Senate voting results December MMDCCLX

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This is a report of a session of the Nova Roma Senate of a.d. XV Kal. Ian. , L. Arminio Ti. Galerio cos. MMDCCLX a.u.c..


Tribunus Plebis Titus Flavius Aquila Quiritibus SPD

Senate Voting Results published on December 18th, 2760 A.U.C

The Senate has finished its latest session and the votes have been tallied as follows:

Formal debate ended on December 11th, 2760 A.U.C. at 17:59 Roman time.Voting began at 18:00 on the 10th of December Roman time and ended on December, 13th at 17:59 Roman time as announced by the convening magistrate Consul Paulinus.

Official statement of Consul Paulinus when convening the Senate:

I herby convene the Senate on pr. Non. Nov. Dec 5th) At 18:00 Roman time, 2760 A.U.C) when the contio will commence until 17:59 (Roman time)a.d. IV Id. Nov.(December 11th , 2760 A.U.C.) when it will end. Voting will then commence at 18:00 (Roman time on (a.d. IV Id. Nov. Dec 10) and will end at 17:59 (Roman Time) on pr. Id. Nov.( Dec 13th) 2760 A.U.C.)

The following 34 Senators cast votes in time. They are referred to below by their initials and nomen:

  • [KFBQ] Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus
  • [FVG] Flavius Vedius Germanicus
  • [MOG] Marcus Octavius Gracchus
  • [KFBM] Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus
  • [GEM] Gnaeus Equitius Marinus
  • [LECA] Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus Augur
  • [MCJ] Marcus Cassius Iulianus
  • [DIPI] Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus
  • [CFD] Caius Flavius Diocletianus
  • [TGP] Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
  • [MMA] Marcus Minucius Audens
  • [GPL] Gaius Popillius Laenas
  • [PMS] Pompeia Minucia Strabo
  • [QFM] Quintus Fabius Maximus
  • [FAC] Franciscus Apulus Caesar
  • [GEC] Gaius Equitius Cato
  • [ATS] Aulia Tullia Scholastica
  • [PC] Patricia Cassia
  • [MAM] Marcus Arminius Maior
  • [MIP] Marcus Iulius Perusianus
  • [TOPA] Titus Octavius Pius Ahenobarbus
  • [ECF] Em. Curia Finnica
  • [TIS] Titus Iulius Sabinus
  • [ISM] Iul. Sempronia Magna
  • [CCS] Caius Curius Saturninus
  • [MMPH] Marcus Moravius Piscinus Horatianus
  • [QSP] Quintus Suetonius Paulinus
  • [PMA] Publius Memmius Albucius
  • [MHM] Marca Hortensia Maior
  • [MCC] Marcus Curiatius Complutensis
  • [FGA] Flavius Galerius Aurelianus
  • [AMA] Arn. Moravia Aurelia
  • [MIS] Marcus Iulius Severus
  • [MLA] Marcus Lucretius Agricola

The following Senators cast a vote, but their vote was received after voting ended and therefore are not included in these results:


The following Senators did not cast a vote :

  • [GMM] Gaius Marius Merullus
  • [GSA] Gnaeus Salvius Astur
  • [MBA] Marcus Bianchius Antonius
  • [ATMC] Ap. Tullius Marcellus Cato

The necessary majority for a Senatus consultum was therefore 18 votes in favor. "UTI ROGAS" indicates a vote in favor of an item, "ANTIQUO" or "NEGAT" is a vote against, and "ABSTINEO" is an open abstention.

The Agenda items for consideration were as follows:

I Appointment of Governors

Item I

The Senate appoints Titus Flavius Aquila as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Germania

Item II

The Senate appoints Marcus Martianius Gangalius as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Califorinia

Appointment of two Magister Aranearius

Item III

The Senate appoints M. Lucretius Agricola as Magister Aranearius

Item IV

The Senate appoints Quintus Valerius Callidus as Magister Aranearius
Both appointments will be effective pr. Kal. Ian.2760 a.u.c. (December 31, 2760)

Item V Appointment of Editor commentariorum

The Senate appoints Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus as Editor commentariorum

Item VI Appointment of Editor commentariorum Senior

The Senate appoints Marcus Audens as Editor commentariorum Senior

Item VII

Senate Consultum on Renaming Provincia Asia Orientalis and Provincia Asia Occidentalis

The name of Asia Orientalis is changed to Asia Ulterior, and the name of Asia Occidentalis be changed to Asia Citerior


Senatus Consultum on permanent standing committees

I Creation of Permanent Standing Committees

a. In order to better organize the operations of Nova Roma and to insure that the Consuls are provided with the necessary support from the Senate on a wide variety of issues the following permanent Senate committees are established:
b. The Senate Committee on Rules, The Senate Budget and Finance Committee, The Senate Scholarship Committee, The Senate Conventus and Public Events committee, and The Senate Committee on Provincial affairs.
c. Other permanent standing committees may be created by future senatus consulta. Additionally, consuls may create special Senate committees as they see fit. These special Senate committees will exist only during the consular year of the consuls who create the special Senate committee.

II Preliminary rules for committees

a. The maximum number of permanent standing committees that a given senator may be appointed to is three.
b. Senators may request appointment to a committee of their choosing.
c. The current Consuls and Praetors shall serve as ex-offico non- voting members of all permanent standing committees for their term of office.
d. Membership on each committee shall be by consular appointment, with no consulship appointing any more than two members to any given committee. After a term of three years a Senator must be reappointed to remain on the committee.
e. Committees shall consist of an odd number of senators, with no fewer than three and no more than seven senators in any given committee. Consuls and Praetors shall not count toward the membership numbers of the committee unless they have been appointed as permanent members of that committee in a previous year.
f. Each committee shall have its own chair person. The chair shall be chosen by the permanent members of the committee each year.

III The Senate Rules Committee:

The Senate Rules Committee shall be responsible for reviewing current Senate procedures and drafting recommendations for improving them. The committee shall draft a Senate Handbook which shall be presented to the Consuls for inclusion on the Senate agenda no later that the pr. Kal. Apr 2761.

IV The Senate Budget and Finance Committee:

The Senate Budget Committee is responsible for drafting the annual budget and reviewing any additions proposed during the year. It shall also oversee the bank accounts of Nova Roma using any and all the tools available for doing so. The committee shall also make recommendations on revenue creating projects.

V The Senate Scholarship Committee:

The Senate Scholarship committee shall administer the Nova Roma Scholarship Fund as established by the Senatus Consultum on Scholarships.

VI The Senate Conventus and public events Committee:

The Senate Conventus and public events committee will be responsible for organizing, coordinating and sponsoring all Nova Roma Conventum and other public events. The committee will solicit suggestions for venues and will plan in advance of the events. This senate committee shall be the core of the larger Conventus Committee which will include all those involved with planning and implementing the Nova Roma Conventum for a given year.

