Election MMDCCLXI (Nova Roma)/Rogatio Moravia Iulia de quaestoribus

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By this Lex Moravia Iulia de quaestoribus is amended the Constitution, Article IV.A, section 6, which is:

IV.A.6: Quaestor. A number of quaestors shall be elected by the comitia populi tributa equal to the number of consuls, praetors, and aediles to serve a term lasting one year. One quaestor shall be assigned to each of these magistrates by mutual agreement or, if such cannot be made, by decision of the newly-elected consuls. They shall have the power and obligation to administer those funds that shall be allocated to them by the Senate in its annual budget under the supervision of that magistrate to whom they are assigned. Those quaestors assigned directly to the consuls shall supervise the whole of the aerarium (treasury), but no funds may be spent without the prior approval of the Senate.

Hereby shall IV.A.6 be amended to:

IV.A.7: Quaestor. A number of Quaestors, determined by law enacted by the Comitia Populi Tributa, shall be elected by the Comitia Populi Tributa to serve a term lasting one year. Quaestors shall be assigned duties by the Consuls acting collegially. Quaestors shall have the power and obligation to administer those funds that shall be allocated to them by the Senate in its annual budget under the supervision of that magistrate to whom they are assigned. Those Quaestors assigned directly to the Consuls shall supervise the whole of the aerarium (treasury), as well as oversee other Quaestors, and ensure that no Nova Roma funds may be spent without the prior approval of the Senate and authorization by a curule magistrate. (That is, authorization from one of the Consuls, Praetors, or Aediles Curules).

2. The Lex Moravia Iulia de Quaestoribus shall become effective as of the Kalends of January AUC 2762.

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