Legio Sponsorship Application Form

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Legio Sponsorship Application Form

Units wishing to be sponsored by Nova Roma, or that have more questions regarding the program, are encouraged to email the Consuls. We encourage you to read more general information on the various types and structure of Nova Roma legions.


Full name of Commander of Legio: ________________

Legal name of above individual: ________________

Email address: ________________

Number of Legionaries in your Legio: ________________

Has the Commander attained the age of 18 years? YES NO

Are there Legionaries younger than 18 years in the Legio? YES NO

What month/year was your Legio formed? ________________

Time period being reenacted by the Legio:(Please check where appropriate)

  • [_____] Legiones of the Republic
  • [_____] Legiones involved in the Civil War
  • [_____] Caesar's Consular Legiones
  • [_____] Caesar's Gallic Legiones
  • [_____] Other Legiones raised by Caesar
  • [_____] Octavian's Legiones
  • [_____] Marcus Antonius' Legiones
  • [_____] Imperial Legiones

What made you choose this time period?

Please give us a brief history of your main activities as a Legio since formation.

What events or projects does your Legio plan to undertake within the next 12 months?

What do you see as your long term plans/goals within 5 years?

How did you hear about Nova Roma sponsorship of Legiones?

What other reenactor Legiones have you had association with?

Are you associated with the SCA or other period reenactment societies?


It is the expectation of Nova Roma that her sponsored Legiones be willing to participate in a Nova Roma based Legio organization for military reference and support.

It is the expectation of Nova Roma that her sponsored Legiones be willing to assist in the promotion of Nova Roma through:

  • the distribution of Nova Roma leaflets and/or pamphlets (provided by Nova Roma)
  • the inclusion of Nova Roma's address, URL and mission statement on any Legio-produced literature distributed at the Legio's events

Do you forsee any problems in fulfilling these commitments to Nova Roma? YES NO


Nova Roma is an organisation patterned after the ancient Roman Republican model of culture and government. Our goal is the promotion and celebration of Roman culture, history, religions and philosophies. Although Nova Roma does not condone conquest or slavery, we recognize the unparalleled efficiency and positive historical impact of the Roman military.

Citizenship is open to any person over 18 years regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation.

Although Nova Roma does not make citizenship mandatory, we encourage and invite its sponsored Legionaries to consider Nova Roman citizenship, with all the opportunities and enjoyment this conveys. Legio Sponsorship is largely the purview of the Nova Roma Senate, and the Sodalitas Militarium, the military association of Nova Roma. For further information regarding the Sodalitas Militarium, please write militarium@novaroma.org.

What Nova Roma has to offer

Nova Roma offers to link your Web site to hers and to her auxiliary Web sites to maximize traffic to your site on the Web.

Nova Roma offers to keep your Legio appraised of all Nova Roma-sponsored events and events sponsored by other Legiones.

A roster of all Nova Roma-sponsored Legiones shall be distributed to each sponsored Legio via email.

We also offer information support. We will try to provide you with resources and information regarding you reenactment needs.

From time to time, as determined by the Senate and the Sodalitas Militarium of Nova Roma, awards of rank and privilege are bestowed upon Sponsored Legiones of Nova Roma.

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