MMDCCLIII second quarter treasury report

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Second Quarter Treasury Report, 2753 AUC

It is my duty now to report on the financial condition of Nova Roma. This report technically covers the second quarter of this year; please accept my apologies for the delay in submitting it.

  • Starting balance (as of 3/30/00): $1.168.41


Sale of 9 Nova Roma flags at $14.95 each: $123.05 (you'll note that the math doesn't come out quite right - one order was off by about $1.45 but it wasn't worth making an issue over)

  • Revenue from my bumper-sticker project: $5.00
  • affiliation: $36.85
  • Total revenue: $164.90


  • Mailing of spring Eagle (Cassius is contributing the printing for free): $11.55
  • Mailing of June-July Eagle: $14.96
  • Reimbursement to Cassius for actual cost of nine flags: $56.25

Total expenses: $82.76

New balance: $1250.55

Notes: Nova Roma's financial footing remains sound thanks to multiple sources of revenue and the in-kind contributions of Marcus Cassius Julianus (printing the Eagle) and Marcus Octavius Germanicus (hosting the Web site). They are deserving of our thanks, as are those Citizens who patronize our bookstore.

My next report should reflect a modest amount of revenue based on tunics and togas sold to Nova Romans.

Please let me know if you have any concerns or suggestions.

Patricia Cassia . Quaestor, Nova Roma Curatrix Sermonem (List Moderator)

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