Collegium Pontificum voting results - December MMDCCLXVI (Nova Roma)

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[[Category:Acta Pontificum (Nova Roma)]]
[[Category:Decreta (Nova Roma)]]

Latest revision as of 10:20, 23 June 2024


This is the Collegium Pontificum session report:

The Collegium Pontificum was called into session starting with 08.00 hr.(Rome time) on pr. Non. Dec 2766 a.U.c (Wednesday 04 December 2013) until 18.00 hr.(Rome time) on ad V Kal Ian 2766 a.U.c (Saturday, 28 December 2013).

The session schedule was:


Starting with 08.00 hr.(Rome time) pr. Non. Dec 2766 a.U.c (Wednesday 04 December 2013) until 18.00 hr.(Rome time) on ad. XI Kal Ian 2766 a.U.c (Sunday 22 December 2013)


Start on ad IX Kal Ian (Tuesday 24 December 2013) and ends at 18.00 hr.(Rome time) on ad V Kal Ian 2766 a.U.c (Saturday, 28 December 2013).

The following CP members participated in session:

  • T. Iulius Sabinus (TIS).
  • Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius Postumianus (QCMPP)
  • Q. Fabius Maximus (QFM)
  • Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (CnCL)
  • C. Maria Caeca (CMC)

Proxy were not assigned during the contio.

The following CP member was absent:

  • C. Petronius Dexter

The following CP member do not vote in sessions:

  • M' Titinius Silvanus.

The session results:

1. Decretum pontificum de scribis pontificiis.

"The term "Pontifex Minor" in the decretum pontificum de pontificibus minoribus is hereby replaced by the term "Scriba Pontificius" which is more accurate historically for the republican period, the basis of the reconstruction of the sacra publica."


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QCMPP: De primo, "Decretum pontificum de scribis pontificiis", non satis mihi persuasum nomen "scriba pontificius" uerius mori maiorum nomine "pontifex minor".(recorded as NO)
  • QFM: Antiquo If it ain't historical we can't do it. The College should get a Quaestor, I suspect though Livy is silent about the matter, the College members who were magistrates likely used their supernumeries as secretary.
  • CnCL: YES
  • CMC: Uti rogas.


2. Visum pontificum de comitiis curiatis.

The collegium pontificum recommends the consules to modify the rules of convening the comitia curiata in the Constitution, by changing this section:

"III. Comitia A. The comitia curiata (Assembly of Curiae) shall be made up of thirty lictores curiati (lictors of the curia), appointed to their positions by the collegium pontificum (college of pontiffs). It shall be called to order by the Pontifex Maximus, and the collegium pontificum shall set the rules by which the comitia curiata shall operate internally. It shall have the following responsibilities:"

To this:

"III. Comitia A. The comitia curiata (Assembly of Curiae) shall be made up of thirty lictores curiati (lictors of the curia), appointed to their positions by the collegium pontificum (college of pontiffs). It shall be called to order by the Pontifex Maximus, or when passing a lex curiata de imperio, it may be called either by the Pontifex Maximus or by any magistrate who has the right to convene the comitia centuriata. The collegium pontificum shall set the rules by which the comitia curiata shall operate internally. It shall have the following responsibilities:"


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QCMPP: De secundo,"Visum pontificum de comitiis curiatis", comitia omnia curiata -- certe, comitia omnia -- corrigenda. Non solum in ratione habendi, sed etiam in omne operandi modo Noua Roma errauit. Sint curiae nobis.(recorded as NO)
  • QFM: Uti Rogas.
  • CnCL: YES
  • CMC: Uti rogas.


3. Decretum pontificum de camillis et de novis sacerdotibus instruendis.

I. Application for priesthoods.

I.A. The collegium pontificum may not appoint any citizen to priesthood directly, but an applicant shall be first appointed camillus (or camilla, fem.), and shall serve in this position for a period of time, during which they shall learn everything they need to know in their future position.

I.B. The camilli shall have the right to perform basic religious activities and rituals on behalf of the Nova Roman Republic in the capacity of the priesthood for which they have applied, except the rights and powers assigned to the priesthood, and any ritual they intend to offer may be performed only after revision and approval by at least one pontifex.

I.C. The camilli are considered preliminary priest positions, and from the point of view of assigning Census Points they are considered at the same positions as Other Sacerdos/Priests, and they get 5 Census Points for their service.

