Reading list for the cultus deorum

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Modern Scholarship


Dictionary of Roman Religion

Lesley Adkins, Roy A. Adkins. (1995). ISBN 0816030057
Hardcover. An excellent resource for general knowledge or just to look up that obscure temple or God. Includes a very good bibliography.
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An Introduction to Roman Religion

John Scheid, Janet Lloyd (Translator). (n.d.) ISBN 0253216605
This is an English translation of the book La Religion des Romains (ISBN 2200263775) . This book is a must for all those who wish to know what the Religio Romana was and how it was practiced. It is written in the form of a manual, a small booklet very easy to read, with lots of notes, quotations and illustrations.
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Religions of Rome, (2 Volumes)

Mary Beard, John North & Simon Price. (1998). ISBN 0521316820
Paperback. Volume I (ISBN 0521316820) is a history from early Rome down to the Christian emperors (the last chapter). Volume 2 (ISBN 0521456460) is a sourcebook with lots of pictures, including calendar, religious places, festivals and ceremonies, sacrifices and divination.
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Specific Topics

The Flamen

J. Vanggaard. (1988). ISBN 8772890592
Gathers together all the known evidence on the Roman flamines.
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Les flamines et leurs dieux

Domenico Fasciano, Pierre Seguin. (1993). ISBN 2980351504 Worldcat #28673540

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Le collège pontifical 3eme s. a. C. - 4eme s. p. C. : contribution à l'étude de la religion publique romaine

Francoise van Haeperen. (2002). ISBN 9074461492
The latest study on the pontifical college.
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Rome's Vestal Virgins

Robin Lorsch Wildfang. (2006). Routledge. ISBN 0415397952
all latin texts collected Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Le Vestali

Maria Cristina Martini. (2004). Editions Latomus. ISBN 2870312237
the latest work on a long neglected topic Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Kalender und Öffentlichkeit : die Geschichte der Repräsentation und religiösen Qualifikation von Zeit in Rom

Jörg Rüpke. (1995). ISBN 3110145146
Challenging analysis of the calendar with complete literary sources and fantastic bibliography with indexes. Rüpke postulates NP = nefas piaculum and EN = endoitio exitio nefas.
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The Roman Goddess Ceres

Barbette Stanley Spaeth. (1996). ISBN 0292776926
A work based on the author's doctoral thesis on all known evidence about the Goddess.
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Death and Burial in the Roman World

J.M.C. Tonybee. (1996). ISBN 0801855071
A covering of the various aspects of death, burial, funerals, and the afterlife as based on the ancient sources and archaeology.
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La vie religieuse des matrones dans la Rome archaïque

Nicole Boels-Janssen. (1993). Ecole Française de Rome. ISBN 2728302820
Important discussion of household ritual, discussion of the flaminica.
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Women's religious activity in the Roman Republic

Celia E. Schultz. (2006). The University of North Carolina Press. ISBN 0807830186
via epigrahpic evidence & votive deposits, this book analyses women's participation in the public religious sphere, domestic rituals, and the role of the flaminate as a married priesthood.
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Magic and Divination

Librorum de Disciplina Augurali ante Augusti Mortem Scriptorum Reliquiae

Francis Albert Brause. (1875).
A Thesis on the extant literary fragments that describe and/or detail augural practice from before the death of Augustus.

Magic in the Ancient world

Fritz Graf. (1997). Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674541540
excellent book about ideology & practice in graeco-roman world Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Magic and Magicians in the Graeco-Roman World

Matthew Dickie. (2001). Routledge. ISBN 0415249821 Worldcat #45951576
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Mantikê : studies in ancient divination

eds, Sarah Iles Johnston and Peter T. Struck.. (2005). Brill. ISBN 9004144978
excellent essays, Friz Graf, sortes, with fine bibliography Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Greek and Roman Necromancy

Daniel Ogden. (2001). Princeton University Press. ISBN 069100904X
fantastically interesting with lots of detail Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Specific Cults

For more reading on specific cults, see also the list of reading lists.

