Senatus consultum de denario flando feriundo (Nova Roma)

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The Senatus Consultum in this page were issued during the time of schism between the illegal corporate Nova Roma dictatorship and the non-corporate free Nova-Roma. This Senatus Consultum was issued by the true free 'non-corporate' Nova Roma magistratus during this time.


Enacted on: a.d. VII Kal. Iun. C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ XXI ANRC et MMDCCLXXI AUC, Anniversario XX Novae Romae Conditae, Anno Sacro Concordiae (In the year of the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius (II), 26th May, 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, in the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Nova Roma, the Sacred Year of Concordia)

The Senate hereby expresses its wish that Nova Roma coinage be minted when practicable, and invites all citizens to participate in a coin design contest, to be organized at a later time. The objective is the eventual minting of a silver denarius in accordance with Republic standards. The coin shall have a diameter of approximately 19 mm. and a weight of approximately 4 gms. The design may not include the image of a living person.

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