Category:Gens Fabia (Nova Roma)

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Praenomina commonly used by members of this gens in ancient times were:

Used by the Fabii Vibulani, Ambusti, and Maximi:
Gaius, Caeso, Marcus, Numerius, Quintus.
Used by the Fabii Dorsuones and Licini:
Gaius, Marcus.
Used by the Fabii Pictores:
Gaius, Marcus, Numerius, Quintus.
Used by the Fabii Buteones:
Marcus, Numerius, Quintus.
Used by the Fabii Labeones:

In modern times the most common praenomina have been Quintus, Marcus, Gaius, and Caeso. The praenomina Spurius, Servius, and Numerius have not been used by the Fabii in the modern era.

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