Apollon Romain

Jean Gagé. (1955). Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome: fasc. 182. Worldcat #4996696
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

Apollon Imperial, garant des "Fata Romana"

Jean Gagé. (1981). ANRW, II,17,2,. ISBN 3110018853
(I, 1) Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Worshipping Diana

Lora Louise Holland. (2002). Microfiche. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 2002. 3 microfiche ; 11 x 15 cm. Worldcat #51250081
Cult of a Roman Goddess in Republican Italy. Thesis WorldCat. no.51250081 Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana at Aricia

C.M.C. Green. (2007). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0521851580
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Jacqueline Champeaux. (1982). Ecole Française de Rome. ISBN 2728300410
covers all cults of Fortuna, Muliebris, Virilis, Fors Fortuna taking into account archeology, epigraphy etc. ISBNs: 2728300410 (v. 1) 2728300429 (v. 1 : flap) Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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The Goddess Fortuna in Imperial Rome : Cult, Art, Text

Darius Andre Arya. (2006). University of Texas at Austin.
available online! Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

Hekate Soteira

Sarah Isles Johnston. (1990). Scholars Press. ISBN 155540426X
American Classical Studies no.21 Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Isis in the Graeco-Roman World

R.E. Witt. (1971). Cornell University Press. ISBN 0801406331
dated, but a classic text on the cult Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Choisir Dionysos

Anne-Francoise Jaccottet. (2003). Akanthus. ISBN 3905083183
the very latest research on cult associations, a must Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Liber Pater

Adrien Bruhl. (1953). series:Bibiliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, Fasc.175. Worldcat #4972948

Politics and Religion in the Bacchanalian Affair of 186 BCE

Sarolta A. Takacs. (2000). Harvard Studies in Classical Philology.
important article Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

In Search of God the Mother

Lynn E. Roller. (1999). University of California Press. ISBN 0520210247

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Corpus cultus Cybelae Attidisquae (CCCA)

M.J. Vermaseren. (1900-). E.J. Brill. ISBN 9004053999
every single inscription, every artifact a great series Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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The Mother of the Gods

Mark Henderson Munn. (2006). University of California Press. ISBN 0520243498
important update of Roller's work Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Mens Bona

Màrio Melo. (1968). Libereria Scientifa editrice series: Collana di studi greci:46. Worldcat #2371080
The work on this cultus of Mens Bona Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

Ricerche storico-epigrafiche sul culto di "Neptunus" nell'Italia romana

Adelina Arnaldi.. (1997). Roma : [Istituto italiano per la storia antica],. Worldcat #39151383
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

Les origines et le développement du culte des Pénates à Rome

Annie Dubourdieu. (1989). [Rome] : Ecole française de Rome, 1989.. ISBN 272830162X
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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The Cult of Silvanus

Peter F. Dorcey. (1992). Brill. ISBN 9004096019
the latest study Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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The Cult of Sol Invictus

Gaston H. Halsberghe. (1972). Brill.
a bad book, read it for the classical references and inscriptions Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

The Sun which Did Not Rise in the East

Steven E. Hijmans. (1996). BABesch, 71,115-150.
seminal article, his conclusions have not been refuted Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

La religion romaine de Vénus

Robert Schilling. (1982). Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, fasc. 178. Worldcat #8362955
Schilling is the expert on the cult of Venus, a great book. Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

The Cult of Virtues

J. Rufus Fears. (1981). Aufsteig und Neidergang der Römischen Welt II, 17.2. ISBN 3110018853
wonderful essay, very important Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Gérard Capdeville. (1995). Ecole Française de Rome. ISBN 2728302723 Worldcat #33295483
fasc. 288 Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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The Cults of the Roman Empire

Robert Turcan, (Antonia Nevill, Trans.). (1996). Blackwell. ISBN 0631200479
Paperback. Terrific information on the influences of foreign cults on Rome, including Isis, the Magna Mater, etc.
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Paganism in the Roman Empire

Ramsay MacMullen. (1983). ISBN 0300029845
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The cult images of imperial Rome

Cornelius Vermeule. (1987). ISBN 8876890130

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Etruscan Life and Afterlife: A Handbook of Etruscan Studies

Larissa Bonfante (Ed.). (1987). ISBN 0814318134
Paperback. While it doesn't specifically deal with Classical Rome, the Etruscans were important contributors to the Roman conception of death, religion, and the afterlife. An important foundational work.
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La romanisation des dieux : l'interpretatio romana en Afrique du Nord sous le Haut-Empire

