Provincia Canada Ulterior (Nova Roma) - Edictum Twenty Three

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Edictum Twenty Three


I, Gnaeus Iulius Caesar, legatus pro praetore of Provincia Canada Ulterior, in accordance with Section 3.1.1 of the Lex Fabia de Oppidis et Municipiis, having received a foedus from the following citizens,

Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa
Quintus Suetonius Paulinus
Vibia Lucretia Camilla
Sexta Iunia Palladia
Publius Aemilius Lepidus

requesting official approval for the formation of an oppidum in the City of Edmonton, Alberta have examined this request. I find that it meets the requirements of Section 3.1.2 of the Lex Fabia de Oppidis et Municipiis. Accordingly by virtue and authority of this edict I approve their request.

The official name of this community shall be Oppidum Laureatum and the geographical limits of the Oppidum shall include the cities of Edmonton, St. Albert, Spruce Grove, Leduc, Fort Saskatchewan and the surrounding counties of Parkland, Sturgeon, Strathcona and Leduc.

Further, in accordance with Section 3.1.3 of the Lex Fabia de Oppidis et Municipiis I appoint Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa and Quintus Suetonius Paulinus to serve as provisional aediles. They are instructed to call the comitia oppidana of the Oppidum Laureatum and conduct therein an election for the appointment of two aediles. This election shall be held within sixty days from today. The appointment of the provisional aediles shall expire immediately upon the election of the new aediles.

This edict is effective immediately.

Given under my hand, this 16th day of December, 2008 in the City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

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