo.png This page is maintained under authority of the Aediles Curules

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Titus Flavius Aquila Curule Aedile Maior


T. Flavius Aquila Quiritibus salutem plurimam dicit !

I bow to the Gods and Goddesses of Roma, especially to Iuppiter, Fortuna et Mercurius.

I hope that 2763 auc will bring our Republic Nova Roma a prosperous year and further positive development

to reach our main goals.I will do everything possible to support this.

Thus I take my oath :

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), hac re ipsa decus Novae Romae me defensurum, et semper pro populo senatuque Novae Romae acturum esse sollemniter iuro.

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), officio aedilis curulis Novae Romae accepto, deos deasque Romae in omnibus meae vitae publicae temporibus culturum, et virtutes Romanas publica privataque vita me persecuturum esse iuro.

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), religioni romanae me fauturum et eam defensurum, et numquam contra eius statum publicum me acturum esse, ne quid detrimenti capiat iuro.

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), officiis muneris aedilis curulis me quam optime functurum esse praeterea iuro.

Meo civis Novae Romae honore, coram deis deabusque populi Romani, et voluntate favoreque eorum, ego munus aedilis curulis una cum iuribus, privilegiis, muneribus et officiis comitantibus accipio.

Kal. Ian. MMDCCLXIII P.Albucio K.Buteo II coss.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), do solemnly swear to uphold the honour of Nova Roma and to act always in the best interests of the People and Senate of Nova Roma.

As Curule Aedile of Nova Roma, I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), swear to honour the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public dealings and to pursue the Roman Virtues in my public and private life.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), swear to uphold and defend the Religio Romana as the State religion of Nova Roma and swear never to act in a way that would threaten its status as the State religion.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), swear to protect and defend the Constitution of Nova Roma.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), further swear to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of Curule Aedile to the best of my abilities.

On my honour as a citizen of Nova Roma and in the presence of the gods and goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor, do I accept the office of Curule Aedile and all the rights, privileges, obligations and responsibilities attendant thereto.

Given under my hand IV Nonas Ianuarias, MMDCCLXIII P.Albucius K.Fabius twice, consuls

Titus Flavius Aquila Curule Aedile Nova Roma

Organisation and Responsibilities




Ludi Megalenses April 4th – 10th

Ludi Novi Romani March 1st –11th

Ludi Romani September 9th – 17th

Order Equester




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