Senate call November 16, 2759 (2006) (Nova Roma)

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Senate Call November 16, 2759 (2006)

"Quintus Suetonius Paulinus wrote:

Salvete fellow citizens,

The Senate is called to order jointly for Novemmber 16, 2006 (2759) by Gaius Fabius Buteo Modianus, Consul, and Pompeia Minucia Stabo, Consul.

The Contio shall formally begin Nov. 16 2759 Midnight Roman Time (subtract 6 hours for EST, which is 6 pm Nov. 16). The Contio will end on Nov. 20 Midnight Roman Time (6pm EST). Voting Period shall commence immediately thereafter and shall end on Nov. 23 midnight Roman Time (6pm EST)

Addendum: Other items like the preliminary budget for example, we plan on presenting items for consideration, including this one, in a future agenda.

Item I: Publius Memmicus Albucius is to be appointed Propraetor Gallia Provincia (see message 9414 of the Senate list for his application particulars)

Item II: Lucius Aurelius Severus is to be appointed Propraetor Canada Orientalis (see message 9403 of the Senate List for his application particulars)

Item III: The Senate of Nova Roma approves the following Code of Conduct, adopting its language as a basic policy of what the Senate body believes to be an appropriate mimimum standard of conduct for its individual members. A Senatus Consultum does not override the Censors' authority in this regard, but the Censors are invited to take this adoption into consideration in any decisions they face regarding conduct of Senators. Proposal as follows:

Nova Roma Senate Code of Conduct

1. A Nova Roman Senator shall uphold the honor of the Senate of Nova Roma and of Nova Roma herself. A Senator shall support and defend the Constitution of Nova Roma against all enemies both from without and from within.

2. Whenever dealing with citizens or others who know him to be a Senator of Nova Roma, a Nova Roman Senator shall always act in the best interest of the Republic of Nova Roma, honoring the Gods and Goddesses of Rome, defending the Religio Romano as the national religion of Nova Roma, adhering to the Virtues, and never acting in such a way as to bring disgrace upon the Religio or threaten it's status as the national religion.

3. A Nova Roman Senator shall recognize that appointment to the Senate of Nova Roma is a high honor, reposing trust and responsibility in the Senator. Therefore a Senator will never act in such a way as to bring disgrace upon the Nova Roma Senate or upon Nova Roma herself, and will strive to conduct himself according to the traditional Roman Virtues in all matters touching upon Nova Roma.

4. A Nova Roman Senator shall keep firmly in mind the mission of the Nova Roman Senate, and the fact that the Senate acts in the service of the Republic. When acting within the scope of Nova Roma, in its Senate, fora, and any other place where the Senator is known to be a Nova Roman Senator, a Senator's actions will be guided by what he believes to be the best interests of Nova Roma.

5. A Nova Roman Senator shall report to the Senate any instance in which he is charged with the commission of a felony or other macronational crime for which, if convicted, the maximum penalty would be at least 12 months in confinement. While a charge alone will not be grounds for removal of a Senator from the Senate rolls, failure to report such charges will be.

Item IV: The Senate approves the formal assignment of the State of Hawaii, U.S.A. to California Provincia Nova Roma.

Item V: The Senate advises that the following proposal for constitutional amendment should be placed before the Comitia Centuriata (note...this is not an attempt to ask the Senate to 'preratify a constitutional amendment, but a request for advice as to the plausibility of going further with the item)

I Constitutional Basis, Section A2 CURRENTLY READS: 'This constitution may be amended by a Lex passed by the Comitia Centuriata and approved by a vote of two-thirds of the Senate. PROPOSED REVISION: 'This constitution may be amended by a Lex passed by the Comitia Centuriata and approved by 2/3 of Senators voting on the amendment.

Discussion: This was suggested to the Consuls and seems worthy of consideration. Many agree that there are areas in which our constitution needs language revisions.... in some ways more so than revising (and re-revising) our leges. We don't want to make it too easy to change our highest ruling document, granted; but on the other hand, we don't want it to be nearly impossible, either. 2/3 of the entire Senate voting 'yes' can be very difficult to obtain to pass amendments, under the best of circumstances. Hopefully we will discuss this more fully during contio.

