Ludi Apollinares Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) consulibus

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Ludi Apollinares praetoris Barosi banner.jpg

Festivities are in full flight and open to all Nova Roma citizens and guests.
To see the live posts and see how to enter, read the posts and announcements in our Mailing Forum or see them in our Facebook Group.

Ceremonial Opening of the Ludi Apollinares

The Apollo Games were officially opened by praetor C. Cornelius Barosus and pontifex, priest of Concordia, quaestor and praefectus rei publicae Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.

Praetorian Opening Speech

CIV-Gaius Cornelius Barosus.jpg
C. Cornelius, praetor
Album Civium

The opening sacrificial ceremony was followed by an opening speech by praetor Cornelius which you can read below:

C. Cornelius Barosus praetor populo suo SPD
My dearest fellow citizens, Nova Romans of the world! I have received the confirmation, that upon my instructions, pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, princeps iuventutis, quaestor and praefectus rei publicae, has performed the opening ritual of the Ludi Apollinares in the name of my colleague D. Aurelius Ingeniarius praetor and me. This means that I can happily announce to you that the Ludi Apollinares are beginning, and according to the tradition in Nova Roma, they are held between 9-13 July.
What we celebrate with these Apollonian Games is the healing power and inspirational creativity of Apollo. We are living in a post-Roman world, and our entire mission is about healing the broken pieces of Rome. We are healing her ruined body, the forgotten traditions, the lost virtues, her collapsed institutions, and we are resuscitating them in a form that is applicable under our modern circumstances. We are bringing back Rome to life. This is our mission, and this cannot be done without the healing power of our god, Apollo.
What we need, first and foremost, in this mission, is creativity, productive creativity, results, and inspiring works. Recently we have got many inspiring actions in Nova Roma, for example my former praetorian colleague, C. Artorius Praeconinus inspired us when he rushed to help and save Nova Roman citizens in the Germanian flooding, the rally to help our war-afflicted Ukrainian citizens, their friends and family by the new Civilian Aid and Rescue Office of Nova Roma, led by Praeconinus and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, who organized funds and shelters in the homes of our citizens, or the example of our current quaestor C. Flavius Stilicho who organized the Professor Ubl Danube Limes Memorial March, a one month long heroic fully authentic march in Roman equipment along the Danube Limes, or our current tribune of plebs C. Petronius Stephanus who just received an international award for promoting Roman culture all over the world. Even at the present moment, quaestor Flavius Stilicho is crossing the Atlantic in a fully authentic Roman boat with his team without any modern tools and objects, and when they reach the shores, they will march up to London in Roman equipment in honor of Roman reconstructionism. We could name many others because we are very blessed by Apollo in these recent years of peace and prosperity.
Let's dedicate these games to the purpose of prayer that Nova Roma may continue in this path, that Apollo continue and even increase blessing us with creativity, us, Nova Romans, who are the healers of Roman culture in the world.
Let the games begin!
C. Cornelius Barosus

Awards distributed from the occasion of the Ludi Apollinares

Recipients of the Consular Awards on the Ludi Apollinares SMALL.jpg

The consuls of Nova Roma, Sex. Lucilius Tutor and A. Tullia Scholastica, distributed the Consular Awards for a Nova Roman Achievement for the first time. The praetors D. Aurelius and C. Cornelius also issued the first ever Praetorian Award for a Nova Roman Achievement. From among the governors, Cn. Lentulus issued the Gobernor's Awards for a Nova Roman Achievement within the provinces where he is governor.

These awards were founded by the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando, they can be issued only at national holidays, and since the law took effect a month ago, this was the first occasion for their distribution. The purpose of these awards is to recognize individual achievements in Nova Roma, completed projects and actions, and to thank the work of the involved citizens. The Consular Awards for Nova Roman Achievements cannot be given for life time achievements, for various combined merits, greatness of character, multiple virtues and actions, but they are explicitly given for single actions, projects, singular, individual achievements within Nova Roma. The Consular Awards for Nova Roman Achievements can be given only to Nova Roman citizens, for achievements made within Nova Roma only.

