Asia Orientalis provincial report MMDCCLX

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Asia Orientalis provincial report MMDCCLX

M. Lucretius Agricola consulibus et patribus conscriptis S. P. D.

Revenues and Expenses

There are at this time nine citizens in this province, including probationary citizens. Of those, three are assidui. No other revenue is expected or planned than tax revenue. The number of tax payers is expected to remain small. I will attempt to implement a modest incentive system for the new tax period. No expenses are currently anticipated for MMDCCLXI. No other fund-raising activity is planned at this time.

Projects was established as the official mailing list for this province.

Other projects have been delayed pending my access to the provincial citizen database (Album Civium). I have achieved this access in this nundinum. I have now been able to contact all of the citizens to invite them to join the provincial mailing list. Since I will be contacting everyone in relation to the census, this will be a good time to put forward new projects. I plan to attempt two projects.

The first project will be open to all citizens and will be a design competition for a provincial flag. The second project will be a photography project that will contribute to the Nova Roma wiki. The theme will be "Greco-Roman Art in Asia Orientalis".

I will continue the practice that I began as a civis of using the provincial mailing list to invite other citizens to attend museum shows of Greco-Roman art.

Because we are scattered across several nations using different currencies and because seas divide many of us, no province-wide meetings are planned and there is no simple way to collect taxes on a province-wide basis.


I would continue to attempt to fulfill the duties of legatus pro praetore of provincia Asia Orientalis if the senate of the res publica should desire me to do so.

optime valete

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