I.D. The scriba pontificius shall be considered a camillus for the purposes of this decretum.

II. Training program.

II.A. The camilli shall go through a priestly training program conducted and led by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. Other citizens (not necessarily priests) he appoints as assistant teachers may also be involved.

II.B. Other pontifices may observe but not interfere during the lessons, but notifications must be sent to the teacher privately; only the collegium pontificum as a body shall be entitled to compel the program leader to change or terminate parts or the entirety of his training program.

II.C. The training program shall have the following courses:

  • II.C.1. Introduction to the theory and reconstruction of Roman religion;
  • II.C.2. Basic Roman prayer composition;
  • II.C.3. The basics of performing Roman rituals.

II.D. The way of conducting these courses, their content, the requirements to pass the courses shall be at the discretion of the program leader until a more developed and detailed system is worked out.

II.E. The camilli shall pass examinations on all three subjects. If a camillus does not pass an examination, he has the right to repeat it three times, after which the collegium pontificum shall reconsider his inclusion among the camilli.

II.F. Those camilli who passed the examination successfully, may be appointed sacerdotes, with the simple title "sacerdos".

II.G. Any higher priesthood, such as flamonium, pontificatus etc., shall only be granted to them after they have spent an undefined period of time in service as plain sacerdos of their deity, and have demonstrated they are able to perform correct rituals, advise others on sacred matters, available to work, responsive, dedicated and dutiful. This higher appointment is dependent on a new application of theirs to the specific higher priesthood.

III. Conclusion and further instructions.

This decree shall be a temporary instruction dealing with the current priesthood applicants, but may be used as a legal basis to handle future cases, depending on the availability of pontifex Cn. Cornelius Letulus or other pontifices to teach new individuals.


  • TIS: Uti rogas. Indeed we need to make a distinction between a priest and a NR priest.
  • QCMPP: De tertio, "Decretum pontificum de camillis et de novis sacerdotibusinstruendis", nobis, ut institutum prudens fiat, plus aetatis addecernendum detur. Quod nobis praestat sub conlegii dignitatem sit. (recorded as NO)
  • QFM: Uti rogas. We should make a written distinction between a priest and a NR.
  • CnCL: YES
  • CMC: Uti rogas.


4. Petition of Q. Iulius Nepos for Sodallis Colinus within Collegium Saliorum.

Item was postponed. The Nova Roman minors issue is under the Senate consideration.


5. Decretum pontificum de pontifice ab officiis.

Note: This is Cn. Cornelius Lentulus proposal about the secretary of the Collegium Pontificum.

I. Election of a secretary of the collegium pontificum.

I.A. The collegium pontificum shall elect a secretary of the collegium pontificum, with the Latin title "pontifex ab officiis", among the pontifices to assist the pontifex maximus in his capacity as a president and spokesman of the collegium pontificum.

I.B. The term of office of the secretary of the collegium pontificum is for 3 months, and he can be re-elected to this position without limitation.

I.C. Any pontifex may declare himself a candidate to the secretary position, and the collegium pontificum is obliged to elect the next secretary among the candidates before the day when the term of office of the previous secretary expires, or within 30 days if the office of the secretary becomes vacant by resignation, death, or by the disappearing of the sitting secretary in concordance with a similar measure regarding magistrates of the lex Minucia Moravia de eiuratione magistratum II.A., if the censores make a public statement that the secretary "is unreachable after an absence of 45 or more days."

I.D. The secretary of the collegium pontificum may be revoked from his position by a voting of the collegium pontificum for any reason and at any given time.

I.E. The pontifex maximus may, at his discretion, order the collegium pontificum not to elect a pontifex ab officiis by stating it in a public declaration that he intends to start an active period and to take on the role of active leader. Such an active leadership period of the pontifex maximus (hereafter referred to as "Declared Active Period") starts from the date of, or the date specified in, the public announcement and lasts until the date of, or date specified in, the public announcement about finishing the active period. When this period has ended, the collegium pontificum is automatically required to elect a secretary again.

II. Division of tasks within the collegium pontificum

II.A. All pontifices, including the pontifex maximus, aside from his specific rights and duties, have the same powers and rights and are entitled to lead the collegium pontificum.

