Decretum pontificum de ratione comitiorum curiatorum (Nova Roma)

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Latest revision as of 10:05, 5 July 2010


Enacted by dictatorial edictum 7/30/99 with the force and authority of a decretum.)

In accordance with paragraph III.A. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Decretum de Rationi Comitiorum Curiatorum is hereby enacted to set forth the rules and procedures for the actions of the comitia curiata.

I. The pontifex maximus shall convene the comitia curitata between the time of the annual magisterial elections and January 1st, when said magistrates assume their office. At such a time, the lictores curiata shall invest the newly incoming magistrate with the Imperium necessary to fulfill their offices, as required by paragraph III.A.1. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, by the issuance of a lex curiata de imperio (law of Imperium granted by the curiae).

The pontifex maximus will issue the lex curiata de imperio to the members of the comitia, who shall bear witness to it. The pontifex maximus will then publish the lex curiata de imperio to various public venues including, but not limited to, the official email list, publications, and web site.

II. Should a special election be held to fill a vacancy in a magistracy that requires the investing of Imperium, the pontifex maximus shall convene the comitia curiata for the issuance of a lex curiata de imperio between the announcement of the results of the election and the next nundinae (market day).

III. The pontifex maximus may also convene the comitia curiata at any time to act as witnesses to the appointment of priests of the Religio Romana, adoptions, and the recording of wills.

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