VII The Senate Committee on Provincial Affairs:

The Senate Committee on Provincial affairs will make recommendation on any and all aspects of Nova Roma's Provincial system including but not limited to: size, location , appointment of governors and organization of provinces.

Item IX Senatus Consultum on Scholarships

There shall be a Nova Roma Scholarship Fund. It shall be an endowment consisting of monies set aside for the scholarship fund in past years, additional monies added to the fund from state revenues in future years, designated donations, and investment interest earned by the fund.

The Nova Roma Scholarship Fund shall be invested as the Senate shall direct, with the goal of obtaining sufficient growth through earned interest to provide at least one annual grant to a deserving citizen of Nova Roma.

There shall be a Nova Roma Senate Scholarship committee composed of no fewer than three and no more than seven senators appointed to serve terms of three years. Membership in this commission shall be by consular appointment, with no consulship appointing any more than three members.

Educational study grants made from the Nova Roma Scholarship Fund shall be awarded by the Senate of Nova Roma, acting on the recommendations of the Scholarship committee. Thus the senate may award scholarship grants to those recommended by the commission, and only those recommended by the commission, but may choose not to.

No later than the last day of December in each year, and normally during November, the Consuls shall call for applications from the citizens of Nova Roma. Applicants shall write to the Nova Roma Senate Scholarship committee, including in their applications:

a. An explanation of their course of study, including current student status and educational institution.

b. How their course of study furthers knowledge of Roman matters.

c. Their involvement in organizations, projects, programs and activities dedicated to spreading knowledge of Rome.

While most applicants are expected to be students enrolled in universities at the advanced baccalaureate or higher level (or equivalent for universities which don't use the bachelor/master/doctoral divisions), applicants from outside such a system may be considered by the Senate Scholarship committee in rare circumstances provided they demonstrate a comparable level of scholarship.

The Consular call for applications shall state the monetary amount available for the grant(s) to be awarded. This amount shall normally correspond to 90% of the interest earned by the Nova Roma Scholarship Fund endowment since the last award was made but may, with the prior approval of the Senate, match the interest with an equal amount from the Scholarship Fund. In extraordinary circumstances where no awards have been made from the fund for two or more years, the Senate Scholarship committee shall explicitly designate the amount available for grants, exercising due fiduciary judgment and guided by the 90% of earned interest policy.

Applications must be received by the Senate Scholarship committee no later than 15 January of the year in which the scholarship grant is to be awarded.

The Senate Scholarship committee shall examine applications to determine merit. Grants shall be awarded by the Senate based on the Senate Scholarship committee's determinations of merit. One or more grants may be made by the Senate depending on available funds and the Senate Scholarship committee's review of applications.

Only those applications considered to have merit by a majority of the committee will be forwarded to the Senate.

Grants will normally be awarded by the Ides of March of each year.

Item X

Senatus Consultum on Nova Roman bank accounts and corporate compliance.

1. By the 8th of January of each year the Chief Financial Officer of Nova Roma will present to the new Consuls the following information.

a. The account numbers and location of all Nova Roma funds, including checking, savings, Certificates of Deposit and any other type of accounts. Additionally any revenue streams such as the Amazon account shall likewise be reported..

b. The date or dates of any and all reports that are due to the State of Maine for corporate compliance. If the State of incorporation changes, this Senatus Consultum will be updated to list the current state of incorporation.

c A copy of any filings will be sent to sent to Consuls, and the Board of Directors of Nova Roma, Inc. i.e. the Senate.

d. The state corporation number if any.

e. Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a federal tax identification number.

2. Starting on January 2nd, 2761 a.u.c. the bank of record of Nova Roman funds shall be directed to deliver by mail or email a full copy of each month's bank statement, to the Consuls. The Consuls shall place a copy of the bank statement in the files of the Senate yahoo site for the use by Senate members.

3a. The Censors shall provide to the Consuls and the Chief Financial officer of Nova Roma and the resident-agent a current list of the corporate officers and a complete list of current members of the Board of directors of Nova Roma, Inc. i.e. the Senate. This list will include the legal (macro national) names, postal address and email address of each officer and board member.

3b The Chief Financial officer will then submit to the state of incorporation the full list of corporate officers and members of the board of directors.

4 A. In order to have our financial resources in a financial institution with greater reach and access the Senate directs that within 30 days of the adoption of this Senatus Consultum all funds currently held in any Nova Roman back account, with the exception of any Certificates of Deposit that have not matured, be transferred to the BANK OF AMERICA (Reed) Wells Plaza, Rt. 1, Wells, Maine. The Bank of America is a bank with "global reach". It has branches in twenty countries including ones in Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Latin America the U.S. and Canada. As soon as any Certificates of Deposit mature those funds will also be transferred to the BANK OF AMERICA (Reed) Wells Plaza, Rt. 1, Wells, Maine.

B. The Senate further directs that the Consuls and the Senate shall be notified when the transfer has been accomplished.

5. The online accounting program QuickBooks shall be used to keep the financial information so as to facilitate the easy transfer of information between the Senate, Magistrates and the Chief Financial Officer of Nova Roma. Beginning with the budget year 2761 a.u.c it shall be paid for as a budget item.

6. As of February 1st 2761 Nova Roma, Inc., will contract for the services of a resident-agent for the State of Maine from a national company that specializes in such services. The resident agent shall not be a citizen or former citizen of Nova Roma.

This service can be obtained for about $100.00 per annum.

Some suggested sites:

The Senate adds the following sections to the Senatus Consultum establishing priorities for Nova Roma which was Adopted 31 August 2757. Nothing in these or any other section will, in and of itself require the expenditure of any money without subsequent overt action on the part of the Senate

This Senatus Consultum can be found here:

Item XI

Ib Nova Roma sets as one of its short term goals the reacquisition, either by loan, rent, purchase or donation a Roman Temple for use of the citizens of Nova Roma. Short term is defined as with in 5-7 years

Item XII

Ic Nova Roma sets as one of its long term goals the acquisition of at least 108 contiguous acres on which to build a capital city for the administration of our culture. The exact site for this governmental and spiritual capital city is to be determined. Long term is defined as anything over 8 years.


Senatus Consultum On an agreement between the Senate and the Pontifex Maximus

In order to move the religious institutions of the Republic forward the following benchmarks are established between the Senate and the Pontifex Maximus for the year 2761.

1. The Pontifex Maximus shall personally convene the Collegium Pontificum. at least once a month for at least eight over the next year.

2. The Pontifex Maximus shall contact every member of the Priesthood to ascertain their status, and either assist them in getting active again or remove them if they're no longer interested.

3. The Pontifex Maximus will see to it that the minor priesthoods start getting direct instruction from either himself or appointed members of the CP, including providing them with rites and what to do with them. Prior expectations of self motivation on the "historically independent" priesthoods has not worked so central direction would be provided.