II.B. The pontifex maximus, besides the same powers and rights that all pontifices have, has some special rights, powers and duties assigned to him by leges, senatus consulta, by edicts and by pontifical decrees.

II.C. The pontifex ab officiis, secretary of the collegium pontificum, has exactly the same rights and powers than all pontifices, but in addition to these rights and powers, the pontifex ab officiis has the duty and responsibility to manage the collegium pontificum. The duties of the pontifex ab officiis are listed under section IV.

II.D. To advance the internal working of the collegium pontificum and the work of the pontifex maximus, specific rights, powers, tasks and duties, belonging to the collegium pontificum or to the pontifex maximus, may be assigned to any pontifex, including the pontifex ab officiis, by a decree of the collegium pontificum. In such cases, the appointed pontifex shall be responsible for the actions taken within that specific area.

III. Powers and rights of the secretary of the collegium pontificum

III.A. The secretary of the collegium pontificum shall have no more rights or powers than a regular pontifex, except in cases when the collegium pontificum authorizes the pontifex ab officiis to act with special powers and perform tasks in specified cases.

III.B. Apart of such authorizations, the secretary pontifex shall have the same power and rights than a regular pontifex, with the difference that the other pontifices, including the pontifex maximus, have only the rights and powers to lead the collegium pontificum, the secretary has also the duty and responsibility to do it, and, being required to manage the collegium, he may be called into account regarding the performance of these duties.

III.C. The pontifex ab officiis may not usurp any of the rights and powers that are specially assigned to the pontifex maximus by any lex, senatus consultum, edict or pontifical decree, unless a lex, senatus consultum, edict or pontifical decree explicitly delegates that specific duty or power to the pontifex ab officiis.

III.D. If there is a conflict between the pontifex maximus and the pontifex ab officiis, it's always the pontifex maximus whose will and intention must prevail. The pontifex ab officiis acts and works always with the tacit or expressed approval of the pontifex maximus, and once the pontifex maximus expresses his dissent publicly against the action of the pontifex ab officiis, the pontifex ab officiis may act in that specific issue but only in his capacity as regular pontifex, and can not be called into account for having not acted on that specific issue.

IV. Duties of the secretary of the collegium pontificum

IV.A. While all pontifices are empowered to convene and lead the collegium pontificum, and the pontifex maximus is the president and symbolic head of the collegium, if the pontifex maximus is not in Declared Active Period (described in section I.E.), it shall be the duty and responsibility of the pontifex ab officiis to manage all activities of the collegium pontificum.

IV.B. The main duty of the secretary of the collegium pontificum is to ensure by assisting (IV.D.) or substituting (IV.C.) the pontifex maximus that important matters of religious business keep on going in a timely manner, communications directed to the collegium are answered, applications for priesthoods are properly published and administered, and the priests and religious activities of the Nova Roman Republic are coordinated.

IV.C. If the pontifex maximus is incapacitated or kept away from his sacred duties for any reason, or if he chooses not to attend his duties or assume his leading role, the pontifex ab officiis shall take care that all business and duties of the collegium pontificum are carried out. In such cases, the secretary pontifex ab officiis of the collegium pontificum shall:

  • IV.C.1. be the contact person and the spokesman of the collegium pontificum, informing the collegium about any official or private questions, requests, mandates and calls directed to the collegium, about priesthood applications, or about any tasks to attend, and answering to the authorities or individuals in the name of the collegium pontificum, such communications made with a reaction time of no later than within 10 days;
  • IV.C.2. maintain and publish an up-to-date database of applicants for priesthood, and either have the collegium appoint them as camilli, and direct them to the authorities where they undergo a training, or, if the applicant has already got the necessary qualifications or training, to put his name on the agenda of the collegium pontificum for appointment to a priesthood;
  • IV.C.3. prepare and publish (except in case of a closed session) the agenda of the collegium pontificum, and convene the collegium at least once per month. If the collegium pontificum has not been convened for more than 30 days since the last day of the previous session, and no other pontifex has publicly declared his intention to convene the collegium, the secretary of the collegium pontificum shall be obliged to call the collegium into session, and if there is no other proposal to vote on, the pontifex ab officiis shall submit to vote a decree on the reasons of inactivity of the collegium pontificum.

