Lex Vedia de vigintisexviris (Nova Roma)

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In accordance with paragraph IV.A.8. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Lex Vedia de Vigintisexviris is hereby enacted to create the following positions within the Vigintisexviri and delineate their functions.


I. Magister Aranearius

The magister aranearius (overseer of the web) shall be responsible for the design, expansion, and maintenance of the official web site(s) sponsored by the State. The magister aranearius shall solicit input from the other magistrates regarding content for the web site related to their offices, if any, and shall have the authority to appoint his own scribae, should he deem it necessary. Should the position be vacant, and suitable and willing candidates available, an election shall be held within thirty days in the comitia populi tributa; otherwise the Senate shall have the authority to appoint a magister aranearius pro tempore until such an election can be held.

II. Curator Sermonis

[rescinded 5 June 2755] The curator sermonis (overseer of the conversation) shall be responsible for the maintenance and moderation of the official email discussion list(s) sponsored by the State. The curator sermonis shall have the authority to appoint his own scribae, should he deem it necessary. Should the position be vacant, and suitable and willing candidates available, an election shall be held within thirty days in the comitia populi tributa; otherwise the Senate shall have the authority to appoint a curator sermonis pro tempore until such an election can be held.

III. Editor Commentariorum

The editor commentariorum (overseer of the news) shall be responsible for the production, publication, and distribution of the official publications sponsored by the State. The editor commentariorum shall have the authority to appoint his own scribae, should he deem it necessary. Should the position be vacant, and suitable and willing candidates available, an election shall be held within thirty days in the comitia populi tributa; otherwise the Senate shall have the authority to appoint a curator sermonis pro tempore until such an election can be held.

IV. Diribitores

Two diribitores (voting officials) shall be responsible for the administration of elections and the recording of votes among the curia. The diribitores shall have the authority to appoint their own scribae, should they deem it necessary. Should one or both positions be vacant, and suitable and willing candidates available, an election shall be held within thirty days in the comitia populi tributa; otherwise, the Senate shall have the authority to appoint diribitores pro tempore until such an election can be held. Inasmuch as they, by definition, are privy to the details of the election process, they may not run for any office while they serve in office (including running for diribitor again).

[At the direction of Praetor M. Iulius Perusianus, the former titles of Curator Araneum in section I, Curator Differum in section III, and Rogatores in section IV have been changed to reflect the new titles and duties of these positions as specified by the Lex Equitia de Vigintisexviris. The added position of custos may also fall under the prohibition in section IV as they are also election officials performing part of the duties formerly assigned to the rogatores. The position of Curator Sermonis was abolished by previous legislation. A. Tullia Scholastica, Latinista, scriba praetoris et magistri aranei].


  • Not placed before the Comitia
  • Law enacted by Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus, in 30 July 2752
  • Confirmed by Senatus Consulta, in 10 aug 2752, by 7x1
  • Enacted by dictatorial edictum 7/30/99 with the force and authority of law.

Passed by Dictatorial Edictum

30 Quintilis MMDCCLII

Added to wiki by QVC 11:11, 27 February 2006 (CST)

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