4. The Pontifex Maximus will publish to the wiki and or website at least four scholarly articles on the Religio during the next twelve months. He will also encourage others to add scholarly articles on the Wiki or website.

5. In order to better research the ancient sources the Pontifex Maximus agrees to undertake and pass a study of Latin now and ancient Greek in the near future

6 The Pontifex Maximus shall help to create on film at least four rites of the Religio for the educational uses of citizens of Nova Roma

7 Rebuild the Religio section of the NR website/ wiki.

8. Build a "Religio Romana Weblog" to the Religio site, detailing work done so that the Citizens can get continual information on what's happening with the Religio. This will be updated by the Pontifex Maximus or he shall appoint a member of the CP to do so..

9. The Hold at least 12 major religious rites in the next year, one per month. (Unfortunately this would be the same sort of public deal as we've had before, where everyone is invited to "share on their own" and then talk about results as a community. That's the limit of our current resources/technology.)

10 Improve the religious calendar pages on the NR website/wiki

11. The Pontifex Maximus will Participate in the Religio Romana list and on the main list

12 The Senate for its part agrees to order the posting on the Wiki of a clear statement that our real world goals include, as part of the reestablishment of the Religio Romana, the establishment of a spiritual and administrative center that would function as our world capital.

13. On of about December 1st , 2761 the Pontifex Maximus will convene the Collegium Pontificum. The agenda for the December meeting shall include a vote of confidence in the Pontifex Maximus performance in the year 2761. If a majority votes that the Pontifex Maximus has attended to his duties for the year including the above, he shall remain in office. If a majority votes that the Pontifex Maximus has NOT attended to his duties the for the year the office shall be declared vacant and the Collegium Pontificum shall elect a new Pontifex Maximus according to its rules.

Voting Results:

Item I: ACCEPTED. The Senate appoints Titus Flavius Aquila as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Germania.

Uti Rogas: 33 Antiquo: 0 Abstineo: 1 Did Not Vote: 4

Item II: REJECTED. The Senate appoints Marcus Martianius Gangalius as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Califorinia.

Uti Rogas: 14 Antiquo: 19 Abstineo: 1 Did Not Vote: 4

Item III: ACCEPTED. The Senate appoint M. Lucretius Agricola as Magister Aranearius.

Uti Rogas: 32 Antiquo: 0 Abstineo: 2 Did Not Vote: 4

Item IV: ACCEPTED. The Senate appoint Quintus Valerius Callidus as Magister Aranearius.

Uti Rogas: 32 Antiquo: 0 Abstineo: 2 Did Not Vote: 4

Item V: ACCEPTED. The Senate appoints Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus as Editor Commentariorum.

Uti Rogas: 33 Antiquo: 1 Abstineo: 0 Did Not Vote: 4

Item VI: ACCEPTED. The Senate appoints Marcus Audens as Editor commentariorum Senior.

Uti Rogas: 28 Antiquo: 2 Abstineo: 4 Did Not Vote: 4

Item VII: ACCEPTED. The name of Asia Orientalis is changed to Asia Ulterior, and the name of Asia Occidentalis be changed to Asia Citerior.

Uti Rogas: 31 Antiquo: 2 Abstineo: 1 Did Not Vote: 4

Item VIII: ACCEPTED. Senatus Consultum on permanent standing committees.

Uti Rogas: 19 Antiquo: 12 Abstineo: 3 Did Not Vote: 4

Item IX: ACCEPTED. Senatus Consultum on Scholarships.

Uti Rogas: 21 Antiquo: 10 Abstineo: 3 Did Not Vote: 4

Item X: ACCEPTED. Senatus Consultum on Nova Roman bank accounts and corporate compliance.

Uti Rogas: 29 Antiquo: 2 Abstineo: 3 Did Not Vote: 4

Item XI: REJECTED. Ib Nova Roma sets as one of its short term goals the reacquisition, either by loan, rent, purchase or donation a Roman Temple for use of the citizens of Nova Roma. Short term is defined as with in 5-7 years.

Uti Rogas: 5 Antiquo: 22 Abstineo: 7 Did Not Vote: 4

Item XII: REJECTED. Ic Nova Roma sets as one of its long term goals the acquisition of at least 108 contiguous acres on which to build a capital city for the administration of our culture. The exact site for this governmental and spiritual capital city is to be determined. Long term is defined as anything over 8 years.

Uti Rogas: 8 Antiquo: 24 Abstineo: 2 Did Not Vote: 4

Item XIII: REJECTED. Senatus Consultum On an agreement between the Senate and the Pontifex Maximus.

Uti Rogas: 2 Antiquo: 30 Abstineo: 2 Did Not Vote: 4

Voting Comments:

Item I: The Senate appoints Titus Flavius Aquila as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Germania.

  • [KFBQ] I think it is important that this strong European provincia gets a strong Nova Roma presence and leadership. I am sure Titus Flavius Aquila can provide that. UTI ROGAS.
  • [FVG] Abstain.
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas. I'm confident in the abilities of Titus Flavius Aquila and trust he will serve Nova Roma well.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas.
  • [LECA] Vti Rogas.
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti Rogas
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas. Aquila is dedicated to Nova Roma and Germania Provincia. He´ll make a good job.
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] YES.
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] YES.
  • [QFM] Uti Rogas.
  • [ATS] Vti rogas.
  • [MAM] Uti Rogas.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas.
  • [ECF] Uti rogas.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas
  • [CCS] Uti rogas. I wish him good luck in his efforts of rebuilding the province.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas. Titus Flavius is already working diligently to restore provincia Germania for us and I believe that he shall make an excellent Legatus pro Praetor for our citizenry in Germania.
  • [QSP] Uti rogas.
  • [PMA] UTI ROGAS: Hon. Flavius is a dynamic new citizen, one of those who think in terms of method, organization and action. He may bring a lot to Nova Roma and to Germania, which needs a worthy Nova Roma delegate. He has my support as he will have if needed the assistance of Gallia's neighbor governor.
  • [MHM] Uti rogas. may Fortuna be propitious to him and Provincia Germania.
  • [MCC] VTI ROGAS. Flavius Aquila is the best person to renew provincia Germania
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas, with my thanks.
  • [MIS] VTI ROGAS. Aquila shall make an excellent Legatus pro Praetore in Germania.
  • [MLA] Uti rogas.

Item II: The Senate appoints Marcus Martianius Gangalius as legatus pro praetore of Provincia Califorinia.