IV.D. If the pontifex paximus is active in his role of leading the collegium pontificum, either within or outside a Declared Active Period (described in section I.E.), the secretary pontifex ab officiis shall:

  • IV.D.1. serve and be permanently available as a primary assistant to the pontifex maximus, helping him in any areas or activities in which the pontifex maximus needs assistance;
  • IV.D.2. make sure that the pontifex maximus maintains and performs his specific duties satisfactorily, and fills his role as president of the collegium acceptably, and, if there are deficiencies, to take care that the pontifex maximus can perform his specific duties and that he can manage the collegium pontificum, first, by reminding the pontifex maximus about the things to do, and by helping to prepare the agenda of the collegium, secondly, by intervening and making the necessary steps to perform the current tasks of the collegium pontificum if the pontifex maximus, for any reason, can not do it.

V. Personal responsibility within the collegium pontificum

V.A. The question whether a pontifex maximus is available-active, or unavailable-inactive, and whether the secretary pontifex shall act as an assistant to the pontifex maximus or as an active deputy leader, is decided from time to time by the reactions and communications of the pontifex maximus (in V.A.2. and V.A.3.) or by the official declaration of the pontifex maximus (in V.A.1.):

  • V.A.1. Whenever the pontifex maximus is in Declared Active Period assuming the role of active leader (as described in section I.E.), the pontifex maximus is considered available and active, and all leadership and management duties and responsibilities shall fall on the pontifex maximus alone.
    • V.A.1.a. If the pontifex maximus is in Declared Active Period, but he did not prevent the election of a pontifex ab officiis, even if there is a secretary pontifex in office, in such an active period of the pontifex maximus all responsibility for the management and functioning of the collegium pontificum falls on the pontifex maximus, the secretary being considered only an assistant.
    • V.A.1.b. If the pontifex maximus, in such a Declared Active Period, has prevented the election of a pontifex ab officiis, all responsibility for the management and functioning of the collegium pontificum falls by default on the pontifex maximus.
  • V.A.2. Whenever the pontifex maximus, outside of such a Declared Active Period (described in section I.E.), makes a statement publicly that he is in charge of an issue, or if he overwrites the decision or action of the secretary pontifex, then that specific issue shall be considered to be done actively by the pontifex maximus, and the secretary pontifex can not be called into account for that specific issue.
  • V.A.3. Whenever and until the pontifex maximus, outside of such a Declared Active Period (described in section I.E.), is silent on a specific issue, he shall be supposed to be inactive and tacitly in agreement of whatever action the secretary pontifex is making. The patience period before the pontifex maximus can be declared unavailable in an issue in which the pontifex maximus is supposed to act is 72 hours.

V.B. If the pontifex maximus, or any other pontifex, has undertaken a task or has started to manage any collegium business, but later neglects it, or has personally performed an action that causes harm, than the responsibility for having neglected the official duties or having caused harm falls on the person who did or did not do the action in question, and in such cases this person, and not the pontifex ab officiis, is who shall be called into account.


  • TIS: Uti rogas. If something from the past doesn't work proper maybe is the time to reconsider.
  • QCMPP: De quinto, "Decretum pontificum de pontifice ab officiis", in hoc conlegio de 'pontificatui ab officiis' nullam necessitatem puto.(recorded as NO)
  • QFM: Antiquo.
  • CnCL: YES
  • CMC: Uti Rogas with reservations.


6. Decretum pontificum de aeditumo colegii pontificum.

Note: This is C. Petronius Dexter proposal about the secretary of the Collegium Pontificum.

In order to assure some administrative tasks of the Collegium Pontificum, by this decree the CP open the position of Æditumus Collegii Pontificum (ACP).

Tasks of the ACP.

He administrates the process of letter exchange with the CP.

For a letter of application, the ACP aknowledges the receipt of the application, put the application letters in the files of the CP list, updates a table put in the same CP list files, in which table the ACP lists the applicants, their tria nomina, how old year they are, the date of application, the date of aknowledging receipt, the result of the application known after the vote of the CP, and the date of the final response sent.

For any other letter, the ACP aknowledges the receipt of the letter, put the letter as a new topic on the CP list so that the CP may discuss openly on the point asked. Depending on the level of the question the CP gives a simple response or put the question in the agenda of a meeting. The CP simple response or decision is sent by the ACP to the letter sender.

