Category:Gens Rutilia (Nova Roma)

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RUTILIA GENS, plebeian. No persons of this name are mentioned till the second century before the Christian era; for instead of Sp. Rutilius Crassus, who occurs in many editions of Livy (iv. 47) as one of the tribunes of the plebs in b. c. 417, we ought undoubtedly to read Sp. Veturius Crassus. (See Alschefski, ad Liv. I. c.) The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was P. Rutilius Lupus, who perished during his consulship, b. c. 90, in the Social war. Under the republic the Rutilii appear with the cognomens Calvus, Lupus, and Rufus ; but in the imperial period we find several other surnames.

Source Smith

Pages in category "Gens Rutilia (Nova Roma)"

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