  • [KFBQ] I am sad to vote no, but I would have needed something more than those nice reports, they may be fine and well and I can see the reason to not "pressure" people to join Nova Roma. But I would like to see more proof of change of mind from Marcus Martianius Gangalius before I consider supporting him again. ANTQUO
  • [FVG] Antiquo. I trust his wrists are feeling better, though.
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Antiquo. I do not trust this citizen to hold the best interests of Nova Roma. * [GEM] Antiquo. Just as I voted Antiquo the last time this appointment was on the agenda. I once supported Gangalius but his actions have shown me that he is not trustworthy. A bad governor would be worse than no governor.
  • [LECA] Vti Rogas.
  • [MCJ] Antiquo.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas. At one time there was bad blood between Gangalius and I, and judging by the vote and comment of an old friend on this list, his actions of years ago towards others are not forgotten. One shouldn't stick hands in the mouths of wolves--you might hurt your wrists. I understand if some are not ready to forgive. However, that was a long time ago and I am thinking of this large province without a governor. California *needs* a governor! I've seen the shortsighted comments of others about his unsuitability to be governor, despite the *enormous* amount of work he has done as an accensus over the past year to revive California. Think of what is right for this province, and give it an active, willing governor! If he doesn't work out, his appointment can be retracted at any time by the senate. At least give him a chance rather than hold to this shortsighted, stubborn reaction against him. You are doing California a disservice voting down a governor again.
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas.
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] NO -- I sent a message to Senator Maximus explaining that many here in the Senate did not understand that Master Gangallus had withdrawn from his former comments about NR. I asked that he have a message to that effect posted here in the senate. This has not happened so I must assume that his ideas still hold sway personally in his regard toward NR.
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] NO
  • [QFM] Uti Rogas. If it is not to be me, dear Senators, it'll have to be him. There is no one else.
  • [FAC] ANTIQVO. Why we're voting about and item already refused by the majority of Senatores? I said NO on the past and I say NO now, I would like to see a new candidate to this office.
  • [ATS] Antiquo.
  • [MAM] Uti Rogas.
  • [MIP] ABSTINEO. As for the following, I'm saying VTI ROGAS only to the people I know and worked with, to witness their cleverness and ability.
  • [TOPA] Antiquo. Stop bringing this up.
  • [ECF] Antiquo.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Antiquo. Just because there is no other candidate is not sufficient reason to appoint one that the Senate has already deemed unsuitable.
  • [CCS] Antiquo. The Senate has already expressed it's will about this matter, I find it disrespectful from Consul's part to bring this up again.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas. I am willing to overlook some earlier rhetorical comments made by Marcus Martianius. The report on his activities to assist in reviving provincia California I found impressive, and his effort thereby worthy of our consideration.
  • [QSP] Uti Rogas - Try him out and give him a chance. In my opinion it is not always what somebody was before; it is what they are now that is going to count and California has been rudderless for too long.
  • [PMA] UTI ROGAS: Hon. Martianius has now understood that practicing sincerely the roman virtues, specially parsimonia, prudentia et dignitas, are the best way to get the Senate's support. As Hon. Martianius appears to be a skilled, organized and willing cives, as, second, California needs a governor, and as third Martianius has Consularis Q. Fabius Maximus's support, I back up his appointment, knowing that our Senate is confident enough in itself to exercise its control on any governor and to give any worthy candidate an opportunity to develop our Republic.
  • [MHM] Antiquo.
  • [AMA] Antiquo. I believe that the Senate has already spoken on this matter.
  • [MIS] ANTIQVO. I was considering to follow other opinions and give him a chance, but I don't trust him, for what I know.
  • [MLA] Uti rogas.

Item III: The Senate appoint M. Lucretius Agricola as Magister Aranearius.

  • [KFBQ] I hope to see the web-site even more coordinated in the competent hands of both these competent candidates. UT ROGAS.
  • [FVG] Uti rogas
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas. Excellent choice.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas. Agricola already has been serving the republic admirably by his work on the website. He is certainly well qualified

to take on this duty.

  • [LECA] Vti Rogas.
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Yes
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] Yes
  • [QFM] Uti Rogas.
  • [GEC] UTI ROGAS. I cannot praise Agricole enough for his hard work, his intelligence, and his diligence.
  • [ATS] Abstineo.
  • [MAM] Uti Rogas.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas.
  • [ECF] Uti rogas.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas. A fine candidate
  • [CCS] Uti rogas. A fine choice.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas. Marcus Lucretius has always been friendly, helpful, and available to any. These are excellent qualities to find in a person for this position, a position that, as Senator Marinus has pointed out, Agricola is already performing for us.
  • [QSP] Uti rogas.
  • [PMA] UTI ROGAS, reminding that : - appointing two magistri is just an opportunity for a better service to the Republic, not a acknowledgment of a needed collegial magistracy; - the Magistri Arenaerii are at the service of the whole Republic, under the control of the Senate, and must not oppose any higher magistrate.
  • [MHM] Uti rogas. Agricola has devoted himself to the wiki.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas. Agricola has my thanks for his work so far.
  • [MIS] VTI ROGAS. For what I know, I believe that Lucretius is a fine person and has excellent qualities for this position.
  • [MLA] Abstineo

Item IV: The Senate appoint Quintus Valerius Callidus as Magister Aranearius.

  • [KFBQ] The same as above. UTI ROGAS
  • [FVG] Abstain
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas. Another excellent choice.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas. Callidus has done an excellent job as elected webmaster. With the transition to this being a senate appointment, he's an obvious choice.
  • [LECA] VtiRogas. I am in complete support of M. Moravius here. Perhaps one item of his first Senate session next year is an 'offical' vote of thanks from the Senate? "My thanks go out to Censor Marcus Octavius Gracchus. The Senate is taking a wise step in appointing two Magistri Aranearii in your place, which is a compliment to the hard work, at times maddening work, that you have been performing for us on your own. Magnas gratias tibi ago." !!
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Yes
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] Yes
  • [QFM] Uti Rogas.
  • [ATS] Vti rogas. I completely support the concept of dual, or, for that matter, plural, magistri araneari. This is an exacting and difficult position which has driven far too many of its previous holders into Nova Roman oblivion; it is time to share the burden. Octavius has done a wonderful job for us, and deserves many votes of thanks from us; he hears soon enough when something goes wrong, but seldom hears the praise he deserves. The new Album Civium is beautiful and useful; the pages magistrates use to appoint their assistants are easy to use as well as attractive, even providing a picture of the assistant in question, and the citizen database is also well-done. I am not wonderfully skilled at matters cybernetic, but can certainly appreciate what has been done.
  • [MAM] Uti Rogas.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas.
  • [ECF] Uti rogas.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas. It is wise indeed to appoint two well-qualified individuals to fill M. Octavius Gracchus' large caligae. It is a testament to his skills and dedication that two talented individuals are needed to take his place.
  • [CCS] Uti rogas.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas. Quintus Valerius has the complementary skills we would look for in a Magister Aranearius. He has the needed technical skills and the experience of having served in this position before. When I have worked with him, he has also been most helpful, and patient with my inabilities to comprehend the technical things. I am pleased to see him proposed for the office. My thanks go out to Censor Marcus Octavius Gracchus. The Senate is taking a wise step in appointing two Magistri Aranearii in your place, which is a compliment to the hard work, at times maddening work, that you have been performing for us on your own. Magnas gratias tibi ago.
  • [QSP] Uti rogas.
  • [PMA] UTI ROGAS, reminding that : - appointing two magistri is just an opportunity for a better service to the Republic, not a acknowledgment of a needed collegial magistracy; - the Magistri Arenaerii are at the service of the whole Republic, under the control of the Senate, and must not oppose any higher magistrate.
  • [MHM] Uti Rogas.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas, with my thanks.
  • [MIS] VTI ROGAS. I have also excellent referenmces about Callidus. I also want to express my sincere thanks to Censor Marcus Octavius Gracchus. He did a superb work, and was always ready to help.
  • [MLA] Uti rogas.