This is the list of the recipients of the Consular Award, the Praetorian Award and the Governor's Award for a Nova Roman Achievement, the grades of their awards and the number of awards, because some of them received more than one:

  1. C. Artorius Praeconinus received the Highest Consular Award, the Major Consular Award, two Consular Awards and the German Governor's Award (5 in total)
  2. D. Aurelius Ingeniarius received two Highest Consular Awards and a Consular Award (3)
  3. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus received the Highest Consular Award and a Major Consular Award (2)
  4. T. Octavius Corvus received the Highest Consular Award (1)
  5. C. Flavius Stilicho, received a Major Consular Award, a Consular Award, the European Dux's Award, and two German Governor's Awards (5)
  6. M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius received a Major Consular Award and the Pannonian Governor's Award (2)
  7. D. Claudius Aquilius received a Major Consular Award (1)
  8. C. Marcius Augustinus received a Consular Award and the Lacus Magni Governor's Award (2)
  9. Ti. Iulius Nerva received a Consular Award (1)
  10. T. Domitius Draco received a Consular Award (1)
  11. T. Popilla Laenas received the Praetorian Award and the Pannonian Governor's Award (2)
  12. C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus received the European Dux's Award, the British Governor's Award, and the Italian Governor's Award (3)
  13. Ti. Octavia Carnuntina received the European Dux's Award, and the German Governor's Award (2)
  14. Ap. Curius Rullus received the Thulean Governor's Award (1)
  15. K. Quirinius Dasius received the Dacian Governor's Award (1)
  16. M'. Lucretius Braulio received the Nova Hispania Governor's Award (1)
  17. C. Iulius Lepidus received the Brasilian Governor's Award (1)
  18. Cn. Duilius Fullo received the Lacus Magni Governor's Award (1)
  19. M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  20. C. Villius Vulso received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  21. M. Flavius Memnon received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  22. C. Villius Macro received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  23. L. Claudia Vibiana received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  24. D. Castricius Ursus received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  25. M. Valerius Maximus received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  26. Sp. Porcius Gemma received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  27. Ti. Caecilia Sabina received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  28. L. Hortensia Theodora received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  29. M. Licinius Savariensis received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  30. T. Abonia Calida received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  31. D. Septimius Ursus received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)
  32. C. Aelia Saturnina received the Pannonian Governor's Award (1)

Programs of the Ludi Apollinares

Brioc Boat Mission by Flavius Stilicho

Ludi Apollinares - Flavius Stilicho's boat mission.gif

Hosted by C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, quaestor

Quaestor C. Flavius Constantinus Aeneas Stilicho, tribune of the Legio XIII Comitatensis "Quartodecimani", is, these days, participating with the crew of the boat Brioc in an epic mission across the Atlantic between Brittany and Britain, in a fully authentic boat, with fully authentic gear and equipment, without any modern objects, which will last several days. Our quaestor Flavius Stilicho is dedicating his boat mission to Apollo and the Ludi Apollinares of Nova Roma, to bring the blessings of this holiday to our New Roman people, and to our mission of reviving Romanitas. Quoting quaestor Flavius's words as witness to the greatness of this adventure:

"I am no stranger to the open seas. I have accumulated some sailing miles under my belt since childhood. But never of this dimension. Exposed to the weathers of the Atlantic and the Irish sea, in historic equipment, in a frikin leather boat with no shelter! What are we gonna eat? Drink? What are we gonna do in torrential rain? In stormy waters? Will the hull hold all the way? Will I be one perpetually soaked miserable being in my experimental gear reconstructions? How will we sleep? Take turns navigating? How are people going to react to a salty sailor in strange clothes when I turn up at Stanstead Airport? I have no idea. I haven't had time to think about any of it. I just take a leap of faith and I do it. I have to do it."

You can follow the trip and announcements about it on his Facebook page, here:

Ludi Scaenici: Presentation of Livy, XXX.36-38 in English and Latin original

Ludi Apollinares 2022 Cover for Livy.jpg

Hosted by D. Claudius Aquilius, praeco, and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, scriba, quaestor

In the name of praetor C. Cornelius Barosus, D. Claudius and Cn. Lentulus are offering the following little piece as LUDI SCAENICI (theater "play" i.e. a performance) for the current Ludi Apollinares as their opening first program.

