Decretum pontificum de calendario Novo Romano (Nova Roma)

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This decretum is currently active.

The Collegium Pontificum, convened by the Maximus Pontifex M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus has enacted the following Decretum effective immediately:

The Decretum passed on pridie Nonas Sextiles MMDCCLVII (4 Aug 2004)amending a previous Decretum Pontificum, passed on ante diem VIII Kalendas Apriles 2754 (25 March 2001) in regard to the official civil calendar of Nova Roma is hereby amended.

I. The Official Calendar of Nova Roma will be the Gregorian Calendar with the following modifications:

A. Years will be reckoned from the founding of Rome (ab Urbe condita)rather than the common era. B. The addition of intercalary days will be determined by the Gregorian formula using the common era as a reference, but will be inserted between Ante Diem VII Kalendas Martias (Terminalia/23 February) and Ante Diem VI Kalendas Martias (Regifugium/24 February).

II. The month names of the Julian calendar as revised by Augustus and the Gregorian calendar will be the names of months used for the official civil calendar in Nova Roma. The religious calendar shall retain the names of months used under the Julian calendrical reform.

III. To fulfill the Vow of adding an additional dies nefastus to the official civil calendar, dies pristinus Kal. Ian. (31 December) was designated by the previous decretum pontificum as dies nefastus. This date shall remain dies nefastus and is now designated as feriae Civilia. Magistrates whose term of office is to conclude at the end of this day ought to perform private piacula for any offenses to the Gods that may have occurred during their year in office. Newly designated magistrates whose term of office shall begin on the following date, the Kalends of January, ought to also perform private piacula for their Lares, Penates, and to the Di superi for whose cultus they shall be responsible in the coming year. Public celebrations for Civilia shall be conducted by the pontifices to invite the the Gods to bless the transition of imperium and auspicium between former and new magistrates.

IV. Due to the failure of Nova Roma's Collegium Pontificum to act in a timely manner this day was not observed in 2754, 2755, and 2756. (2001, 2002, 2003). To correct this three additional days are hereby declared Nefastus for this year only. Ante Diem V Kalendas Ianuarias, Ante Diem IV Kalendas Ianuarias, and Ante Diem III Kalendas Ianuarias (28 December, 29 December, 30 December) will be Dies Nefastus for the year 2757 (2004). As a Piacular Offering for failing to celebrate these days at the proper time one additional day is hereby designated Nefastus in 2757. That day shall be Ante Diem VI Kalendas Ianuarias (27 December).

Also to fulfill the previous vow, the Pontifices shall continue to perform the annual end of year piacula for any offenses to the Gods that may have occurred during the previous year. These piacula shall be performed by the end of the religious year that concludes with Terminalia, ante diem VII Kalendas Martias (23 February).

V. All official dates of the civil calendar in Nova Roma shall be stated in Roman reckoning, by noting the number of days in Roman notation before the Kalends, Nones, and Ides of each month, and the year given in Roman notation ab Urbe condita along with the consular year. On official documents such notation will be followed by a restating of the date in modern notation inside parentheses.

The Following format will be used for all official dates in Nova Roma: I) The Date will be stated in Roman reckoning using the Ante Diem system followed by the year in AUC Format. II) This will be followed by a restating of the date in modern format inside of parentheses. As an example: Ante Diem VIII Kalendas Augustas, 2757 (25 July 2004)


a.d. V Kalendas Februarias MMDCCLXIII (28 Jan 2010)

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