Consular Sacrificial Ceremony MMCCLXII (Nova Roma)

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M. Curiatius Complutensis Consul: Patribus Mátribusque Conscriptís, Populo Novo Romano, Quiritibus omnibusque: salutem plurimam dicit:

Annum novum bonum faustum felicem!

In accordance with the tradition begun by Consul Cn. Salvius Astur on the Kalendae Ianuariae MMDCCLVII and continued in the following years by Consules C. Popillius Laenas, K. Fabius Buteo Modianus, L. Arminius Faustus, and M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus notice is hereby given that later today I shall perform the annual Consular Sacrificial Ceremony offered to the Di Immortales in the following manner.



Praeco dicit:

"Hoc agite! Ite procul, sacer est locus, ite profani!"

Lictor dicit:

"Hostis vinctus, puer, virgo exesto!"


The Consul washes his hands in preparation for the Praefatio:

"Haec aqua a corpore impuritates eluat, ut pluvial aera purgat!"

(May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air.)

Praeco dicit:

"Adeste dique hominesque sacris. Procul hinc, procul ite nocentes si cui corde nefas tacitum fessique senectus longa patris, si quis pulsatae conscius umquam matris et inferna rigidum timet Aeacon urna: insontes castosque voco."

(Come, be present, Gods and men, to these holy rites. Begone, you wicked folk, begone far from here, all whose hearts harbor unspoken an unholy desire, any who thinks their elderly relatives have lived too long, or you who are conscious of ever having struck your own mother, fear the urn of unbending Aeacus in the Underworld. I call only upon the innocent and the chaste.)

Consul dicit:

"Pro Senatu Novo Romano, ego, Marcus Curiatius Complutensis Consul dico, edico:"

(For the Senate and People of Nova Roma, I, Marcus Curiatius Complutensis, the Consul say and announce:)

"Iane pater, te hoc ture commovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitius mihi et Senatui Populoque Novo Romano."

(Father Ianus, by offering this incense to You I pray good prayers, so that You may be propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma.)

Incense is placed in the focus of the altar.

"Mars pater, te hoc ture commovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitius mihi et Senatui Populoque Novo Romano."

(Father Mars, by offering this incense to You I pray good prayers, so that You may be propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma.)

Incense is placed in the focus of the altar.

"Quirine pater, te hoc ture commovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitius mihi et Senatui Populoque Novo Romano."

(Father Quirinus, by offering this incense to You I pray good prayers, so that You may be propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma.)

Incense is placed in the focus of the altar.

"Iane pater, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto."

(Father Ianus, as by offering to You the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Mars pater, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto."

(Father Mars, as by offering to You the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Quirine pater, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto."

(Father Quirinus, as by offering to You the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made.


Hands are washed in preparation for the Precatio:

"Haec aqua a corpore impuritates eluat, ut pluvial aera purgat!"

(May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air.)

"Iuppiter Optime Maxime, uti tibi in illeis libreis scriptum est, quarumque rerum ergo, quodque melius siet populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, tibi hoc sacrum fiat: te quaeso precorque, uti imperium maiestatemque populi Novi Romani Quiritium auxis, utique incolumitatem sempiternamque victoriam valetudinemque populo Novo Romano Quiritibus des, faveasque populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Remque Publicam Liberam populi Novi Romani Quiritium salvam serves, maioremque facias, uti sis volens propitius populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Senatui Novo Romano, sacerdotibus populi Novi Romani, nobis, domibus, familiis, et uti huius sacrifici acceptor sies; harum rerum ergo macte esto fito volens propitius populo Novo Romano Quiritibus, Senatui Novo Romano, sacerdotibus Novis Romanis, nobis, domibus, familiis."

(Jupiter Optimus Maximus, as it is prescribed for You in the (sacred) books - and for this reason may good fortune attend the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites - let sacrifice be made to You. I ask and I pray that You may increase the imperium and majesty of the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites; and that You may grant eternal safety, victory and health to the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites; and that You may protect the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites; and that You may keep safe and make greater the Free Republic of the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites, and that You may be favorable and propitious to the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites, to the Senate of Nova Roma, to the priests and priestesses of the people of Nova Roma, to us, to our homes, and to our households; and that You may accept this sacrifice.

For these reasons may You become strengthened and honored with this sacrifice, may You become favorable and propitious to the people of Nova Roma, the Quirites, to the Senate of Nova Roma, to the priests and priestesses of the people of Nova Roma, to ourselves, to our homes, and to our households.)

"Iuppiter, quo circa te, Capitoline, quem propter beneficia populus Romanus Optimum, propter vim Maximum nominavit! Iuppiter, qui genus colis alisque hominem, per quem vivimus vitalem aevom, quem penes spes vitae sunt hominum omnium, da diem hunc sospitem quaeso meis rebus agundis!"

(O Jupiter Capitolinus, to You I pray, I entreat You, who the Roman people have named Optimus after Your kindness and Maximus after Your great power. O Jupiter, who does cherish and nurture the human race, through whom we live and draw the breath of life, in whom rest the hopes and lives of all humankind, come now to this place, bless it in happiness, illuminated in Your divine radiance, venerated and made holy by Your presence.)

"Pater noster, in tua, pater carissime, in tua sumus custodia. Iuppiter, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces praecor, uti sis volens propitius nobis liberisque nostris, domibus familiisque nostris."

(Our Father, in You, dearest Father, in Your hands do we place our safekeeping. Jupiter, in offering to You this incense I pray good prayers that You may favor us, our children, our homes and our households.)

"Iuppiter, te hoc libo obmovendo bonas preces precor, uti sis volens propitius nobis liberisque nostris, domibus familiisque nostris, mactus hoc ferto."

