SC 2763 Nov. 1-6 (Nova Roma)

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P. Memmius Albucius

ITEM VII - Provinces – Appointment of governors – California
(adopted text)

The text

In view of the report presented by Consul Memmius, the Senate of Rome decides:

Article 1 : Q. Fabius Maximus shall be appointed, from this day on and until the senatorial appointment review scheduled, in the present state of Nova Roma Law, in March 2765 auc, governor (proconsul) of the province of California.

Article 2 : The consuls, censors and praetors of Nova Roma are charged of the good execution of the present senatus consultum, which shall be applicable from its publication on, and be included in the Tabularium Nova Romae (Senate section).

Votes and opinions

  • xxx, xxx : UR
  • xxx : ABS. I agree that xxxxxx .
  • xxx: ANT: This proposal xxxxx .
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