He administrates the filing of the CP Decreta both on the Web site of Nova Roma and on the files of the CP lists.

Who may be ACP.

Every taxpayer NR citizen sui juris may apply to be ACP who is in function for one year term from the Ides of March (On 15th of March). The ACP is elected by the CP members.

The ACP has the apparitores Census points (5 CP).

On each kalends of March (on 1st of March), the CP votes the ACP powers, duties and yearly term.


  • TIS: Antiquo. It doesn't cover all problems as item 5.
  • QCMPP: De sexto, "Decretum pontificum de aeditumo colegii pontificum", idem uelut de quinto scripsi.(recorded as NO)
  • QFM: Antiquo
  • CnCL: NO
  • CMC: Antiquo


7. Decretum Pontificum De Diebus.

Note: This is the original proposal of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.

Having concluded that the responsum pontificum de diebus worked satisfactorily for the Nova Roman senate and people and for the magistrates, since it was enacted a.d. X Kal. Quinct. C. Buteone Modiano et Minucia Strabone cos., thus having been tested for about a decade, and having observed that those magistrates, who did not lack the pious intention, could easily follow the instructions of the responsum, the collegium pontificum hereby decrees, using the same responsum as basis, the following rules on how all magistrates and public institutions of the Nova Roman Republic are obliged to act, and what they are permitted to do, according to the Mos Maiorum and to the Ius Sacrum, on the different types of days of the Roman calendar.



The dies profesti are the "working days", the days that belong to men for the administration of their private and public affairs. The dies profesti are either dies fasti(F), or dies comitiales (C).


A dies festus is a holiday in the modern sense of "weekend", or "a day off work", a festive day or festival that belongs to the gods, spent with sacrifices, repasts, games, and other solemnities. On such days profane activity is normally avoided. All dies festi are nefasti (N) ornefasti publici (NP).


These are "cut asunder days", that prepare the dies feriatus of the following day. The dies endotercisi are common between gods and men, partly devoted to the worship of the gods, i.e. dies festi (holidays), partly to the transaction of ordinary business, i.e. dies profesti (working days) with certain restrictions. They are dies nefasti in the morning (horae I to IV) before and during the celebration of the sacrifices; but they become dies fasti at noon (horae V to VIII) and nefasti again in the evening (horae IX to XII) during and after the offering in the altars of the sacrifices performed in the morning.


The dies feriati, the "days with celebration", or the feriae, are days on which specific public rituals and celebrations take place which are officially dedicated to specific gods or, these are usually the most solemn and sacred days when the greatest public festivals and ceremonies are celebrated, but they are not necessarily holidays (or work off days) and not necessarily festive days or festivals. They can be either dies festi or profesti or endotercisi. All feriae are dies nefasti publici (NP), except one or two. These include fixed holidays (feriae stativae), mobile holidays (feriae conceptivae) decreed by magistrates and irregular holidays (feriae imperativae) decreed by the Senate.


II.A. Dies FASTI (F)

The dies fasti, or "allowed days", are dies profesti, normal working days in which the gods favour human activities, but not state affairs. On dies fasti:

  • II.A.1. Tribunals may be open, or any form of trial procedures may be conducted, and the praetores are allowed fully to perform their duties. Petitio actionisand other documents of similar nature may be accepted.
  • II.A.2. Contiones may be called and celebrated.
  • II.A.3. The first and last days of a voting period of the Comitia may not be celebrated on a dies fastus, but the intervening days may fall on dies fasti. Citizens may express their will on dies fasti, but any vote conducted in a Comitia which had a voting period starting or ending on a dies fastus will not be binding for the magistrates, and shall not become a lex, but an advice.
  • II.A.4. Markets may be open, business may be made, contracts may be signed. Private activities may take place normally.
  • II.A.5. Marriages and private worship may be celebrated.


