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1. Do not attempt to pay taxes by logging into the Album Civium and clicking the link to pay taxes. The form is undergoing maintenance and is not available. You can pay, however, following the instructions below.

2. This year's taxes must be remitted through PayPal directly to the PayPal address of quaestor T. Popillia Laenas. See the section below on HOW DO I PAY MY TAX? for important information that must be included with your payment.

Deadline for tax payment: July 1st.
Taxes must be sent to:


"Taxes" in Nova Roma (this is how we call our optional membership fee in order to simulate terminology within a Roman state) are voluntary, but those paying it receive various privileges, including the right to be elected or appointed into offices and priesthoods, enhanced voting rights, access to services from Nova Roma that are not offered to non-paying members. These "taxes" are mandatory for those who are officers, priests, senators etc. of Nova Roma, or who intend to run for these offices' later this year, at the elections held in November.

Nova Roma is asking for your donation in order to maintain our ever-growing international society and community, our websites, forums and social media platforms, to sponsor and support our events, ceremonies and affiliated reenactment groups, to finance our projects, to support worthy initiates worldwide. The treasury of Nova Roma where you send this money is administered by P. Porcius Licinus (Mr Jeff Larson), the curator aerarii (CFO) of Nova Roma. The current tax collecting quaestor is T. Popillia Laenas.

These taxes are optional, and very low (only 9 USD), but in order to maintain your ranks and status in Nova Roma, "tax payment” is required. 9 USD are the minimum amount to donate, but you are invited to donate any higher amount, as much as you intend to give to our cause (50 would be ideal per citizen). For higher donations, you will gain prestige and further Roman benefits as a treasury tribune equestrian or an eques equo privato. You can learn about the details below.

The deadline to donate your Nova Roman taxes is 1 July, 2023. You have to pay a discount amount of minimum 9 USD until 1 July. After this 1 July deadline, the discount will no longer be in force, and which means that from 1 July taxes the required minimum for a valid tax payment will be 18 USD. This raised fee doesn't apply for citizens who became members of Nova Roma after 1 July.

Tax rates are determined by the Senate of Nova Roma each year. You can read more information about the senatus consultum on this year's taxes through the Senatus consultum de tributis C. Cornelio Q. Arrio coss.


You just have to send your tax-substituting donations of minimum 9 USD via PayPal to the collector, quaestrix T. Popillia Laenas at the following PayPal address:

VERY IMPORTANT: When you have sent the donation, please send a message to the quaestor, at the same email address, immediately and specify the amount you donated. She will update your assiduus (taxpayer) status as a "good standing citizen" at the end of the tax collecting season. Send an email to her with your Roman name and specify how much you donated so it can be matched to records:

You may send just the minimum 9 USD, but ideally -- if you can allow it -- you should send more because our website is under a complete reorganization and the current costs are high (may reach event 20.000 USD), and we have only a few donors. An ideal donation would be about 50 dollars. If you send 20, 30, 80 or more, all will be great help to Nova Roma. Only by your donations can we fully enhance our community.

If you fail to submit your taxes, you will lose your offices or ranks (if you have any), as per the law, because taxpayer status is required for holding office.

The deadline is July 1, after that the minimum amount will rise to 18 USD.


The minimum amount of acceptable donation is 9 USD, however, if you decide to pay at least 135 USD or more (81 USD if you are a Latinist or a reenactor), you receive the honor of being enrolled, with full membership, into the Equestrian Order of Nova Roma, and you become an eques equo privato ("knight with private horse") or private equestrian, in brief. By becoming a private equestrian you receive the following extra rights:

  • to use the title "eques", or "eques Novus Romanus" (Nova Roman Knight or Equestrian);
  • to have 400 extra Census Points for as long as you maintain your yearly status;
  • to obtain membership automatically in the First Class which gives you the highest influence in Nova Roman elections;
  • to have the label "member of the Equestrian Order" in your citizen ID profile
  • to wear a tunica angusticlavia (a tunic decorated with a narrow purple stripe);
  • to wear the equestrian golden ring;
  • to extend this right to your direct descendants and to your spouse (as long as you remain an equestrian);
  • to have distinguished seats and to take precedence over regular citizens at public events;

All you have to do is to send at least 135 USD or more instead of the 9 USD of donation for your Nova Roman taxes, and you become a distinguished member of the Nova Roman aristocracy, the Equestrian Order. Send your equestrian donation to this PayPal address before 1 July:

REDUCED FEE: If you are a Roman reenactor or a Latinist, you can receive a significant discount, if requested, and you can receive the dignity of a eques equo provato for a donation of at least 81 USD. You will have to prove with photographic evidence (which we might post on our website) that you are a Roman reenactor, or a with a certificate, that you are a Latinist, in order to receive the discount. BEFORE YOU WOULD DONATE, contact the quaestor and request your discount, and we will discuss the sending of your evidences.

VERY IMPORTANT: When you have sent the donation, please send a message to the quaestor Popillia immediately and specify the amount you donated. Only by doing so can you ensure your status will be recorded and registered. Send an email to her with your Roman name and specify how much you donated so it can be matched to record:

If you don't inform the quaestor about your tax payment donation, you will not receive assiduus status (taxpayer status), and you will not receive the equestrian dignity.


If you would like to help Nova Roma with a higher donation, but the amount required for the equestrian status is too high for you, or if you just want to wear lawfully, as an authentic Nova Roman, the narrow purple stripe on your tunica, there is a less expensive way to do that! If you donate at least 45 USD or more (27 USD if you are a Latinist or a reenactor), you receive the title "tribunus aerarius equestris", which doesn't give you full membership in the Equestrian Order of Nova Roma, but you will be entitled to wear the equestrian narrow purple stripes. By becoming a private equestrian, tribunus aerarius equestris, you receive the following extra rights:

  • to use the title "tribunus aerarius equestris" (treasury tribune equestrian)
  • to have 25 extra Census Points for as long as you maintain your yearly status
  • to obtain membership automatically in a one degree higher class than your current class is, which means higher influence in Nova Roman elections
  • to wear a tunica angusticlavia (a tunic decorated with a narrow purple stripe)

All you have to do is that WHEN YOU PAY YOUR DONATION FOR TAXES, instead of the basic 9 USD, you PAY at least 45 USD (27 if you are a Latinist or a reenactor) or more. Pay your taxes with this extra amount of donation, and you become a preliminary member of Equestrian Order. Send your equestrian donation to this PayPal address before 1 July:

REDUCED FEE: If you are a Roman reenactor or a Latinist, you can receive a significant discount, if requested, and you can receive the dignity of a treasury tribune for a donation of at least 27 USD. You will have to prove with photographic evidence (which we might post on our website) that you are a Roman reenactor, or a with a certificate, that you are a Latinist, in order to receive the discount. BEFORE YOU WOULD DONATE, contact the quaestor and request your discount, and we will discuss the sending of your evidences.

VERY IMPORTANT: When you have sent the donation, please send a message to quaestrix Popillia immediately and specify the amount you donated. Only by doing so can you ensure your status will be recorded and registered. Send an email to her with your Roman name and specify how much you donated so it can be matched to record:

If you don't inform the quaestor about your tax payment donation, you will not receive assiduus status (taxpayer status), and you will not receive the treasury tribune dignity.

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