User talk:Gaius Aemilius Crassus

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Illustrissime praetor Crasse! Thank you for working on our website! Please allow me to mention an important thing: the praetorial office should be Officium Praetorium, and not "officina". It's a long overdue correction because some past praetores, not all, continued to use the wrong word. Officina is "workshop", like a black smith workplace. Officium is "office". --Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus 21:30, 7 January 2013 (CET)

Lentule carissime thank you for the welcome. You are right concerning the officina and officium. Could you please tell me how to change the page? Do I use the move feature? Also is there a way to know all wiki pages that link to a specific page? The reason I ask is because it is extremely fallible being editing all links without knowing what all is. -- Gaius Aemilius Crassus 11:30, 8 January 2013 (CET)
I see you've found out how to change the page name. There is a toolbox on the left edge of the monitor. In that, you'll find the button "WHat links here". That shows all pages that link to a particular page. But if you ask this because of your moving a page to another title, you don't have to worry, because MOVE leaves a redirect behind and it directs all existing links to the new page name.
Also, I had to move the page again because the word praetoris was accidentally left there. I changed it to "praetorium", as I wrote earlier. It's a project of mine to check all previous offices and correct their names, but it's not an urgent task. Vale! --Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus 12:34, 8 January 2013 (CET)
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