Senate membership for 2773
Below is the lawful Senate of the Nova Roma Republic for 2773 AUC. The Senate of Nova Roma currently nominally has 28 voting members but only 17 can be counted for the quorum because the others are supporting the illegal corporate BoD. 17 voting members give a minimum quorum of 12 voting members.
There are 10 other senators in this Senate who do not participate in our sessions because they seceded from the republic and joined the faction conducting the “civil war”, led by Sulla, against the lawful government of Nova Roma. There are 3 other senators who are on unspecified leave and their membership in the Senate is suspended. For practical purposes, we do not count the 12 secessionists and the 3 on unspecified leave in the quorum.
The 17 voting members are (first those who are currently magistrates then in order of senatorial rank):
α rank | Name | Abbr. | Current mag./off. | Dignitas | Status |
1 | A. Tullia Scholastica | ATS | Princeps Senatus, Censor | Censorius | sitting |
2 | Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Alexander the Elder | CCLA | Censor | Consularis | Deceased |
3 | Q. Arrius Nauta | QAN | Consul | Consularis | sitting |
4 | T. Domitius Draco | TDD | Consul | Consularis | sitting |
5 | M. Hortensia Maior Fabiana Faustina | MHMFF | Praetor | Praetorius | sitting |
6 | T. Flavius Severus | TFS | Praetor | Quaestorius | sitting |
7 | P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus | PACP | Aedilis Curulis | Censorius, Consularis | sitting |
8 | M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius | MACI | Aedilis Curulis | Praetorius | sitting |
9 | Sex. Lucilius Tutor | SLT | Tribunus Plebis | Censorius, Consularis | sitting |
10 | C. Claudius Quadratus | CCQ | - | Consularis | sitting |
11 | C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus | CTVG | - | Consularis | sitting |
12 | C. Petronius Dexter | CPD | - | Praetorius | sitting |
13 | A. Liburnius Hadrianus | ALH | - | Praetorius | sitting |
14 | Q. Lutatius Catulus | QLC | - | Praetorius | sitting |
15 | M. Iulius Camillus | MIC | - | Praetorius | sitting |
16 | Gallio Velius Marsallas | GVM | - | Quaestorius | sitting |
Non-senator voting member with the ius sententiae dicendae as specified by the lex Popillia senatoria:
- M. Pompeius Caninus – Vir Consularis
On leave due to unspecified reasons and thus not counted in the quorum (3 members):
- Dec. Iunius Palladius Invictus – Censorial Senator
- L. Equitius Cincinnatus Augur – Censorial Senator
- Pompeia Minucia Strabo – Consular Senator
The 7 secessionist senators on leave due to their actions against the Government and People of Nova Roma, and thus not counted in the quorum are:
- T. Iulius Sabinus – Censorial Senator
- Q. Fabius Maximus – Consular Senator
- Sta. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia – Consular Senator
- M. Cornelius Gualterus Graecus – Praetorian Senator
- Q. Vipsanius Agrippa – Tribunician Senator
- Q. Suetonius Paulinus – Tribunician Senator
- C. Marcius Crispus – Senator
The following 4 tribuni plebis who are not senators themselves have the right to attend this meeting of the Senate and are invited to participate therein:
- M. Claudius Marcellus
- Ti. Caecilia Sabina
- C. Cornelius Barosus
- M'. Galerius Caprarius