Gnaeus Equitius Marinus (Election MMDCCLX)

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CIV-Gnaeus Equitius Marinus.jpg

Gnaeus Equitius Marinus

Album Civium

Election MMDCCLX

Salvete quirites,

Because somebody has to do it, and I can do it better than anybody else, I'm declaring for Rogator for next year.

Those interested in checking out my qualifications are welcome to look at my Album Civium page:



Salvete quirites,

As the more perceptive among you have noticed, Consul Paulinus has placed my name on the revised ballot for Curule Aedile. This resulted from a private note I sent to him yesterday, offering to stand for this important office that was going vacant. However, I have not yet posted an official declaration.

This post is the declaration. I am standing for Curule Aedile on the condition that the consul is willing to waive the requirements of the Lex Salicia de Continuatione et Cumulatione and the Tribunes agree to this waiver.

I have twice before served as Curule Aedile. I have also served in a number of Aedilician cohorts, beginning with that of Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus, and continuing through the present. I know what needs to be done, and I know how to do it. I have participated in the Magna Mater Project for many years now, and I will insure that it is properly managed next year.

The reason this is a conditional declaration is because it is subject to the approval of both the presiding magistrate, Consul Paulinus, and the approval of the Tribunes since they are the guardians of Nova Roma's constitution.



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