Regio Tennessee (Nova Roma)

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The Tennessee Regio consists geographically of the States of Tennessee and Arkansas, located in the Southeastern USA, the Provincia America Austrorientalis.

Praesidio Volaesia Vex

Ala Provinciorum V, Regio Tennessee, Provincia America Austrorientalis

Ala Provinciorum V and its attached civilian Vicus (non-military camp followers) consists of all cives in the Tennessee Regio of Provincia America Austrorientalis, who do not belong to an established Roman reenactment or living history organization. The Ala Provinciorum is under the direction of the Prefect of the Region.

The current Praefectus Regio is Lucius Vitellius Triarius. He resides in Volaesia (Knoxville, TN), the current Praesidio (HQ, Prefect's residens) of Regio Tennessee, Provincia America Austrorientalis.

Legio V Alaudae Vex

Cohors Prima Volunum, Legio V Alaudae

LEGIO V ALAUDAE - Caesar's Fifth Legion: The Larks ~ A Roman reenactment group in East Tennessee. Welcome to the newest, best, and only Roman legion reenactment group in Tennessee. The goal of our group is to provide a historically accurate recreation of people in the Roman empire from roughly 100 BC to 100 AD. We have legionaries, civilians, a couple barbarians, and are always looking for MORE! We are also a registered University of Tennessee Student Organization, but we have members from all over Tennessee.

Legio V at Pompeii 2760

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