Talk:Officium Consulare MMDCCLXVI

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Rogatio Cornelia de ministris suffragiorum et de viginitisexviris


A. This Lex repeals the Lex Equitia de vigintisexviris and lex Galeria de editore commentariorum.
B. The positions of magister aranearius, editor commentariorum, custos, rogator, diribitor are no longer within the category of vigintisexviri.
C. The ius edicendi, as described by the lex Labiena de iure edicendi vigintisexvirorum, and the rights described by the lex Apula de magistro araneario, remain in the possession of the magister aranearius and the editor commentariorum. Their exact duties, number, terms of office and appointment are at the discretion of the senate.


Version A Version B

An undefined number of rogator, diribitor and custos (consitituting the election commission) is appointed by the presiding magistrate for each individual voting period in the comitia centuriata, comitia populi tributa and comitia plebis tributa through the following procedure:

An undefined number of rogator, diribitor and custos (constituting the election commission) may be appointed by the senate upon the nomination of the presiding magistrate for each individual voting period in the comitia centuriata, comitia populi tributa and comitia plebis tributa. It shall not be obligatory to appoint new election officers for each individual voting period, but it is obligatory to issue a call for volunteers, and if new volunteers wish to be election officers, their names shall be put before the senate if they meet the requirements below. The following procedure shall be applied:

A. From the moment when the magistrate convenes the comitia until 24 hours before the end of the contio, any citizen, who can obtain a letter of recommendation from at least one senator, may volunteer for the position of rogator, diribitor or custos. The volunteer shall offer his services publicly on the Main List, providing the names of the senatores who recommend him as election officer. The presiding magistrate shall forward any application for election officer position immediately to the senate mailing list.
B. Senatores may recommend or object to volunteers, and in case of election, candidates may also object to any volunteer. A senator may recommend only one person (not one for each position, but only one altogether), and no senator may recommend himself. Letters of recommendation and objection shall be sent to the mailing list of the senate, or in case of objection from a non-senator candidate, to the Main List, until the end of the contio (this is not considered a senate session or voting).
Version A Version B
C. The presiding magistrate shall appoint any volunteer who has got at least one letter of recommendation from a senator on the senate mailing list, and may not appoint any volunteer who is objected by at least three senatores, and in case of election, from at least one candidate. If, according to the rules above, all volunteers should be rejected, the presiding magistrate appoints those volunteers who got the lowest number of objections (For example, if, for rogatorship, volunteer A, B and C got equally 3 objections, volunteer C 4 objections, D 5 objections, than volunteers A, B and C must be appointed rogator).
D. If there is no volunteer for one of the election officer titles, the presiding magistrate, at his discretion, may appoint election officers to hold simultaneously both the position of rogator and diribitor (the position of custos may not be held simultaneously with another), or to change the titles of officers from rogator or diribitor or custos, to rogator or diribitor or custos; all these actions depending on the volunteers' agreement.
C. The presiding magistrate shall nominate any volunteer who has got at least one letter of recommendation from a senator on the senate mailing list, and may not nominate any volunteer who is objected by at least three senatores, and in case of election, from at least one candidate. If, according to the rules above, all volunteers should be rejected, the presiding magistrate nominates those volunteers who got the lowest number of objections (For example, if, for rogatorship, volunteer A, B and C got equally 3 objections, volunteer C 4 objections, D 5 objections, than volunteers A, B and C must be appointed rogator).
D. If there is a vacancy for one of the election officer titles, the presiding magistrate, at his discretion, may nominate election officers to hold simultaneously both the position of rogator and diribitor (the position of custos may not be held simultaneously with another), depending on the volunteers' agreement.
D/E. If there is no new volunteer for an individual voting period, but there are enough election officers still in office from previous periods who confirm they would conduct the upcoming voting, no new appointments shall be made.
D/F. The names nominated by the presiding magistrate shall be approved and appointed by the senate. Their term of office lasts until they resign or until the senate removes them.'
E. The lack of a full complement of, or the active participation of, all appointed election officer shall not in and of itself be sufficient to invalidate or postpone a particular election. An election may be processed if there are at least two election officers appointed, one of whom is custos, the other is diribitor, or rogator-diribitor simultaneously.
F. Since the election officers are by definition privy to the details of the election process, they may not run for any elective office while they serve in office as election officers.


A. Rogator
1. The rogator is responsible for conducting the overall election process as the head of the election commission.
2. If there is more than one rogator, the presiding magistrate selects a chief rogator among the rogatores who will be primarily responsible for conducting the election and for running the election commission.
4. The rogatores shall assist voters and candidates regarding the electoral procedures, they shall make sure that all information regarding elections, law proposals, candidates are added to the website and are up to date, they shall complete the requests of candidates regarding information on their candidacies, they shall collect and report queries from voters and candidates to the election commission.
5. The rogatores shall execute orders from the presiding magistrate regarding the overall conducting of election, regarding election media and communication, or information of citizens.
B. Diribitor
1. The diribitor is responsible for counting the votes, or, if it is made automatically, to work on the technical details of the election (programming and similar mechanisms).
2. The process of counting votes is defined by each comitia by leges passed within the comitia.
C. Custos
1. The custos shall be responsible for the security and impartiality of the voting, therefore the custodes shall be observers of the entire internal procedure of the conducting of the election.
2. They approve the tally of votes in elections, breaking the tie among the centuries and tribes, and providing the results of the election, with their security report, to the censores for certification. If the majority of the custodes deem the election illegal and invalid, they shall call upon the presiding magistrate to suspend the election.
3. The custodes shall report any suspect activity by voters or other election officials to both the presiding magistrate and to the censores.
D. Election commission
1. All election officers shall communicate with each other using a mailing list, owned and moderated by the rogatores, to ensure transparency and controllability, except in cases when highly sensitive security information must be kept confidential. If an election officer has to communicate such a sensitive information, he must communicate that directly to the presiding magistrate and/or to the censores.
2. Only election officers may access the mailing list of the election commission.
3. The rogatores (in their absence, the custodes) lead and make decisions, when and if necessary, within the election commission, the diribitores are there only to work in the technical mechanisms, and the custodes only to observe and report suspected frauds or security issues.
4. Election officers may divide their duties among themselves as they see fit and practical, with the exception that no other officer may take over the duties of the custos.
5. If there is a sudden vacancy or incapability on behalf of an election officer, other election officers may stand in for substitution, with the exception that no other officer may take over the duties of the custos.