Lex Tullia de lingua Latina fovenda (Nova Roma)

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I. The lex Arminia de fovenda lingua Latina is hereby repealed.

II. The lex Cornelia de linguis publicis, sections I-V, shall be amended to read as follows and section VI shall be renumbered as IV:

“I. Latin is the official and ceremonial language of Nova Roma. As such, it shall be used in rites conducted by the magistrates, officers and priests of Nova Roma on behalf of the entire nation, as well as other circumstances where it may be deemed appropriate.

II. Latin and English are hereby both adopted as the business languages of the central government of Nova Roma. As such, Latin or English shall be used in law, in official communications from, and day-to-day business conducted by, the central government. Other languages may be used in such communications where deemed appropriate, but a Latin or English translation or summary is strongly recommended to accompany such communications.

III. In order to accommodate the needs of citizens who do not speak Latin or English, or who speak Latin or English as a second language, interpretes (singular: interpres, official interpreter, translator) may be appointed by magistrates who possess the ius edicendi or by anyone who has been granted this right by law. The interpretes are defined as a type of praecones, and as praecones interpretes belong to their decuriae.”

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