Ludi Matutini 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)/Literary Contest I

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CONTEST: Write a POEM, consisting of 14-40 verses. You must use six (6) mandatory words: fire, furious, virgin, virtuous, sun, sin.

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: Entries must be received NO LATER THAN June 9th.

Submit entries to:

Contest Results

Corona Ludi Humanitas

The winner of the contest is:

  • [/Winning Entry RISE, PHOENIX!]
Gaia Aurelia Falco Silvana ~ 1st Place ~ 25 points

Additionally, 1st place winner will receive a contest medallion w/ neck ribbon for their efforts.

Points earned will accumulate from each Ludi, will be applied in the Ludi Cultural Championship for the year. Overall points winner will be awarded with the Corona Humanitas Novae Romae medallion w/ neck ribbon (a larger version of the Corona Ludi Humanitas awarded for some events).

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