Item V: The Senate appoints Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus as Editor Commentariorum.

  • [KFBQ] I fully trust the Censor, my filius, to do this job. UTI ROGAS
  • [FVG] Antiquo
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas. I certainly know my abilities and I know myself capable of this task, so I'm happy to vote for myself.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas
  • [LECA] vti rogas
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Yes
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] Yes
  • [QFM] Uti Rogas.
  • [ATS] Vti rogas.
  • [MAM] Uti Rogas.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas.
  • [ECF] Uti rogas.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas
  • [CCS] Uti rogas.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas
  • [QSP] Uti rogas.
  • [PMA] UTI ROGAS, with my whole support.
  • [MHM] Uti Rogas.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas, with my thanks.
  • [MIS] VTI ROGAS. As I said before, I have had the pleasure and privilege of working with Modianus Censor. He is a fine person and I am sure he will be an excellent Editor commentariorum.
  • [MLA] Uti rogas.

Item VI: The Senate appoints Marcus Audens as Editor commentariorum Senior.

  • [KFBQ] I am happy that my brother Marcus Audens has lent his experience and skill to this project. UTI ROGAS.
  • [FVG] Antiquo
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas
  • [LECA] vti rogas
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Abstain
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] Abstain
  • [QFM] Uti Rogas.
  • [ATS] Vti rogas. Note that I have corrected the order of the Latin words in this title. Corrections suggested were not included in the text presented to the Senate.
  • [MAM] Uti Rogas.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas.
  • [ECF] Abstineo.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas
  • [CCS] Abstineo.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas. I have a deep respect for Senator Audens.I commend him for the work that he has been doing in this office, and I am pleased to see that he shall now be assisted by our competant and ever hard-working Censor Modianus.
  • [QSP] Uti rogas.
  • [PMA] UTI ROGAS, specially considering the whole pioneer work done previously by Sen. Minucius through the Aquila, Pilum, Roman Times, etc.
  • [MHM] Uti Rogas.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas, with my thanks.
  • [MIS] VTI ROGAS. I have a deep respect for senator Audens and I am sure that he will do an outstanding work with Modianus.
  • [MLA] Uti rogas.

Item VII: The name of Asia Orientalis is changed to Asia Ulterior, and the name of Asia Occidentalis be changed to Asia Citerior.

  • [FVG] Uti Rogas
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas. As others have suggested, we should consider applying this formula to other provinces where it would be appropriate.
  • [LECA] Antiquo
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Yes
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] Yes
  • [QFM] Uti Rogas. I'm not persuaded by the arguments that this name change is necessary.
  • [ATS] Vti rogas. Canada may follow with a similar request.
  • [MAM] Abstineo.
  • [MIP] VTI ROGAS. This seems more historical to me than a western/eastern classification.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas.
  • [ECF] Uti rogas.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas.
  • [CCS] Uti rogas. It's a nice step towards more historical nomenclature, but what is the worth of nomenclature if our provincial system itself is completely unhistorical? Also what about other province names that are similar to Asia, why won't we change them too?
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas
  • [QSP] Uti rogas. I agree that this should resolve proper provincial nomenclature. I have no arguments and will listen to the Latinists here.
  • [PMA] ANTIQUO: for the following reasons, despite the good willing of the concerned governors :

1/ The designati Consuls have told their intention to cope with the whole provincial file, which will specially allow the Senate to give a legal basis to most of our provinces, which have no creation senatus consultum (sic);

2/ There is no emergency;

3/ The Ancient used "citerior" and "ulterior" to name territories which were - either were in a territorial continuity with Rome and Italia ; - or that were separated by a border, generally natural (the Alps, Ebro riv., etc.). Using « citerior/ulterior » would thus be as if the largest part of Asia mainland did not exist, and was not concerned by Nova Roma's action. Adopting this couple of adjectives would be a de facto acknowlegment that NR is not concerned by all the countries between these two poles.

  • [MHM] Uti Uti rogas. I agree with Saturninus, let this be the first step toward proper provincial nomenclature. We have the latinists; we have the historians.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas.
  • [MLA] Uti rogas.

Item VIII: Senatus Consultum on permanent standing committees

  • [KFBQ] In principle I have wanted such committees to be created since my own proposal during my Consulship, but I reserve the right to support adding new and revoking "old" committees as time tells what committees we really need. I am very ambivalent towards the Conventus Committee, but as I got advisae about to late, I choose to keep my options instead. UTI ROGAS
  • [FVG] Uti Rogas
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas, with a recommendation to the incoming consuls to tweak these committee definitions early next year.
  • [LECA] Antiquo
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Abstineo. The rules committee is not a standing committee as it is to have its work done by April! It won't be standing after that. The public events committee seems like it will be taking away the responsilbility for public events, which is mostly a provincial affair.
  • [CFD] Antiquo
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Yes
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] Yes
  • [QFM] Antiquo. The concept of a Senatorial standing committee is a modern concept. It is not Roman. If the Consuls wish to put together ad hoc commission of three Senators of fact finding or research involvement that is dissolved after their report is Roman, but permanent standing committees? Never! Even the Principate never had this.
  • [FAC] VTI ROGAS. Usually I'm against the committees, they create just only more burocreacy for unuseful results. However they could be good if able to substitute a sleeping Senatus unable to take practical decisions in a short time. I hope this committees wouldn't become little sub-lobby managing the written affairs for the own direct or indirect interests. I hope the Senatus would check it constantly.
  • [GEC] As for Item VIII, the creation of Standing Committees...I have not yet decided, as I find the rules somewhat confusing and contradictory, but will be examining them more closely. I am fully in support of the creation of the Standing Committees, but, as they say, (the) God(s) is(are) in the details...
  • [ATS] Vti rogas.
  • [PC] UTI ROGAS, though I would be better pleased if these were supplied with required reports and expected annual accomplishments.
  • [MAM] Abstineo.
  • [MIP] ANTIQVO. More and more bureocracy. Which of these duties can't be followed by a magistrate and their staff? I don't like the NR trend to create new "empty" offices as after some time their activity is null.
  • [TOPA] Antiquo. Divide this into several consulta, one with a single coherent set of guidelines for committees, another for each committee created. The guidelines have been altered during the discussion and need a brushup (how does a committee get six or seven members, for instance?) before being passed.
  • [ECF] Antiquo.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Antiquo.
  • [CCS] Antiquo. The proposal has its merits, but setbacks are heavier. Especially I see this item, if approved, to be vote of no-confidence towards European conventus organisation. Also some of the proposed committees should be re-focused and/or set as temporary ones.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas. This is a much needed reform on the internal procedures of the Senate.
  • [QSP] Uti Rogas A good idea. I'd rather not see things put off another year. Lets do it.
  • [PMA] ANTIQUO: though the need is real, the current draft needs more preliminary work, specially on the "Novaroman events" chapter, which, among others points, would be contrary to the powers given by the Constitution to our aediles curules.
  • [MHM] Antiquo. A good idea but it must amended. Let next years magistrates submit this again with changes. This does not respect the Europeans and their Conventus.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas.
  • [MIS] VTI ROGAS. The Senate needs a modern and updated structure.
  • [MLA] Antiquo. Let us see what the incoming administration has in mind. Measure twice cut once.

