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Item Amount spent AUC 2753 Amount budgeted, AUC 2754 Actual amount through Nov. 2754 Proposed budget, AUC 2755
Web hosting 59.85 200 360 360
Nova Roma mailbox 0 12 12 12
Fund-raising 0 100 0 0
Flags 268.75 250 162 200
Eagle printing 0 100 0 0
Eagle mailing 46.01 150 122.35 150
Sodalitas Egressus 30 80 0 0
Emergency Fund 0 50 0 100
Administrative expenses 229.4 200 41.44 200
Transfers to CD 650
Gifts from Nova Roma 450 500
Taxes Reserved for Provinciae 600
Total 634.01 1142 1797.79 2122
Item Amount raised, AUC 2753 Amount budgeted AUC 2754 Actual amount through Nov. 2754 Proposed budget, AUC 2755
Amazon.com bookstore 75.33 100 95.02 100
Eagle subscriptions 150 250 228 250
Various small projects 35 25 33.5 50
Togas/tunics 40 100 0 0
Flags (net revenue) 388.5 300 186 150
Grants 0 100 0 0
Cash donations 410 200 997 500
In-kind donations 0 312 372 400
Tax revenue 1200
Total 1098.83 1387 1911.52 2650
Total expenses 1142 1797.79 2122
Total revenues 1387 1911.52 2650
Net surplus for year 245 113.73 528
Current Treasury funds 1218 2252
Expected net surplus 245 528
Total available 1463 2780
Proposed allocation of available funds
Current account (includes emergency fund) 363 1100
Ad Fundos Res (land fund, 12-month CD) 200 700
Fideicommissum (beginning of public works/ scholarship fund, 12-month CD) 450 500

Senate discretionary account (to be spent on projects proposed by Citizens) 450 480

Total 1463 2780
Retrieved from "http://novaroma.org/nr/Test"
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