Election MMDCCLXI (Nova Roma)/Rogatio Moravia Iulia de censoribus

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By this Lex Moravia Iulia de censoribus is amended the Constitution, Article IV.A, paragraph 1, which is:

IV.A.1: Censor. Two censors shall be elected by the comitia centuriata to serve a term lasting two years, to be elected in alternate years so as to have a one-year overlap of terms. They shall have the following honors, powers, and obligations:
a. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to carry out those tasks in which they are mandated by this Constitution and the law to engage (such edicts being binding upon themselves as well as others);
b. To maintain the album civium (list of citizens), including the tribe and century to which they are assigned as described by law, and other appropriate information regarding them;
c. To maintain the album gentium (list of gentes) and appropriate information regarding them;
d. To maintain the album senatorum (list of Senators), including the power to add and remove names on that list according to qualifications set by law;
e. To maintain the album equestrium (lists of members of the equestrian order), including the power to add and remove names on that list;
f. To safeguard the public morality and honor through the collegial administering of notae;
1. A nota against an ordinary individual is sufficient to deprive that individual of the right to vote until such time as it is removed;
2. A nota against a member of the Senate is sufficient to remove that individual from the Senate until such time as it is removed.
g. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as they shall see fit.

Hereby shall IV.A.1 be amended to:

IV.A.1: Censor: In any year following the conduct of a census two censors shall be elected by the comitia centuriata to serve a collegial term lasting one year in the year following thereafter. That is, two censors shall be elected together once every two years. They shall have the following honors, powers, and obligations:
a. To conduct the census.
b. To insure that the Album Civium is updated in accordance with the results of the census.
c. To oversee the Album Senatorum (list of current Senators), including the power to add and remove names on that list according to qualifications set by law;
d. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to carry out those tasks in which they are mandated by this Constitution and the law to engage. Their edicts shall be binding upon themselves as well as on others.
e. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other tasks, as they shall see fit
f. As conservators of public morality and civic honor, to administer notae.
1. A nota may admonish a citizen for improper conduct, without any explicit penalty.
2. A nota may reassign a citizen to a different tribe, including to urban tribes reserved for capiti censi or to the aerari for those without a tribe, thus depriving the aerarian citizen of a vote in any tribal assembly.
3. A nota may reassign a citizen to a century in any class, including to the last century of the Comitia Centuriata, which is reserved for capiti censi.
4. A nota against a member of the Senate may additionally impose ejectio e senatu (removal from the senate).
5. A nota may only be lifted by the Censors; either those Censors who imposed it or their successors.
g. To conduct the Lustrum as their final official act before leaving office.
h. All official censorial actions must be collegial. That is, both censors must agree on any official action. If one censor becomes unable to continue to serve in office, the censura (term of office of both censors) ends immediately and his or her colleague must resign the office of censor.
2. The Lex Moravia Iulia de Censoribus shall become effective as of the Kalends of January AUC 2762. The candidate who is elected to serve in the term beginning AUC 1 January 2762 to 31 December 2763 shall have his term instead designated as lasting from AUC 1 January until 31 December 2762. There shall not be an alteration to the century points received for this curtailed term, but remain at the same amount as though the two-year term had been served.
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