Provincia Canada Ulterior - Regio Athabasca (Nova Roma)

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The Regio of Athabasca includes Alberta, Yukon, Northwest Territory and Nunavut. The current Legatus is Senator Quintus Suetonius Paulinus. The regio covers nearly 4.6 million km² with approximately 3.4 million people, over 95% of whom live in Alberta.


There are no chartered towns in Regio Athabasca

Cities and Towns

City Name Roman Name Population
Calgary 878, 866
Edmonton Castellum Augustus 666, 104
Red Deer Elaphus 67, 707
Lethbridge Ripa Carboram 67, 374
St. Albert Sanctus Albertus 53, 081
Medicine Hat Apex Medicamentarius 51, 249
Wood Buffalo Bison Athabascae 41, 466
Grande Prairie Pratum Magnum 36, 983
Airdrie Clivusaltus 20, 382
Whitehorse Equusalbus 19, 058
Yellowknife Culteraeneus 16, 541
Spruce Grove Nemus Nitidus 15, 983
Leduc 15, 032
Camrose Tesquepravi 14, 854
Lloydminster Colonia Britannia 13, 148
Fort Saskatchewan Castellum Saskatchewan 13, 121
Cochrane 11, 798
Okotoks Okotoks 11, 664
Brooks 11, 604
Cold Lake Lacus Frigidus 11, 520

Total Population of the Regio of Athabasca - 3, 155, 700. All statistics are from the 2001 Census by Statistics Canada.
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