Category:Gens Servilia (Nova Roma)

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SERVILIA GENS, originally patrician, but subsequently plebeian also. The Servilia gens was one of the Alban houses removed to Rome by Tullus Hostilius, and enrolled by him among the patricians (Liv. i. 30.) It was, consequently, one of the minores gentes. Like other Roman gentes, the Servilii of course had their own sacra ; and they are said to have worshipped a triens, or copper coin, which is reported to have increased or dimi­nished in size at various times, thus indicating the increase or diminution of the honours of the gens (Plin. H. N. xxxiv. 13. s. 38). The Servilia gens was very celebrated during the early ages of the republic, and the names of few gentes appear more frequently at this period in the consular Fasti. It continued to produce men of influence in the state down to the latest times of the republic, and even in the imperial period. The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was P. Ser-vilius Priscus Structus, in b. c. 495, and the last of the name who appears in the consular Fasti is Q. Servilius Silanus, in A. d. 189, thus occupying a prominent position in the Roman state for nearly seven hundred years. The Servilii were divided into numerous families ; of these the names in the republican period are : Ahala, Axilla,Caepio, Casca, Geminus, Glaucia, Globulus, Priscus (with the agnomen Fidenas), Rullus, Structus, Tucca, Vatia (with the agnomen Isauricus).

The only surnames found on coins are those of Ahala, Caepio, Casca, Rullus. There are likewise several coins of the Servilia gens, which bear no surname upon them. (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 308, &c.)

Source Smith's Dictionary


Praenomina commonly used by members of this gens in ancient times were:

Used by the Servilii Ahalae, Fidenates, Prisci, and Structi:
Gaius, Publius, Quintus, Spurius.
Used by the Servilii Caepiones:
Gnaeus, Quintus.
Used by the patrician Servilii Gemini:
Gaius, Gnaeus, Publius, Quintus.
Used by the plebeian Servilii Gemini and Vatiae:
Gaius, Marcus, Publius.

In modern times the most common praenomina have been Lucius, Publius, and Quintus. The praenomina Marcus, Titus, Tiberius, Sextus, Aulus, Decimus, Spurius, Manius, Servius, Appius, Numerius, and Vibius have not been used by the Servilii in the modern era.

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