Item IX: Senatus Consultum on Scholarships.

  • [KFBQ] I supported this proposal in the committeee and do so here again. UTI ROGAS
  • [FVG] Antiquo
  • [MOG] Abstineo.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas. The Scholarship committee worked for months to create this recommended text. Comments raised about another senatus consultum are mistaken. In fact there is no senatus consultum to be found in the tabularium creating the Scholarship Fund, though that fund has existed for some years. The rules for the fund were never established. This senatus consultum does establish meaningful rules and I strongly recommend its adoption to all.
  • [LECA] Antiquo
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas
  • [CFD] Antiquo
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Yes
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMS] Yes
  • [QFM] Uti rogas.
  • [ATS] Vti rogas.
  • [MAM] Antiquo.
  • [MIP] ABSTINEO. Same as before. Maybe this is the only comitee which is worth, as a judgement should be required. But I guess the argument could be debated in the Senate for an approval or deny.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas. I would still prefer us accepting applications from non-citizens, but otherwise a fair compromise.
  • [ECF] Antiquo.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas
  • [CCS] Antiquo. We already have a scholarship fund, and this proposal doesn't specify its own relationship with the previous one. Also this proposal contains duplicate information as Item VIII, and there is a possible conflict if only other of them is changed in the future.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas
  • [QSP] Uti Rogas.
  • [PMA] ANTIQUO: because the logic asks dealing first with the general committees item (VIII) before entering in the detail of one of them.
  • [MHM] Antiquo. Unecessary.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas.
  • [MIS] VTI ROGAS. I want to commend the fine work done in this subject by senator G. Equitius Marinus.
  • [MLA] Antiquo. There is no provision for blind selection.

Item X: Senatus Consultum on Nova Roman bank accounts and corporate compliance.

  • [KFBQ] We really need to get some order into our financial policy. UTI ROGAS
  • [FVG] Uti Rogas
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Uti Rogas. This fixes some things but I urge the incoming consules to work to eliminate the CFO position with Nova Roma and work on investing our quaestores with authority to be the treasurers of Nova Roma like they are supposed to be.
  • [GEM] Uti Rogas. It's high time we did this.
  • [LECA] Vti Rogas.
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Yes
  • [GPL] Uti Rogas. The difference between a "CFO" vs. Quaestores is one of continuity. It is inefficient to rotate quaestors into such a position yearly and there is no mechanism to ensure those elected are qualified in accounting and financial reporting. I would like to see a proposal for a CFO with a term of at least 3 years who would be only an officer of the Corporation as opposed to a magistrate of NR.
  • [PMS] Yes
  • [QFM] Abstaineo.
  • [FAC] ABSTINEO. I don't understand it and what it could ive financally to NR, I'm unable to judge it.
  • [ATS] Vti rogas.
  • [PC] UTI ROGAS. Should have been done years ago.
  • [MAM] Abstineo.
  • [TOPA] Uti rogas. I don't feel comfortable in naming a specific piece of software to be used in handling our finances. Someone asked how much it'd cost, and I don't recall seeing an answer. Even if it's free now, that might change in the future.
  • [ECF] Uti rogas.
  • [TIS] Uti rogas.
  • [ISM] Uti Rogas. Cannot happen too soon.
  • [CCS] Uti rogas. However this has to be only a first step.
  • [MMPH] Absentior uti rogas. This is a much needed, long overdue reform to establish more accountability over our finances by our Senate.
  • [QSP] Uti rogas. So it is with any organization.
  • [PMA] UTI ROGAS: the Senate, along with the Censores, must help the Consuls being able handling this so important budget and finances field. Though the consular proposal does not clearly distinguish the NR Inc. functions and NR Roman institutions, I support this step forward.
  • [MHM] Uti rogas. We must have complete fiscal transparency.
  • [AMA] Uti Rogas.
  • [MLA] Uti rogas.

Item XI: Ib Nova Roma sets as one of its short term goals the reacquisition, either by loan, rent, purchase or donation a Roman Temple for use of the citizens of Nova Roma. Short term is defined as with in 5-7 years.

  • [KFBQ] I will only support the "Temple in Roma project" for now. ANTIQUO.
  • [FVG] Uti rogas.
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Antiquo. The Religio Romana is already the number one priority of the senate, this is unnecessary and poorly worded.
  • [GEM] Antiquo. This proposal as written is ill considered and unnecessary. The first priority of the state is the Religio as is.
  • [LECA] Absto
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Abstineo
  • [CFD] Antiquo
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] Abstain.
  • [GPL] Abstineo.
  • [PMS] Abstain.
  • [QFM] Abstineo. This is a band-aid. Busy work to appear that we are doing something.
  • [FAC] ANTIQVO. There are too few details about it. If the idea is similar to the last project which would take a temple in Rome without a serious and detailed plan, my answer would be NO and NO. I ask a detailed plan following a precise legal and financial and organizational strategy.
  • [GEC] ANTIQUO. "Re-acquisition" is incorrect terminology for what I believe is the intent of this proposal; it *only* allows for us to acquire a building which is already extant and was, at one time or another in its history, acknowledged as a Roman temple. It may be semantics, but semantics are at the heart of the law. We must say *exactly* what we mean. I think we would be better served by offering to subsidize the sacred spaces our citizens have already created for worship on behalf of the Respublica. We might even consider offering grants to citizens who want to *build* a temple. But this is restrictive and inaccurate.
  • [ATS] Abstineo. This begs for clarification, inter alia.
  • [PC] ANTIQUO. I would far rather see our money go toward scholarships.
  • [MAM] Antiquo. I prefer support a defined project. It has more chances of succeed if led by a group of privatus, instead by our Senatus. Besides, such a novaroman temple will be normally used only by the local citizens.
  • [MIP] ANTIQVO. So few details.
  • [TOPA] Antiquo. Just no. Too short term and too specific. Consult with the religio first, and before that is possible...well, see my comment on point XIII.
  • [ECF] Antiquo.
  • [TIS] Antiquo. I know in the future we will receive a more detailed proposal.
  • [ISM] Antiquo.
  • [CCS] Antiquo. The proposal is too vague.
  • [MMPH] ANTIQUO. Ill-conceived, impractical, and unworkable
  • [QSP] Uti Rogas. I like the idea of Italy but anywhere affordable must be taken into consideration.
  • [PMA] ANTIQUO: on both points (Ib and c), this proposal does not precise that both paragraphs are placed under Paragraph III of the SC 31 Aug. 2757. In this current version, it let us think that these are new and/or, thus, unuseful or surabondant priorities.
  • [MHM] Antiquo. Too vague, This temple must be in Provincia Italia.
  • [AMA] Antiquo. This proposal as written is too vague.
  • [MIS] ANTIQVO. This is absurd
  • [MLA] Antiquo.

