Election MMDCCLXI (Nova Roma)/Rogatio Moravia Iulia de aedilibus curulibus

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By this Lex Moravia Iulia de aedilibus curulibus is amended the Constitution, Article IV.A, section 4, which is:

4. Aediles Curules (Curule Aediles). Two curule aediles shall be elected by the comitia populi tributa to serve a term lasting one year. They shall have the following honors, powers, and obligations:
a. To hold Imperium;
b. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to see to the conduct of public games and other festivals and gatherings, to ensure order at public religious events, to see to the maintenance of any real public facilities that the State should acquire, and to administer the law (such edicts being binding upon themselves as well as others);
c. To pronounce intercessio against another aedile (curule or plebeian) or magistrate of lesser authority;
d. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as they shall see fit.
e. To maintain the venues where the Ordo Equester is engaged in commerce within Nova Roma property. It is the responsibility of the Curule Aediles to report any changes of the Ordo Equester to the Censors.

Hereby is IV.A.4 amended to IV.A.5 as follows:

IV.A.5: Aedilis Curulis: A number of Aediles Curules, determined by law, shall be elected by the Comitia Populi Tributa to serve a term lasting one year. The number of Aediles Curules, their powers, and their areas of responsibility may be defined by law enacted by the Comitia Populi Tributa. In addition the Aediles Curules shall have the following honors, powers, and obligations:
a. To administer any funds assigned to him or her by the Senate and to see to the maintenance of any real property and/or public facilities owned by Nova Roma;
b. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to conduct the public games and other festivals and gatherings, and to ensure order at public religious events. Their edicts shall be binding upon themselves as equally as on others;
c. To pronounce intercessio against another aedile (curule or plebeian) or magistrate of lesser authority;
d. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as they shall see fit.
e. To maintain the venues where the Ordo Equester is engaged in commerce within Nova Roma property. It is the responsibility of the Curule Aediles to report any changes of the Ordo Equester to the Censors.

2. The Lex Moravia Iulia de Aedilibus Curulibus shall become effective as of the Kalends of January AUC 2762.

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