This is a literary performance of the English translation and Latin original of Livy's Ab Urbe Condita, Book XXX.36-38, and with this, we are celebrating Apollo and the Ludi Apollinares, the Apollonian Games of Nova Roma. The excerpt of T. Livius Patavinus, known in English as Livy, was selected by the praeco of Nova Roma, D. Claudius and he is reading the English translation. As pontifex of Nova Roma, after having just performed the Apollo ritual of the Ludi Apollinares, wearing the Roman garments in which he performed the ritual, Cn. Lentulus is reading the Latin original in the so called "Restored Pronunciation" of Latin, that is how Classical Latin might have sounded. The video was created and edited by D. Claudius and Cn. Lentulus as an offering for the Ludi Apollinares in the name of the praetor C. Cornelius Barosus, and as an entry for the Certamen Artium, the art contest of the Ludi Apollinares.

The Latin segment follows the English, after the first 11 minutes.

The video is supplied with subtitles, both the English and the Latin parts, so you can use the Latin part to practice reading in Classical Roman pronunciation.

Enjoy Livy, and happy Ludi Apollinares!

Munera Gladiatoria Live

Ludi Apollinares - Munera Gladiatoria.gif

Hosted by C. Cornelius Barosus, praetor

Praetor C. Cornelius Barosus offers these gladiator games to Apollo, made in the training session of the Familia Gladiatoria Pannonica today (on the Ides of July or Quintilis), in honor of the Ludi Apollinares of Nova Roma. While watching, think of the Romans who celebrated these days in honor of Apollo and watched similar fights!

Certamen Latinum - Dragon Blade's Light of Rome Mistake Hunt - WITH ROMAN COIN PRIZE

Ludi Apollinares - Certamen Latinum - Dragon Blade's Light of Rome Mistake Hunt.gif

Hosted by Tullia Scholastica, scriba, consul

Currently we are celebrating the Ludi Apollinares, games in honor of Apollo. As part of these ludi, we hold contests in the arts and Latin, so we have somewhat combined the two into a Latin contest. Some years ago, there was a film called 'Dragon Blade,' a very low quality Roman themed movie about a Roman legion far afield in China. In it, there is a lovely song in Latin, which one may view at:

A little boy starts this pretty song, then a chorus of presumed soldiers chimes in. Trouble is, the soldiers at least flunked Latin 101 (maybe the boy did, too), and there are many errors in the lyrics. Some may be simple misspellings, one of which creates a non-existent Latin word, and another of which turns a logical word into absolute nonsense; there may be others. You may find the words here:

A certain Roman military officer in a certain older comedy would surely have done much more than threaten the fertility of a protester for the errors in that fellow's painted protests over Roman rule upon seeing such a mess... We are sure the scenario is familiar to many of you, so won't mention the title of the film.


Your task is to find the errors in the Latin grammar, also in the spelling (see the link above) and in the pronunciation, and if possible, correct them. Next, is there any part of the song free from errors? Is the boy's part correct, for example, and all mistakes are in the soldiers' chorus? Or vice versa? Is the pronunciation better in one segment or the other, or are both bad, or both good?

Points will be awarded for finding the errors, more for correcting them. Extra credit: what word could be substituted for 'bella,' which would also be less ambiguous? Please send any replies to the organizer scribe Tullia Scholastica's email address:


The person who finds the most mistakes and makes the best corrections will receive an original, authentic ancient Roman coin, generosity of the chief numismatist of Nova Roma, C. Claudius Quadratus. The first three best contestants will receive 3-2-1 Census Points respectively, as well.


Apollo Creative Works

Ludi Apollinares - Apollo Creative Works.jpg

Hosted by C. Cornelius Barosus and D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, praetores

In honor of Apollo, this is a call to submit any original artwork, paintings, dance, plays, monologues, music compositions, sculptures, poetry or video productions with a theme of the god Apollo. The winner(s) will be announced a couple of day after July 13. Census Points are awarded for winners. Entries are judged on originality, complexity, technique, theme, presentation style and effort. Physical works may be submitted through a series of digital photos (or documents if appropriate). Motion works (plays, speeches, performances etc.) should be made available online to the judges. Entries will be shared by the judges on Nova Roma social media, including the Forum Novum Romanum.

