Circenses Apollinares semi results (Nova Roma)

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Ludi circenses Apollinares 2763 auc - the results of the SEMI finals

Here below the results for both semi-finals. The far-right column says if the chariot has suffered an accident, and if yes, in which of the seven laps of the race. An accident means the definitive end of the race for the concerned chariot (for more informations, consult the Race report as soon as available).

The rank is here the rank on the arrival line.

The two first chariots of each semi-finals are qualified for the finals which will be run on July 13, 2763 around 6:30 pm Rome time.

Support your favorite team(s) and factio !!!

1st SEMI

Rank Essedius Auriga Factio Owner Tactics Acc. in lap
I Equa noctis (Night mare) Nyxia V R. Cornelia Val. Iuliana Aeternia and V. Ritulia Enodiaria D no
II Taurus II Amadian R P. Constantinus Placidus B 6
III Drunas Nervia A P. Memmius Albucius F 4
IV Albus ventus Hermanus A C. Maria Caeca F 1

2nd SEMI

Rank Essedius Auriga Factio Owner Tactics Acc. in lap
I Ala rubra Arctus R L. Livia Plauta F no
II Procella perfecta Arianrhod A C. Maria Caeca C no
III Venator ventorum Emrys V Max. Valeria Messallina C 6
IV Luxogenes Eporicus A P. Memmius Albucius F 5
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