(Jupiter, in offering You this libum bread I pray good prayers in order that, pleased with this offering of libum bread, You may be favorable to us and our children, to our homes and our households.)

"Iovis pater, uti te libo obmovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto."

(Father Jupiter, for the same reasons given when offering to You libum bread with good prayers, may You be warmed by this small portion of our wine.)

"Iuppiter Optime Maxime, rex Deorum, qui res publicas Novas Romanas nunc custodis defendisque, sicut res publicas maiorum nostrorum Romanorum custodivisti efendistique, tibi fieri oportet in hoc tempore initii culignam vini dapi, eius rei ergo hac illace dape pullucenda esto."

(Iuppiter Best and Greatest, King of the Gods, who protects and defends the public affairs of Nova Roma just as He protected and defended the public affairs of our Roman fathers, to You it is proper for a cup of wine to be given in this time of beginning, for the sake of this thing may You be honored by this feast offering.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Iuno, regina Deorum, quae materne nunc Senatum Populumque Novum Romanum nutris, sicut Senatum populumque Romanum in tempore maiorum nostrorum nutrivisti, tibi fieri oportet in hoc tempore initii culignam vini dapi, eius rei ergo hac illace dape pullucenda esto."

(Iuno, queen of the Gods, who maternally nurtures the Senate and People of Nova Roma just as She nurtured the Senate and People of Rome in the time of our fathers, to You it is proper for a cup of wine to be given in this time of beginning, for the sake of this thing may You be honored by this feast offering.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Minerva, sapientia aeterna, quae recte res publicas Novas Romanas ducis, sicut res publicas maiorum nostrorum Romanorum duxisti, tibi fieri oportet in hoc tempore initii culignam vini dapi, eius rei ergo hac illace dape pullucenda esto."

(Minerva, eternal wisdom, who rightly guides the public affairs of Nova Roma just as She rightly guided the public affairs of our Roman fathers, to You it is proper for a cup of wine to be given in this time of beginning, for the sake of this thing may You be honored by this feast offering.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Salus, benefactrix Senatus Populique Romani et fideiussorix salutis nostrae, quae Novam Romam conservas, sicut Romam antiquam conservavisti, tibi fieri oportet in hoc tempore initii culignam vini dapi, eius rei ergo hac illace dape pullucenda esto."

(Salus, benefactor of the Roman Senate and People and guarantor of our well-being, who preserves Nova Roma just as She preserved ancient Rome, to You it is proper for a cup of wine to be given in this time of beginning, for the sake of this thing may You be honored by this feast offering.)

Libation of wine is made.


Hands are washed in preparation for the redditio.

"Haec aqua a corpore impuritates eluat, ut pluvial aera purgat!"

(May this water cleanse my body of impurities, as the rain cleanses the air.)

"Iuppiter Optime Maxime, rex Deorum, macte istace dape pollucenda esto, macte vino inferio esto."

(Iuppiter Best and Greatest, king of the Gods, may You be honored by this feast offering, may You be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made, and an offering of cake is made.

"Iuno, regina Deorum, macte istace dape pollucenda esto, macte vino inferio esto."

(Iuno, queen of the Gods, may You be honored by this feast offering, may You be honored by the small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made, and an offering of cake is made.

"Minerva, sapientia aeterna, macte istace dape pollucenda esto, macte vino inferio esto."

(Minerva, eternal wisdom, may You be honored by this feast offering, may You be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made, and an offering of cake is made.

"Salus, benefactrix Novae Romae, macte istace dape pollucenda esto, macte vino inferio esto."

(Salus, benefactrix of Nova Roma, may You be honored by this feast offering, may You be honored by the small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made, and an offering of cake is made.

"Quirine pater, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto."

(Father Quirinus, as by offering to You the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Mars pater, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto."

(Father Mars, by offering to You the incense virtuous prayers were prayed well, for the sake of this be honored by this by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Iane pater, uti te ture commovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto."

(Father Ianus, as by offering to You the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Dea Vesta, custos ignis sacri, macte vino inferio esto."

(Goddess Vesta, guardian of the sacred fire, be honored by this small portion of wine.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Vesta, perpetuorum custos ignium, vos publica voce obtestor atque precor: custodi serva protege hanc Rem Publicam liberam, hunc populum, hos consules, pacem concordiamque constantem Rei Publicae nostrae tribue."

(Vesta, perpetual guardian of fire, to You the public voice calls and prays: may You guard, preserve, and protect this Free Republic, this People, these consuls; may You grant peace and steadfast concord for our Republic.)

"Nil amplius vos hodie posco, superi, satis est."

(No more, Gods on High, do I ask of You today; it is enough.)

"Ilicet. Di deaeque omnes, superi atque inferi, vos semper ament et felicitam volunt."

(Thus it is done. May all the Gods above and below always love you and wish you happiness in all that is good.)

"Vadite in pace Deorum!"

(Go now in the peace of the Gods.)

And those observing the rite respond:

"Di immortales faciant, tam felix quam pium."

(May the immortal Gods make it so, as fortunate as it is pious.)


[I concluded with a piaculum to Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, Iuno, Miverva, and Salus in the event I might have done anything during the ceremony that might be displeasing to the Immortals.]

"Iuppiter Optime Maxmime, Iuno, Minerva, Salus, Di Immortales, si quidquam vobis in hac caerimonia displicet, hoc vino inferio veniam peto et vitium meum expio."

(Iuppiter Optimus Maximus, Iuno, Minerva, and Salus, Immortal Gods, if anything in this ceremony is displeasing to you, with this by this small portion of wine I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.)

Libation of wine is made.

"Di Immortales Romae civibus Novis Romanis et praesentibus et futuris faveant!"

(May the Immortal Gods of Rome bless the citizens and future Citizens of Nova Roma.)


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