NovaRoma:Images for Romans

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Revision as of 11:49, 7 September 2007 by M. Lucretius Agricola (Talk | contribs)
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This is one of the Nova Roma wiki help files.

This is a quick guide for using images for Romans who are new to wikis.



An image, including alternate text

  • Everything goes in [[double brackets]].
  • Put Image: plus the image file name first.
  • Put a pipe character | between the image file name and the alternate text.
[[Image:Nova_Roma_Flag.jpg|Nova Roma flag]]

Makes this:

Nova Roma flag

An image in a frame with a caption

Just add the keyword frame and set it off with pipe characters |

[Image:Nova_Roma_Flag.jpg|frame|The Nova Roma flag]]

Makes this:

The Nova Roma flag

Wrapping text around an image

The Nova Roma flag

You can put the image in a frame with a caption and make text wrap around it. You can make the image move to the left or to the right.

  • Add the keyword left or right and set it off with pipe characters |
  • Put the image first and the surrounding text below it.
[[Image:Nova_Roma_Flag.jpg|frame|left|The Nova Roma flag]] You can 
put the image in a frame...

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