Tribune report of May 2762 auc session

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Tribunus Plebis Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa s.p.d.

The Senate has finished its latest session and the vote has been tallied as follows:

Formal debate ended at 1600 CET on May 15 2762. Voting began at 0730 CET May 16 and continued until 1600 CET May 17.

The following Senators cast their votes in time and are referred to by the initials below:

  • 1) MCC - Marcus Curiatius Complutensis
  • 2) PUSV - Publius Ullerius Stephanus Venator
  • 3) CFBM - Caseo Fabius Buteo Modianus
  • 4) LCSF - Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
  • 5) MMPH - Marcus Morabius Piscinus Horatianus
  • 6) GIC - Gnaeus Iulius Caesar
  • 7) MHM - Marca Hortensia Maior
  • 8) ATS - Aula Tullia Scholastica
  • 9) GEM - Gnaeus Equitius Marinus
  • 10) GVA - Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa
  • 11) QFM - Quintus Fabius Maximus
  • 12) GEC - Gaius Equitius Cato
  • 13) MLA - Marcus Lucretius Agricola
  • 14) DIPI - Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus
  • 15) GFD - Gaius Flavius Diocletianus (proxy vote cast by DIPI)
  • 16) QSP - Quintus Suetonius Paulinus
  • 17) EIL - Equestria Iunia Laeca
  • 18) TIS - Titus Iulius Sabinus
  • 19) MMA - Marcus Minucius Audens (proxy vote cast by CFBQ)
  • 20) CFBQ - Caeso Fabius Buteo Quintilianus
  • 21) MAM - Marcus Arminius Maior
  • 22) PMA - Publius Memmius Albucius (proxy vote cast by GEM)
  • 23) TGP - Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
  • 24) MIS - Marcus Iulius Severus

The following Senators cast their vote but after the session had expired:

  • 25) Caius Curius Saturninus
  • 26) Marcus Iulius Perusianus

The following senator is on a leave of absence as approved by the censors:

  • 27) Gaius Marius Merullus

The following Senators did not vote and left no explanation for their absence:

  • 28) Franciscus Apulus Caesar
  • 29) Emilia Curia Finnica
  • 30) Flavius Galerius Aurelianus
  • 31) Arnamentia Moravia Aurelia
  • 32) Appius Tullius Marcellus Cato

The sole agenda item is as follows:

SENATVS CONSVLTVM VLTIMVM on the appointment of diribitores suffecti

""A) Under the authority of Section V.E of the Nova Roman Constitution, the Senate authorizes the enactment of the Senatus consultum ultimum, specifically and solely to allow the Consuls, Marcus Iulius Severus and Marcus Curiatius Complutensis, under its terms, to override Sections II.D.1, II.D.2, IV.A, IV.B. IV.C and V. of the Lex Equitia de vigintisexviris,

B) The sole purpose of overriding those sections is in order to permit the appointment by the Consuls of Diribitores suffecti, whose identity and appointment shall be pre-approved by the Senate under Section J of this Senatus consultum ultimum.

C) The term of office of all the Diribitores suffecti shall end when the current elections, being held in May 2009, in the Comitia Populi Tributa, Comitia Plebis Tributa and Comitia Centuriata are concluded

D) Upon this Senatus consultum ultimum passing into effect, timed from the closing of the Senate voting session passing this Senatus consultum ultimum, the Consuls Marcus Iulius Severus and Marcus Curiatius Complutensis shall have no more than 24 (twenty four) hours to make these appointments, by means of Consular Edict. Should they fail to do so this Senatus consultum ultimum shall be deemed to be expired, to have no legal force, and all authority granted under its terms to be null and void.

E) The Consular Edict that authorizes the appointment of the Diribitores suffecti, issued within the time frame specified in Section D above, shall be deemed to be issued with, and be an extension of, this Senatus consultum ultimum. For this purpose the Consular Edict shall be deemed to have the same legal force under Section I.B of the Nova Roman Constitution as this Senatus consultum ultimum.

F) The Consular Edict shall contain no other action or matter, other than the appointment of the Diribitores suffecti, and should it contain any other action or attempt to affect any other matter, the legal force of this Senatus consultum ultimum shall be automatically and immediately withdrawn, and the Consular Edict be stripped of any enhanced authority and be treated as an ordinary Consular Edict under the terms of Section I.B of the Nova Roman Constitution.

G) So long as the Consuls comply with all the requirements under this Senatus consultum ultimum and the Consular Edict complies with all the limitations placed upon it in this Senatus consultum ultimum, that Consular Edict shall not be subject to intercessio or obstruction of any form whatsoever. All constitutional rights, and any and all rights under Nova Roman law, to pronounce intercessio, obnuntiatio and any other form of legal veto or obstruction are suspended in respect of the passage of the Consular Edict. Such rights are not affected, other than for the passage into legal effect of the Consular Edict. Such rights are also not affected in respect of the performance and/or actions of the Diribitores suffecti.

H) For the period of the elections as specified at Section C above the Diribitores suffecti shall have all the rights, powers and obligations of elected Diribitores, and be subject to the same legal requirements of the office they hold as a normally elected Diribitor. The Senatus consultum ultimum extends no extra rights, protection or powers to the Diribitores suffecti, nor does it indemnify them against any future legal action upon the expiration of their term of office.

I) This Senatus consultum ultimum shall cease to have effect once the elections specified under Section C above are concluded, or earlier under the terms of Sections D or F, whichever should occur first.

J) The approved Diribitores suffecti are Maxima Valeria Messallina, Publius Ullerius Stephanus Venator and Lucia Iulia Aquila. ""


Uti rogas 14 ; abstineo 3 ; antiquo 7.


Uti rogas

All senators except the 10 ones who cast (see below) either an abstineo or an antiquo vote.

with comments:

  • ATS - Uti rogas On the item before us, I vote assentior; uti rogas. Perhaps the relevant parties should consider a law permanently increasing the number of election officials as they seem to disappear all too often, and that, too, just when they are most needed.
  • DIPI - Uti rogas: While Iulia Aquila is a raving partisan, Venator is not and I must believe our Vestal capable of acting fairly and impartially. I will not stand in the way of the measure, though the consul should have more responsibly split the article, as suggested by Caesar. I will also note this is the FIRST time in the history of Nova Roma that a SCU has ever been used. At least it is for something minor. Things can't be all bad.





with comments:

  • GIC - Antiquo: I had suggested two votes be conducted. One on the SCU in principle and the other on the names as a presentation of an all or nothing motion would not be acceptable. That has not happened. I wasn't going to argue the issue as I made my feelings quite clear from the start on this matter. Since we have two new diribitors recently elected, added to the one who has re-appeared, we only have one vacancy, as the remaining existing diribitor has gone AWOL. Without splitting the votes I cannot simply rubber stamp these names. I cannot accept Iulia Aquila as she is far too partisan and I don't have the required level of confidence in her impartiality. Out of the remaining two I would select Publius Ullerius Stephanus Venator to fill the gap as he has prior experience in the post. If the other two names at J.i and J.iii were removed my vote would be UTI ROGAS. It isn't too late for the Consul to ammend this to two motions as I originally suggested. If not I am afraid my vote stands.
  • QFM - Antiquo: While this law would solve the problem, individuals named are biased
  • TGP - Antiquo: Senator Palladius has made some valid points. I too would have liked the option of voting for those included in the SCU individually. If this item had been split I believe the SCU itself would have passed with near unanimity. On the individuals I would have voted for two out of the three listed.

Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa Tribunus Plebis

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