Play by Terence ~ Ludi Megalenses 2761 AUC (Nova Roma)/Introduction

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The Play

Andria: The Fair Andrian by P. Terentius Afer

Originally performed at the Megalensian Games; M. Fulvius and M. Glabrio being Curule Aediles. Ambivius Turpio and Lucius Atilius Praenestinus performed it. Flaccus, the freedman of Claudius, composed the music, to a pair of treble flutes and bass flutes alternately. And it is entirely Grecian. Published--M. Marcellus and Cneius Sulpicius being Consuls.


  • SIMO : an aged Athenian.
  • PAMPHILUS : son of Simo.
  • SOSIA : freedman of Simo.
  • CHREMES : an aged Athenian.
  • CHARINUS : a young Athenian, in love with Philumena.
  • CRITO : a native of Andros.
  • DAVUS : servant of Simo.
  • DROMO : servant of Simo.
  • BYRRHIA : servant of Charinus.
  • GLYCERIUM : a young woman beloved by Pamphilus.
  • MYSIS : her maid-servant.
  • LESBIA : a midwife.

Scene : Athens; before the houses of SIMO and GLYCERIUM.

The Subject

CHREMES and Phania were brothers, citizens of Athens. Chremes going to Asia, leaves his daughter, Pasibula, in the care of his brother Phania, who, afterward setting sail with Pasibula for Asia, is wrecked off the Isle of Andros. Escaping with their lives, they are kindly received by a native of the island; and Phania soon afterward dies there. The Andrian changes the name of the girl to Glycerium, and brings her up, as his own child, with his daughter Chrysis. On his death, Chrysis and Glycerium sail for Athens to seek their fortune there. Chrysis being admired by several Athenian youths, Pamphilus, the son of Simo, an opulent citizen, chances to see Glycerium, and falls violently in love with her. She afterward becomes pregnant by him, on which he makes her a promise of marriage.

In the mean time, Chremes, who is now living at Athens, and is ignorant of the fate of Pasibula, agrees with Simo, the father of Pamphilus, to give Philumena, another daughter, in marriage to Pamphilus. While these arrangements are being made, Chrysis dies; on which Simo accidentally discovers his son's connection with Glycerium. Chremes, also coming to hear of it, declines the match, having no idea that Glycerium is really his own daughter. Simo, however, in order to test his son's feelings, resolves to pretend that the marriage-day is fixed. Meeting Pamphilus in the town, he desires him to go home and prepare for the wedding, which is to take place immediately.

In his perplexity, the youth has recourse to his servant Davus, who, having heard of the refusal of Chremes, suspects the design of Simo. At this conjuncture, Charinus, a friend of Pamphilus, who is enamored of Philumena, but has been rejected by her father, entreats Pamphilus to put off the marriage, for at least a few days. Disclosing his own aversion to the match, Pamphilus readily engages to do this. In order the more effectually to break it off, Davus advises Pamphilus to pretend a readiness to comply with his father's wishes, supposing that of course Chremes will steadily persist in his refusal. Pamphilus does as he is advised, on which Simo again applies to Chremes, who, after some entreaty, gives his consent.

Just at this conjuncture, Glycerium is delivered of a son; and by the advice of Davus, it is laid before the door of Simo's house. Chremes happening to see it there, and ascertaining that Pamphilus is its father, again refuses to give him his daughter. At this moment, Crito, a native of Andros, arrives, who, being a relative of Chrysis, has come to Athens to look after her property. Through him, Chremes discovers that Glycerium is no other than his long-lost daughter, Pasibula; on which he consents to her immediate marriage with Pamphilus, who promises Charinus that he will use his best endeavors to obtain for him the hand of Philumena.

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