Item XII: Ic Nova Roma sets as one of its long term goals the acquisition of at least 108 contiguous acres on which to build a capital city for the administration of our culture. The exact site for this governmental and spiritual capital city is to be determined. Long term is defined as anything over 8 years.

  • [KFBQ] We don't need to say this again. ANTIQUO.
  • [FVG] Uti rogas. Let us strike at least a symbolic blow against those who would see Nova Roma languish as nothing more than a dream in cyberspace for all eternity, little practical good though I think it will do.
  • [MOG] Uti rogas.
  • [KFBM] Antiquo. This is already a goal of Nova Roma.
  • [GEM] Antiquo. This is part of the Declaratio of Nova Roma, and is already implicit in the first article of the existing priorities of Nova Roma. There is no need for this proposed SC.
  • [LECA] Vti Rogas.
  • [MCJ] Uti Rogas.
  • [DIPI] Uti rogas. I cannot understand senators voting against this, even if we are repeating ourselves because it is declared elsewhere. This "Ill-conceived, impractical, and unworkable" idea, as our senior consul-elect has called it, is almost word for word out of the Declaration of Nova Roma. You might as well say Nova Roma is "Ill-conceived, impractical, and unworkable." It is a foundational idea of Nova Roma and one he and every member of this senate should--even must--support as a long term goal of Nova Roma. This SC is simply asking us to reaffirm that LONG-term goal and place it in a list of other goals and priorities. It isn't asking us to pick a spot and start putting money towards it. As the Declaration states, a 108 acre forum will be built at a spot yet to be determined (one senator said it is to be built in or near Rome but that's not true, the Declaration doesn't even specify what continent this will be built on, let alone city, though obviously Rome would be great if we could afford it). I ask senators to change their vote and reaffirm their commitment to this foundational idea of Nova Roma.
  • [CFD] Antiquo.
  • [TGP] Uti rogas.
  • [MMA] No, This is already a goal, and why it is before the Senate again, I do not understand.
  • [GPL] Abstineo.
  • [PMS] NO.
  • [QFM] Uti rogas. Even though we repeating ourselves because it is declared elsewhere, this is word for word out of our Declaration of Nova Roma. The Senators that voted against do not understand. If all of you nay Sayers believe this vision of Flavius Vedius and Marcus Cassius cannot succeeded, why are you here? Perhaps your goals may be met elsewhere. All Senators must support this long term goal. It was the first thing declared when Nova Roma was founded. This SC is reminding us Senators that we must endorse this goal. So many Senators here today that were not around when Nova Roma began, so perhaps it is good repeating it so they and the citizens reading this speech recall that this is number 2 in our list of other goals and priorities? The area has not yet been determined, but it will one day, if New Rome does not lose her way. Hopefully, some of the new senators will amend their vote to reiterate the promise to this ideal of Nova Roma.
  • [FAC] ANTIQVO. I think our money could be used for different and more practical and more important projects involving the majority of the nova romans. In the other hand, we have a long list of goals, why we are adding another one if we're not accomplishing the previous?
  • [GEC] ANTIQUO. Why are we voting on something that already exists as a goal?
  • [ATS] Antiquo. As several have noted, this is redundant as it has already been stated in the Declaration.
  • [PC] ANTIQUO. While there is little Cato and I will agree on, I will respectfully echo his question, "Why are we voting on something that already exists as a goal?"
  • [MAM] Abstineo. I agree with the principle, but it is merely a reaffirmation of an already existing declaration.
  • [MIP] ANTIQVO. Idem. Already a NR goal, isn't it?
  • [TOPA] Antiquo. This is already stated and more specific in other places. These 108 acres are to be situated in or near Rome and that

won't happen in a LONG time.

  • [ECF] Antiquo.
  • [TIS] Antiquo. That already exist as a goal.
  • [ISM] Antiquo.
  • [CCS] Antiquo. The proposal is too vague.
  • [MMPH] ANTIQUO. Ill-conceived, impractical, and unworkable
  • [QSP] Uti Rogas. Anywhere people can easily get to; not Turkey being 98% Islamic. Again we'd best get on with something.
  • [PMA] ANTIQUO: on both points (Ib and c), this proposal does not precise that both paragraphs are placed under Paragraph III of the SC 31 Aug. 2757. In this current version, it let us think that these are new and/or, thus, unuseful or surabondant priorities.
  • [MHM] Antiquo. Will the site be in Turkey, Texas, Tuscany? Again this is too vague.
  • [MCC] ANTIQVO. I think that Nova Roma do not needs more land
  • [AMA] Antiquo. As others have noted, this is already part of the Declaratio of Nova Roma. I also feel strongly that any such goal should be followed by a plan of action, and there isn't one here.
  • [MIS] ANTIQVO Ill-conceived, impractical, and unworkable.
  • [MLA] Antiquo.

Item XIII: Senatus Consultum On an agreement between the Senate and the Pontifex Maximus.