These are identical to dies fasti, thus being normal working days, but they are reserved for the celebration of public assemblies. On dies comitiales:

  • II.B.1. If no magistrate calls any of the Comitia on a dies comitialis, it shall be treated as a dies fastus.
  • II.B.2. If a magistrate calls the Comitia, then a vote may take place. Only a voting period that starts and ends on a dies comitialis is legal and valid. The result of such a vote would only be binding for the magistrates.II.C. Dies NEFASTI (N)The dies nefasti, or "not allowed days", are either dies profesti (working days) or dies festi, that present some restrictions due to their religious character. On dies nefasti:
  • II.C.1. Public worship has preference over private worship. It is not recommended to celebrate marriages.
  • II.C.2. Tribunals may be open, or any form of trial procedures may be conducted, and petitiones actionis and other documents of similar nature may be accepted. However, the praetores, or any authority empowered so, are not allowed to pass a sentence (because the words do, dico, addico are forbidden on these days, which words, in Roman religious thinking, refer to "passing a sentence").
  • II.C.3. Contiones may be called to inform the People, but no voting shall take place. If the presiding magistrate wants to conduct a voting after the Contio, he shall call for a new meeting of the Comitia on the appropriate days.
  • II.C.4. Comitia may not be called to start or end on a dies nefastus. It should be avoided that intervening days between the first and last days of a voting period fall on dies nefasti, but, if the presiding magistrate chooses not to avoid dies nefasti among the intervening days, he is ordered to include a warning in the announcement in which he shall advise the citizens to refrain from voting on the dies nefasti, listing the exact dates of the days concerned.
  • II.C.5. The Senate may meet, but affairs concerning cultus and religio should be dealt with beore any civil affair in the Senate agenda.
  • II.C.6. Private activities are not favoured. It is not recommended to begin a journey or to sign contracts, or to generally start a new activity. Should an action have begun on a previous day, however, it might be carried on normally. Markets may be open.



There is a scholarly debate on the nature of these days, and what the abbreviation "NP" can exactly be interpreted (dies nefastus primo, nefastus priore, nefastus publicus etc.), but Nova Roma, for the time being, intents to use the interpretation (dies nefastus publicus) that worked in the previous decade. A dies nefastus publicus is a dies festus, a holiday for all citizens, and a dies feriatus, because they are reserved for public worship and dedicated to a given god. All the NP days are feriae publicae pro populo, and almost all feriae (except one) are NP.

  • II.A.1. Dies nefasti publici have the same characteristics as a dies nefastus, but tribunals shall be closed (because magistrates have to attend public religious ceremonies).
  • II.A.2. Acts of physical violence and beginning of lawsuits are nefas, quarrels should be avoided.
  • II.A.3. Ordinary citizens should avoid any physical labour except what is urgently necessary and ca not be postponed. The Flamines and the Rex Sacrorummay not see anyone doing any physical labour, and may publicly chastise anyone they see doing physical labour.


The meaning of this dies is not yet completely clear. Further research is necessary, and the pontifices will one day issue a new decretum concerning this particulardies fastus. For the time being, the pontifices orders to treat these days as if it were a dies nefastus publicus.

III.C. Quando Rex Comitiavit Fas (QRCF)

These are fixed days (dies fissi) in the calendar, and they are also dies feriati (religious workship takes place) but dies profesti (working days). They are a dies nefastus from dawn till the Rex Sacrorum appears in the Comitium and performs the purifying rites (which in Nova Roma shall be interpreted as dies nefastus until the Rex Sacrorum announces in the official public communication venue of Nova Roma that he has performed the rites). From then on it is a dies fastus and theComitia may be adjourned.

III.D. Quando Stercus Delatum Fas (QSTDF or QSDF)

These are fixed days (dies fissi) in the calendar, and they are also dies feriati (religious workship takes place) but dies profesti (working days). They are a dies nefastus from dawn till the Vestales finish cleaning the Temple and the House of Vesta and take the garbage out of the sacred grounds through the Porta Stercolaria. Garbage is then swept down the streets and thrown to the Tiber. (In Nova Roma this shall be interpreted as dies nefastus until the Vestales announce in the official public communication venue of Nova Roma that they have performed a substitute ceremony). From that moment onwards, it is a dies fastus.



These are days dedicated to the worship of infernal deities and of the dead; worship to celestial deities should not take place, and temples of celestial deities should close their doors. All ceremonies are private and celebrated in domestic shrines by the pater familias.


