Provincia Gallia (Nova Roma)

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Novaroman provincia of GALLIA is in Western Europe and covers the territory of current states of France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands.

You may consult Gallia's site or parts of it - if already available! -
in French, Dutch and Latin, just by clicking on one of the words corresponding to the following current national flags/versions (France, Netherlands, Nova Roma):


French version

Nederlands Nederlands version

Latin version


CIV-Publius Memmius Albucius.jpg

Publius Memmius Albucius

(Leg. pp.)
Epistola MARTIS 2761 legati pro praetore

Salvete Galli!

March is now at our door, and it is an important month for us.

Naturally, it is first of these months where we have to think to pay our annual contribution to Nova Roma treasury, our Aerarium.

But such a humoristic reminder cannot hide the serious thing : March is both the month which was beginning the ancient Roman years, in the deep middle of Roman republic, and, in 2761 auc/ 2008 c.e., the year of our 10th birthday.

To think on our ancient annual rythmn is not unuseful, for it let us remind of the origin of some festivals and special days on our current Roman calendar. Thus on the Lupercalia on last Mid February, or on the mobile day of Fornicalia which were both closing the previous old year, specially along with the Quirinalia and Feria Stultorum, the Festival of the Mads. Thus also on Equirria, which announce the close Kalends of March, and the renewing of the year, of the spring, of the strenghts of individuals and of Roman communities, from the family to the State. And naturally, March is placed under the sign of... Mars, the god of war. Inside the ancient god triad Jupiter-Mars-Quirinus, Mars and Quirinus were their mirror each other, they were complementary of a global whole deity whose Jupiter, Dius Pater, was the joining and embrassing meeting point and pot.

In 2008/2761, March is also the time when, in Kalends Martis, the 1st of the month, Nova Roma has been created by two U.S.A. citizens who took the names of Fladius Vedius Germanicus and Marcus Cassius Julianus. They are what Romans call Patres Patriae.

Ten years later, their wonderful idea is still living, with, as in every human society, ups and downs, times of great expectations and times of doubt, hopes and disappointment. But in itself, this birthday is already a victory.

Naturally the ones who have willed keeping firm in their Roman involvement, staying in the republic or joining it, may think that if every road leads to Rome, it may take a long time or at least a far longer than what both Patres Patriae have expected. After having completed their cursus honorum, and with the arising of new generations of Novaromans, the Patres have taken a further distance with their republican child, and perhaps they may be reproached for that, and having not remained firm under critics but also not having reminded that Nova Roma was not to end at the end of their own cursus honorum, or once a life term position as pontifex would be obtained. It was the time to show the way, more than ever.

For the most hard times were to begin. These times are not over for we are now living a new (last?) episod of this chapter with the fights around the control of the College of Pontiffs (Collegium Pontificum). These fights are taking place in the Senate, in the Forum, even to our Praetors's courts. This last event is in itself the acknowlegment of a failure, failure to have things work efficiently and change quietly, among 'benevolentes cives'.

An exceptional time, beginning on next Feb. 27th with Equirria festival and ending on March 5th, is close to us : Ludi Conditorum or the Games of the Founders. Created specially by the aedilitas curulis just for this year, this event will celebrate Nova Roma 10th birthday.

But it may be a bit sad birthday, when a Concordia ritual is to be celebrated at a time when the most illustrous characters in Nova Roma are quarrelling and suing each other. Could not we obtain a "Peace of brave men" ?

O tempora, o mores! For I believe too much in Nova Roma's wonderful possibilities not to say, in an easy witty arrow,
"O tempora, ô moritura!".

P. Memmius Albucius

Gallia and its territorial organization
Quirites French
association web site
Quirites is a close partner in France for Provincia Gallia.
Quirinus, the Quirites webzine
Let us protect the Royal eagle, symbol of Rome!
Magna Mater temple, we may rebuild it.
Blog Apollonius
The "Blog Apollonius" is a blog created by S. Apollonius Scipio, former governor and now praefectus of Gallia. It is one of the musts of the world Archeological information on Roman and Ancient times.
Three generations of French citizens.

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