Alain Cadotte. (2007). Leiden. ISBN 900415258X

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Religion in Roman Britain

Martin Henig. (1984). Batsford. ISBN 0713412208
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Temples in Roman Britain

M.J.T. Lewis. (1966). Cambridge University Press. Worldcat #679330
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

Gods,Temples and Relgious Practices The Transformation of Religious Ideas and Values in Roman Gaul

Ton Derks. (1998). Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 9053562540
Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Religion and Law

International Law in Archaic Rome: War and Religion

Alan Watson. (1993). The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0801845068
Hardcover. While it may seem odd to include a book on international law in the religion section, this excellent resource is essentially about the Fetiales, the priests whose duties included the maintenance of international relations; treaties, declarations of war, etc. A must-read for anyone aspiring to become a member of the Fetiales. Contributed by Flavius Vedius Germanicus
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The State, Law and Religion: Pagan Rome

Alan Watson. (1992). University of Georgia Press. ISBN 0820313874
Hardcover. Watson analyzes the interaction of law and religion in ancient Rome, drawing connections between class tensions and the development of civil and religious law.
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Divination and portents in the Roman world

edited by Robin Lorsch Wildfang and Jacob Isager. (2000). Odense Univesity Press. ISBN 8778384621

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Roman Questions: Selected Papers

Jerzy Linderski. (1995). ISBN 3515066772
brilliant, short essays on augural law, prosography Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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The Augural Law

Jerzy Linderski. (1986). Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt, II 16.3. ISBN 3110018853
A seminal monograph on augural law, in English. Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Roman augural lore in Greek historiography; a study of the theory and terminology

Jyri Vaahtera. (2001). ISBN 3515079467
the latest Finnish expert on augury Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior
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Contributi allo studio del diritto augurale. I

Pierangelo Catalano. (1960).

De Modis Auspicandi Romanorum

M.J. Valeton. (1890-1). ISSN 0026-7074
Mnemosyne, 17-18 (1890-1891). Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

De Iure Obnuntiandi Comitiis et Conciliis

M.J.Valeton. (n.d.) ISSN 0026-7074
Mnemosyne, 19 (1891). Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

De Inaugurationibus Romanis Caerimoniarum et Sacerdotum

M.J. Valeton. (1891). ISSN 0026-7074
Mnemosyne, 19 (1891).

De Templis Romanis

M.J. Valeton. (1892-3). ISSN 0026-7074
Mnemosyne, 20-21 (1892-1893). Contributed by Marca Hortensia Maior

De Temporum Computatione Romanorum

Paul Krüger. (1861).
A doctoral dissertation on Roman time.

De Auspiciis Romanorum

Eric Samuel Ödmann. (1825).
A thesis on Roman auspices.

Primary Literature

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

The "Meditations of Marcus Aurelius", musings of one of the most famous Stoics of history; the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Marcus Aurelius (Loeb Classical Library 58)

C.R. Haines (Editor), Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus. (1930). ISBN 0674990641
Hardcover. Part of the Loeb Classical Library (#58).
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The Emperor's Handbook: A New Translation of The Meditations

David Hicks (Translator), C. Scot Hicks (Translator). (2002). ISBN 0743233832
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Meditations (Modern Library Classics)

Gregory Hays (Translator). (2003). ISBN 0812968255
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Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Nature of the Gods and on Divination (Great Books in Philosophy)

Marcus Tullius Cicero, C.D. Yonge (Translator). (n.d.) ISBN 1573921807
Important first-hand accounts of attitudes towards religion and divination in the late Republic. Paperback. Published 1997 reprint of 1853 edition
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The Nature of the Gods (Penguin Classics)

Marcus Tullius Cicero, J. M. Ross (Introduction), Horace C. P. McGregor (Translator). (1972). ISBN 0140442650
Reissue edition Paperback
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The Republic and The Laws

Marcus Tullius Cicero, Jonathan Powell (Introduction), Niall Rudd (Translator). (1998). ISBN 0192832360

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Roman Religion: A Sourcebook 
Valerie M. Warrior / Paperback / 2002 /ISBN 1585100307 Read a review at UNRV