Gaius Villius Macro Carbo (Nova Roma)

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 Wiki: User: Talk - Contributions to this site   The only official record is in the Album Civium 
Gaius Villius Macro Carbo
Album Civium

C. Villius Macro Carbo, son of former praefectus Cohortis VI Carpathicae et Regionis Rostallonensis C. Villius Vulso, was the last praefectus of Regio Rostallonensis, until he renounced his Roman citizenship, effective by a.d. V Id. Ian. P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.. Macro Carbo was awarded with "eques equo publico" knighthood, the highest award for excellent citizenship "For long time exemplary service to Nova Roma with loyalty and dedication as a military commander and as a professional, high quality reenactor in the Nova Roman army, for extraordinary achievements in Roman reenactment spreading Roman culture especially in the Pannonian province of Nova Roma but also all over the world, and for serving the Nova Roman and also the greater public and community of Roman enthusiasts exemplarily for over a decade." Macro Carbo was also awarded the Pannonian Governor's Award for promoting Nova Roma in Pannonia.

The young C. Villius served for a short while as kid in the Legio XXI Rapax Pannonica, then after founding the burgus Colonia Rostallo (Nova Roma) together with its first praefectus, his father C. Villius Vulso and the legatus pro praetore Cn. Lentulus, he served in all military ranks up to optio in the Cohors VI Carpathica, the garrison unit of the burgus Rostallo. He was appointed praefectus of Rostallo, thus the leader of the Regio Rostallonensis and the commander of the associated military reenactment unit, ceremonially, by the legatus Cn. Lentulus on a.d. VI Kal. Quin. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c..

C. Villius Macro Carbo has renounced his Roman citizenship by a.d. V Id. Ian. P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c., but he continues to remain a friend of Nova Roma (amicus populi Novi Romani) and to serve in the non-citizen appointment of praefectus Cohortis VI Carpathicae and praeefectus burgi Coloniae Rostallonis, continuing as the commander of the burgus and the Cohors VI Carpathica which at the same time was changed from a full Nova Roman unit to an "amicus populi Novi Romani, i.e. "friendly unit" of Nova Roma.

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from Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c. to P. Aurelio C. Flavio cos. MMDCCLXXVIII a.u.c.
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