Ludi Megalenses 2762 AUC (Nova Roma)

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AC-2logo.png This page is maintained under authority of the Aediles Curules
The chariot of Magna Mater


Opening of the Ludi Novi Romani

Cn. Lentulus pontifex, scriba aedilicius Cn. Iuli Caesaris Quiritibus s. p. d.

The Megalesia is opened in the name of aedilis curulis Cn. Caesar! As a pontifex, I declare the Ludi Megalenses open, after I've performed the Opening Sacrifice to Magna Mater before my home altar.

Please have a thought to the hard times of Punic wars, when Magna Mater had honored the Eternal City accepting sailing to Rome, and settling on Palatine.

Let us honor our Great Mother and have fun all along the Megalesia!


Cn. Cornelius Lentulus
scriba aedilis curulis

Megalensia History Quiz

Welcome to the Ludi Megalenses, and to our "Magna Mater" Certamen Historicum!

We will be posting 50 questions between April 5th and April 9th, at the rate of 10 per day. The contest will be concluded and the Ludi Megalenses closed on April 10th. I will accept answers to all questions, previous days included, daily. I will not post answers to questions on the following day, but will announce all the results on April 10th.

Good luck to all contestants!


1. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. An extra point may be awarded for an especially detailed and excellent answer.

2. Answers are to be sent to this e-mail address before 12.01 am MT - Mountain Time (GMT -7hrs / CET -8hrs) April 10th.

3. The decision of the aedilis is final in interpreting what is and what isn't a correct answer.

Questions and Answers

Day 1 (April 5th)

Question #1. An ugly grandson of Zeus was famous for what in respect of Cybele?

Question #2. What was the name of this grandson?

Question #3. A carving of Cybele has been confused with a natural rock formation associated with an Anatolian princess. What was her name?

Question #4. The author of a “Description of Greece” mentioned this princess. What was the name of this author?

Question #5. The sculptor who carved a monumental gateway to the Acropolis in Athens had a pupil who became famous for carving an image of Cybele. What was the name of this pupil?

Question #6. In the carving the pupil made what does Cybele’s hand rest on?

Question #7. A Roman consul with a pointed nose had a connection with Cybele. What was his full name?

Question #8. The former Greek colony of Dicaearchia saw the first advent of a practice in relation to Cybele. What was this practice?

Question #9. Ardea was the capital city of a tribe that had a connection in legend to an event concerning Cybele. What was that event?

Question #10. What is the connection between the defeat of the German tribes in 102 BCE and Cybele?

Day 2 (April 6th)

Question #1.

Question #2.

Question #3.

Question #4.

Question #5.

Question #6.

Question #7.

Question #8.

Question #9.

Question #10.

Day 3 (April 7th)

Question #1.

Question #2.

Question #3.

Question #4.

Question #5.

Question #6.

Question #7.

Question #8.

Question #9.

Question #10.

Day 4 (April 8th)

Question #1.

Question #2.

Question #3.

Question #4.

Question #5.

Question #6.

Question #7.

Question #8.

Question #9.

Question #10.

Day 5 (April 9th)

Question #1.

Question #2.

Question #3.

Question #4.

Question #5.

Question #6.

Question #7.

Question #8.

Question #9.

Question #10.

Final Results

The scores and final positions are:

  • 1st Place:
  • 2nd Place:
  • 3rd Place:

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