Item VI: The Senate appoints Marcus Octavius Gracchus as Magister Aranearius (webmaster) Novae Romae 2760 AVC

Item VII: The Senate recognizes Sodalitas Graeciae as an official Sodalitas of Nova Roma. The proposal is as follows:

Regula Sodalitatis Graeciae----

The Sodalitas Graeciae will dedicate itself to enriching Nova Roma with knowledge and discussion of the Ancient Greek world.

--Purposes and Goals-- I. To this end, the Sodalitas will operate a mailing list for the discussion of Ancient Greece. Further instruments of communication may be added at a later date at the discretion of the Boule.

II. The Sodalitas will make the greatest efforts to educate the citizens of Nova Roma about Greek language, philosophy, culture, society, history, and the contributions of the Greeks in the Roman world.

III. The Greek language will be utilized as often as possible. Ancient Greek was the spoken tongue of learned Romans and the second language of the Republic; we wish to resurrect this tradition by making Novaromans aware of the Greek language.

IV. These goals will be achieved by the efforts of the Boule and the club members. The leadership of the Sodalitas is not only expected to manage the organization, but to forward the movement that the Sodalitas stands for: the revival, in our New Rome, of the Greek tradition that existed in Old Rome.


A. The active administrators and policy-makers of the Sodalitas are the three Archontes (sing. Archon)

1. They are collectively charged with managing the various administrative elements of the Sodalitas. The tasks should be divided up among the Archontes by mutual consent. A conflict is to be resolved by the Ecclesia.

2. Archontes exercise their powers collegially.

B. The Boule is a council composed of the three Archontes. It is a steering committee tasked with deciding policy and arranging administration.

1. The Chairman is chosen by lot when the Boule first convenes.

2. A decision of the Boule, which is reached by majority vote, is known as a nominon (pl. nomina.)

2. The nomina are instructions for the Archontes. An Archon must follow the nomina of the Boule and the Ecclesia.

3. The Boule has the power to create secondary administrative offices and committees so that the Sodalitas may perform its tasks more effectively.

C. The Ecclesia is composed of all members of the Sodalitas.

1. The Ecclesia elects the Archontes every year during December. Elections are arranged by the Boule.

2. When the Boule makes a nominon, it must be presented to the Ecclesia. If there is a significant amount of protest, then the Boule is expected to do away with that nominon out of goodwill. Likewise, suggestions from the Ecclesia are considered by the Boule.

3. Any member of the Ecclesia may use the voting tool on the Sodalitas main list website to introduce to the assembly a nominon, an amendment to the Regula, or an impeachment of any official. Impeachments and amendments must be approved by 2/3 of those voting while it takes 1/2 of those voting to pass a nominon.

VI. The following are rules regarding the management of the Sodalitas:

A. Elections:

1. The Boule arranges all elections. It does so according to Nova Roma law.

2. Archontes are elected during the month of December and take office on the 1st of January the following year.

3. Elections arranged due to vacancy or removal by impeachment occur as soon as possible and the victor(s) take(s) office immediately and remain for the rest of the normal year.

B. Nomina:

1. A nominon produced by the Ecclesia supercedes a conflicting nominon produced by the Boule.

2. A nominon must not conflict with the Regula

C. Initial Leadership and Extraordinary Vacancy:

1. When this Regula is approved by the Senate, the first Archontes will be elected. They will hold office until the normal December elections the same year.

2. If there fewer than 3 candidates, then the elections will occur, but a special mechanism will be activated. During a vacancy of this sort, any member of the Ecclesia will have the power to nominate himself or another for the office of Archon. Elections will occur immediately and candidates receiving a plurality will take office at once. Once all three seats are filled, this process ceases.

D. Ordinary Vacancy:

1. An office is considered vacant if the holder resigns or does not respond to communication for a period of 2 weeks.

2. However, a magistrate may declare that he/she will be absent and be excused from duties for a maximum of three weeks.

3. If the magistrate does not respond to communication after this period is over, the office will be considered vacant.

4. Once there is a vacant office, elections must occur according to section VI A3.

E. List management:

1. The Archontes are moderators of all lists controlled by the Sodalitas Graeciae.

2. The Archontes may remove any list member that they consider to be disruptive if a warning does not improve the member's behavior.

F. Membership:

1. All citizens and non-citizens are encouraged to join, although non-citizens, termed "Philoi/Philai Sunadou," will not be permitted to the offices of leadership. 2. Membership in the main mailing list is considered membership in the Sodalitas; leaving the mailing list meansresigning membership.


Quintus Suetonius Paulinus

Tribunus Plebis

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