Entries are accepted from now until 12pm 13 July (Rome time). Links, URLs or submissions should be sent to praetor Cornelius, at

DEADLINE: July 13, midnight, Rome Time


  • First Place: 3 Census Point
  • Second Place: 2 Census Point
  • Third Place: 1 Census Point

If anyone has already submitted and entry to the Apollo Creative Works contest, we ask that you also post it to this mailing list (a link will suffice, as well), and to all forums of Nova Roma to which you are subscribed (Facebook, Discord etc.). If you haven't yet submitted your entry, please send it not only to the praetor, but also to this mailing list and to any NR forum you are in.

Valete et felices ludos Apollinares!

Website Treasure Hunt

Ludi Apollinares 2022 Wesbite Treasure Hunt.jpg

Hosted by C. Marcius Augustinus, scriba

Although it may be old, the Nova Roma website is home to all that we do. It sits as a record of legislation, history and information. Buried within its pages is a wealth of information that many are unaware of. It has slowly been updated with new information since 2773 and has been revamped in many areas. This “treasure hunt” is designed to show you key, pertinent or interesting elements of the Nova Roma website. With 10,605 total pages, 3,277 unique content pages with a total of 57,930 edits since 2006, come and explore this long-time asset of our society.

How to Participate:

Each day of the ludi, we will present to you the challenge to find two separate targets through two separate clues (one clue per target). Read the clues, search the site, and submit your answer to this email only:

Do not respond to this post (you will lose points). Bonus points for the first to respond with correct answers to the designated email. Census Points are awarded to the top scorers at the end of 6 days of play. Submit your answers at any time but have them in before 11:59 on the 11th July (Rome time). Winners (and answers) announced on the 12th July (Rome time).

Questions of the contest:

"The Soothsayer" Adventure

Ludi Apollinares 2022 The Soothsayer Adventure.jpg

Hosted by A. Iulius Paterculus, scriba

In the name of our praetores, D. Aurelius Ingeniarius and C. Cornelius Barosus, it is our pleasure to invite all citizens and friends of Nova Roma to participate in a tabletop RPG session next Saturday as part of the Ludi Apollinares. The adventure is "The Soothsayer" by Green Ronin, the game system is 3.5 Edition Dungeons & Dragons, and the setting is fantasy version of ancient Rome. A copy of the source book is provided here:

Veteran tabletop gamers and newcomers are welcome.


The game is currently scheduled for 12 p.m. - 5 p.m Eastern U.S. Time on Saturday, July 16th.


It will take place either via Zoom or a voice channel in Nova Roma's Forum Domitium (Discord), subject to change and player interest.


Anyone who wants to participate as a player should devise a 1st level character in advance, using D&D 3.5 rules, available for free at:

If a player owns the Eternal Rome book, any level-appropriate player options are acceptable (though of course the player should be careful not to read the adventure until we have run it), otherwise players should think of concepts of characters from a fantasy-historical Roman setting, try to approximate them using the SRD, and then contact me to make tweaks to the mechanics as necessary.

If by chance someone has read the adventure and still wants to participate, he or she is welcome to sign up to run a separate session, should we have a particularly large number of potential players.


Questions, characters and expressions of interest should be directed to the scriba A. Iulius Paterculus at:

If you have trouble creating a character, please ask him and he will be glad to assist.


Essay Competition: "Recognising Nova Romans"

Ludi Apollinares - Recognising Nova Romans.gif

Hosted by D. Aurelius Ingeniarius, praetor

Due by 11:59 PM on the 19th July (Rome Time), citizens may submit a max of 500 words on a Nova Roman worthy of the praise of Apollo. The essay subject must not be a current or past serving consul or praetor or the amazing Cn. Lentulus! The intent is for citizens to recognize the up-and-coming or the unsung citizens out there who are doing great things for Nova Roma. There is no minimum word limit. All are eligible to submit an essay.

All entries are to be posted to the Forum Novum Romanum.

Essay author winners and essay subjects may benefit from Census Point awards under III.D.2 and III.F. of the Lex Arria de censu civium aestimando. The praetors as the judges will consider the essays based on written style, argument, grammar and spelling. Consuls, censors and proconsuls may make recommendations to the judges on quality of entries.

Good luck!

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