Category:Gens Curtia (Nova Roma)

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Gens Curtia was revived in Nova Roma by Lucius Curtius Paullus with the purpose of serving Nova Roma in what ever fashion the Senate and People call us to do.


CURTIA GENS, an obscure patrician gens, of whom only one member, C. Curtius Philo, was ever invested with the consulship, b. c. 445. This consulship is one of the proofs that the Curtia gens must have been patrician, since the consulship at that time was not accessible to the plebeians; other proofs are implied in the stories about the earliest Curtii who occur in Roman history. The fact that, in b. c. 57, C. Curtius Peducaeanus was tribune of the people, does not prove the contrary, for members of the gens may have gone over to the plebeians. The cognomens which occur in this gens under the republic are Peducaeanus, Philo, and Postumus or Postumius.

Source Smith


The most commonly used praenomen among members of this gens in ancient times was Gaius.

In modern times the most common praenomina have been Lucius and Manius. The praenomina Gaius, Marcus, Publius, Quintus, Titus, Tiberius, Sextus, Aulus, Decimus, Gnaeus, Spurius, Servius, Appius, Numerius, and Vibius have not been used by the Curtii in the modern era.

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