  • [KFBQ] First of all the Senate should not need to negotiate with one of its own members. Further there seem not to be any agreement as both the Consul and Pontifex Maximus voted against. I am not a supporter of Consul Paulinus, which I think is a well-known fact and I don't think this approach was a very good one, but will give the good Consul the acknowledgement that he did this with the best of intentions. The behavior of the Pontifex Maximus in this case however, I am very sad to say, seem to me to be more than deceitful. Because I can't believe that the Pontifex Maximus want me to believe that he actually missed the line about the Latin studies and at the same time think that I will accept the impolite behavior towards a Consul of Nova Roma who only only tries to do his best. Pontifex Maximus Marcus Julianus may have saved his political skin, but not his honor, in the latest maneuvering in the Collegium Pontificum. He may have saved his position once more, but I am still unconvinced that he will be much of a "stayer" in the long run. I will be the first to ask the Pontifex Maximus for his forgiveness the day that I am proven wrong, but I am not sure I will live to see that day and I intend to be around for quite some time. ANTIQUO.
  • [FVG] Antiquo.
  • [MOG] Antiquo. As I've said all along, the performance of one particular Pontifex isn't the issue; it's the performance of the Collegium as a whole.
  • [KFBM] Antiquo. As I have already indicated at length this item extremely poorly written and unnecessary.
  • [GEM] Antiquo. First, there's no need for the Senate to enter into any binding agreement with one of its own members. Second, the PM himself has said this is not the text he agreed to. Third, the agreement would have been unenforceable.
  • [LECA] Antiquo.
  • [MCJ] Antiquo. The text I agreed to is different than the version put up for vote.
  • [DIPI] Antiquo. Since even the pontifex maximus doesn't want this, I see no reason why anyone should consider it.
  • [CFD] Uti Rogas.
  • [TGP] Antiquo. I thought the Pontifex Maximus was an honorable man but this exercise shows me that he is not.
  • [MMA] NO, This has been discussed. I believe that it was a futile and useless undertaking, which in the end both men disagreed with and / or reputed.
  • [GPL] Antiquo. This is something that I feel is better addressed by the incoming Consuls.
  • [PMS] NO.
  • [QFM] Antiquo. Since when is NR an institution of higher learning? Will Marcus Cassius get his MA in Roman Antiquity when it is completed? No? I thought so. All Marcus Cassius needs to do is show-up and oversee the workings of College once again. He says he is ready to do so. I take him at his word. So should everyone else.
  • [FAC] ANTIQVO. I don't understand why the Senatus is creating an agreement with the Pontifex Maximus about his job. The activities written in the agreement are DUTIES of the Pontifex, why we're negotiating them? If he's unable to accomplish them, he should be substitute!! No agreements or peaceful contracts, we need adult and able magistrates.
  • [GEC] ANTIQUO. I will not repeat my arguments, but only once again ask why the Senate and People of the Respublica should be brought to engage in horse-trading to force the Pontifex Maximus to do what is already his job.
  • [ATS] Antiquo. Apart from the fact that this document was not presented to the Senate for prior consultation, the Pontifex Maximus has not agreed to this, and apparently did not even read it carefully or he would have noted a provision concerning the mandatory acquisition of instruction in Latin and Greek on his part. Moreover, said provision was changed midstream from having NR pay for said instruction when some of us pointed out the existence of high-quality free Latin instruction at the Academia Thules, an institution with which certain parties appear to be unfamiliar. There is also the matter that one would not anticipate having to request that an official perform his or her duties, or require a separate contract (and that, too, an unenforceable one) be negotiated for that purpose. As do at least some of my colleagues in the Senate, I find this rather disconcerting.
  • [PC] ANTIQUO. The level of activity outlined in this program would be suitable for a paid, full-time priest. Until NR is prepared to pay an annual salary for the Pontifex Maximus, it should not require him to do any more than can be reasonably managed in a working American's spare time.
  • [MAM] Antiquo. It did not work.
  • [TOPA] Antiquo. No "agreement" should be needed to make an official, religious or not, fulfill his duties. I will support a SCU or a dictator to clear up the religio, as has been needed for so long.
  • [ECF] Antiquo.
  • [TIS] Antiquo. That is ridiculous agreement.
  • [ISM] Antiquo. The entire discussion has been extremely unfortunate and unproductive in the extreme.
  • [CCS] Antiquo. This is ridiculous situation. A Pontifex Maximus who has for years neglected his duties is setting terms on the Senate to become active again. I vote absolutely no for this kind of circus.
  • [MMPH] ANTIQUO. In his rush to place just anything before the Senate,in his impetuousness to interpose himself into the situation that he knows little about, and in his typical fashion of working without the full knowledge of his advisors, or the Senate, or even, as was exposed as obvious, not even with the person with whom he supposedly negotiates, Consul Galerius has created an agreement to which the main party, Pontifex Maximus M Cassius Julianus, did not agree to in full. The agree in not specific on critical, so that the Senate cannot know what it would agree to. It placed a condition on the Pontifex Maximus to take language courses, a provision to which he had not agreed, and a condition on the Sentae to pay for these classes, without first consulting the Senate. Further, the Senate should not need negotiate with one of its own members, or with any official who sets conditions on whether he shall perform his obligations. Constitutional restraints would make this contract difficult to enforce were it passed, requiring the Senate to consider an SCU in the event that the agreement were breached. More than all else though, I find this a very ill-considered interference and an extremely dangerous precedent to set. This is essential an internal matter of the Collegium Pontificum. While I agree that the Consules may act as mediators in such a situation as we saw, and that the Senate has the overriding oversight authority over the Collegium Pontificum in some of the issues addressed by the so-called Agreement,it is still a matter that can best be worked out in the Collegium itself. We are now seeing this begining to happen, with the Consul's interference. We should give the Collegium a short while, under Senate observation, to demonstrate that its members will again take up their duties, overcome their differences, and once more provide for the culti Deorum ex patria Novae Romae. The Pontifex Maximus has stated his willingness to return to his duties, and that shall be sufficient with me for now. We do not need an unenforcable, binding contract with the Pontifex Maximus or with any of the other Pontifices. Focus has been placed on him, but all of the Pontifices must either fulfill their obligations, resign, or be removed from office. There can be no compromises on providing for the Pax Deorum.
  • [QSP] Abstain.
  • [PMA] ANTIQUO: for the following reasons: 1/ It would be strange supporting a text which the consul presents... and himself votes against. 2/ Like Censoris Equitius, I think that, except if it wants to loose its auctoritas, the Senate may not contract an agreement with one of its members. 3/ Even if the Res publica sure needs more active and communicating Pontifex maximus and central religious institutions,our present constitution does not give any direct means either to the Senate, or to our civil magistrates to cope with the situation.
  • [MHM] Antiquo. Was there ever such behavior in Roma Antiqua? Our shame is the Pontifex Maximus who has to be bribed to do his duties. Absolutely no!
  • [AMA] Antiquo. This type of agreement is unenforceable, and the PM himself has not agreed to it.
  • [MIS] ANTIQVO. What Nova Roma needs, is a Pontifex Maximus who does what he must do, without excuses and with a real sense of duty. We do not need an unenforcable, binding contract with the Pontifex Maximus or with any of the other Pontifices.
  • [MLA] Antiquo.


Titus Flavius Aquila

Tribunus Plebis

Nova Roma

XV Kalendas Ianuarias MMDCCLX AUC

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