These days, so marked as dies atri, are also religiosi. These are "dark" days on which no sacrifices are properly made. On dies atri:

  • IV.B.1. No sacrifices should be offered on public altars. All religious ceremonies are private but without sacrifices. Neither shall the temples celebrate public worship nor hold sacrifices on these days, neither public Augures nor magistrates may take auspicia on these days.
  • IV.B.2. No one should invoke a God or Goddess by name while indoors, and no celestial God or Goddess should be invoked by name while outdoors. It is not fitting to offer sacrifice to the spirits of the dead on dies atri either, because in such ceremonies it is necessary to call upon Ianus and Iuppiter, whom it is not right to call upon on dies atri.
  • IV.B.3. No Contio or Comitia may be called to start or end on dies atri. It should be avoided that intervening days between the first and last days of a voting period fall on dies atri, but, if the presiding magistrate, for some extremely urgent reason, chooses not to avoid dies atri among the intervening days, he is ordered to include a warning in the announcement in which he shall advise the citizens to refrain from voting on the dies atri, listing the exact dates of the days concerned.
  • IV.B.4. Making journeys, starting new projects, or doing anything risky should be avoided.
  • IV.B.5. The dies atri include two special subcategories:
    • IV.B.5.a. Dies POSTRIDUANI: These are the days after all the Kalendae, Nonae and Idus of each month. They are, in general terms, dies fasti (F), but they are days of ill-omen for beginning private activities, business or journeys. Public worship is explicitly forbidden.
    • IV.B.5.b. Dies VITIOSI: These are specific dates decreed by the Senate, and considered unlucky days. The only two fixed dies vitiosi are the dies ALIENSIS, on July the 18th, a. d. XVI Kalendas Sextiles, and August the 2nd, a. d. IV Nonas Sextiles. Additional dies vitiosi, should they be needed, may be declared by the Senate through passage of a senatus consultum.


Marriages should not to be performed during the periods of 13-21 February, 1-20 March, throughout the month of May, or during 5-15 June, nor were they to be performed on days when the mundus was opened (24 August, 5 October, and 8 November) and should be discouraged on those dates that are dies Postriduani,dies Vitiosi, or dies ater. These dates specifically refer to the rite of confarreatio as some are periods when the Flamen and Flaminca Dialis would not have been available to attend, as required, while others concern feriae for the Manes. Although not proscribed in regard to other forms of marriages, they were still considered ill-omened days on which to marry.


VI.A. As described above, all activities of the Comitia may be conducted on dies comitiales. Contiones of the Comitia may be started and closed on all types of days except on dies ater, voting periods of the Comitia may only start and close on dies comitiales, but intervening days can include all types of days. If intervening days include dies nefasti, dies nefasti publici or dies atri, the presiding magistrate must issue a warning as described in II.C.4. and in IV.B.3.

VI.B. Sessions of all other public bodies (various priestly Collegia, the Senate etc.) other than the Comitia are not required to follow the prohibitions of days except the prohibitions on dies atri, and except what is required from the Senate in section II.C.5.

VI.C. The Senate should be called to start their sessions preferably on Kalends, Nones or Ides, when it is possible.


  • TIS: Uti rogas.
  • QCMPP: De septimo, "Decretum pontificum de diebus", satis mihi uidetur responsum nostrum.(recorded as NO)
  • QFM: Uti Rogas.
  • CnCL: YES
  • CMC: Uti Rogas


8. Decretum Pontificum De Diebus - additional change.

Note: This is the change proposal of C. Petronius Dexter to item 7.

If the votes of the collegium are in favour of the Decretum Pontificum De Diebus, do you wish to keep its section II.B. as proposed by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus pontifex in the original text, or do you wish to add II.B.3., and to to this text proposed by C. Petronius Dexter pontifex maximus?

"II.B.3. The Senate may meet only if the comitia is not in session on the same days, but affairs concerning cultus and religio should be dealt with before any civil affair in the Senate agenda."...and, consequently, to modify the last phrase of VI.B to:"what is required from the Senate in section II.B.3. and II.C.5."

Vote with saying KEEP or CHANGE.


  • TIS: Keep. The Senate needs all available time.
  • QCMPP: De octauo, addendum contra morem maiorum puto.(recorded as NO)
  • QFM: Uti Rogas.
  • CnCL: KEEP
  • CMC: Keep.

ITEM VIII: The change is not approved. (item 7 remains in the original form)


Titus Iulius Sabinus 22:47, 28 December 2013 (CET)

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