Ludi Apollinares 2768 AUC

- Aedes Apollinis
- Cultus Apollinis
- Ludi Apollinares in Roma Antiqua
- Prayers to Apollo
- Sacerdos Apollinis: Cyrene Lucretia Corva Apollinaris
From the Office of Praetor Sex. Lucilius Tutor
Citizens of Nova Roma, I feel privileged as Vice President of Nova Roma to have the honor to hold the Ludi Apollinares festival, the Apollonian games. Nova Roma has this tradition to celebrate Roman religious festivals with on-line games, and this is a noble tradition. It happens only at special occasions that a few of us can meet together to celebrate a Roman holiday, but with the help of internet forums we can pay homage to the Gods and Goddesses, and to Rome. A personal confession: Apollo is very dear to me. But Apollo was always a very popular deity. Apollo is the god of Sun, god of all arts, but why the Romans decided to celebrate Him it was because He is also god of healing. He heals the People and the Republic. If you are a follower of Roman religion, pray for healing or keeping good health. If you aren't a follower, think of the figurative meanings of this. Let's everybody dedicate a moment between July 9-13 to Apollo and healing, and of His importance in our Roman Nation / corporation. As Apollo is a special deity of Hellas and philosophy, think also of our cultural ancient brothers, the Greeks, for a moment. Greece lives difficult times, and we in Nova Roma wish that Greece come out the problems, and may prosper within our Euro-Atlantic Western civilization. With these Apollonian Games, we will think of our common Hellenistic culture and philosophical heritage. From today to 13 July, my praetorian team will give you some little possibilities to entertain yourself and honor Apollo. Some of the games will be more serious, like the Ipse Dixit Quiz about Latin proverbs and the Scribonius Nasica Latin Poetic Composition Contest, and we will award prizes for the winners. Some other games will be less serious, like the fun virtual chariot race and gladiator combat, which are also a lovely tradition to hold in Nova Roma as a homage to the ancient real ludi. I ask you to honor Apollo and Rome with participation in any or all of these games. I want here also to give my thanks and praises to Quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus for helping to organize these Ludi Apollinares, and special thanks to Censor P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus for creating the virtual games and the Ispe Dixit Quiz' newest edition. My thanks go also to Scriba A. Scribonius Nasica, Scriba T. Domitius Draco, and to my most respected Praetor Colleague A. Liburnius Hadrianus, Co-Vice President of Nova Roma, for their big help in creating the games. The Ludi Apollinares will be ritually opened by Pontifex and Quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus' opening sacrifice soon today.
I declare the Ludi Apollinares of 2768 a.u.c. OPEN! Happy Apollonian Festival to you!
Program of the current ludi Apollinares
Ipse Dixit Quiz VIIIth Edition
The Eight Edition of IPSE DIXIT created by Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, our long-running quiz game based on a series of famous Latin quotations dating from all eras – from the Classical age to our own days.
RULES: Each day, starting from July 9 and finishing on July 13, the final day of the Ludi Apollinares, a series of items shall be posted here. Each item will include a famous Latin phrase and 3 (or occasionally 4) questions relating to the phrase itself. All citizens may compete, and it is NOT NECESSARY to answer the questions related to one item before the next item is posted, as all items will be fully valid until the conclusion of the game. Each correct answer will have a score, and the highest scorer will be the WINNER! If there is tie for first place, I will decide based on how quickly the answers were sent to me. SO TIME MATTERS AND YOU MUST SEND ANSWER AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! Send your answers to Do NOT post your answers on the Main List otherwise you will be immediately disqualified from the game.
PRIZE: The winner's prize will be a most excellent Latin Grammar Aids book: Essentials of Latin Grammar: A Practical Guide to the Mastery of Latin (by W. Michael Wilson). Recommendation for the book:
- "This is a convenient reference covering essential points of Latin grammar. Explanations are concise yet thorough and are accompanied by a wealth of examples to aid in reading and writing Latin. The language of the examples reflects the structures most frequently encountered in literature. For ease of use, concepts are discussed according to accidence (inflections) and syntax. This is one of the best Latin grammer books that exist. It is very precise and clear, and allows people to grasp Latin grammatical topics quickly. Great book for any one that really wants to learn AND MASTER the Latin language!"
- "If you really want to get down to the nuts and bolts, the nitty-gritty, and the no-nonsense study of Latin, then this one is the way to go. W. Michael Wilson’s Essentials of Latin Grammar takes a spectacular page from Strunk and White’s Elements of Styleand omits needless words almost to a fault. There is a two-page preface and then it’s off to the races. One hundred forty-one rules later, you should emerge with a head full of Latin.Because of its brevity, you will need a side reference on grammatical terms to get through Wilson’s teachings. Trust me, when you’re wading through the weeds of the gerundive case, you’ll be glad for it. Wilson’s lessons are terse but still useful. If you know Latin and want to brush up on the syntax, or even if you’re just starting out, this is an incredibly rich guide to the structure of the language."
1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? (3 points)
2. Who is the purported originator of this phrase? (2 points)
3. What is the most common usage of this phrase today? (2 points)
1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? (3 points)
2. Who wrote this phrase? (1 point + 1 bonus point for the source.)
3. What is the metaphorical (non-literal) meaning of the phrase? (2 points)
1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? (3 points)
2. Who wrote this phrase? (1 point + 1 bonus point for the source.)
3. Name at least one contemporary source using the phrase. (1 point)
4. What is the metaphorical (non-literal) meaning of the phrase? (2 points)
1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? (3 points)
2. Who originally wrote this phrase, and who CHANGED it into the form quoted above? (1 point for each name.)
3. Who does the phrase as quoted above refer to?
4. Who utters the phrase as quoted above in its original context?
1. What is the literal English translation of this phrase? (3 points)
2. Who wrote this phrase? (1 point + 1 bonus point for the source.)
3. What is the metaphorical (non-literal) meaning of the phrase? (2 points)
The winner and with this the owner of the prize is: C. Claudius Quadratus.
The final standing of the contest is this:
- 1st Place Ties
- C. Claudius Quadratus 35/36 (13)
- C. Fabius Lupus 35/36 (28)
- 2nd Place Ties
- C. Cornelius Aculeo 34/36 (14)
- A. Tullia Scholastica 34/36 (28)
- Marcus Pompeius Caninus 34/36 (39)
- 3rd Place Ties
- Gaius Tullius Valerianus Germanicus 33/36 (25)
- 4th Place
- Tiberius Marcius Quadra 31/36 (38)
- 5th Place
- Gaius Claudius Barbatus 28/36 (30)
- 6th Place
- Sexta Laelia Macra 17/29 (17)
- 7th Place
- M. Lollius Labeo 11/29 (7)
- 8th Place
- Valeria Pavo 7/29 (8)
Scribonius Nasica's Latin poetic composition contest
On behalf of Praetor Sextus Lucilius Tutor, you are invited to partecipate in Latin poetic composition contest during the celebrations of Ludi Apollinares.
RULES: From 9th to 13th July you can submit poems written in Latin. Below you find the highlighted main aspects to be able to participate in. Essays should be sent to scriba A. Scribonius Nasica at during this period, in order to judge them properly.
- Genre: Poems with or without metric, with or without rhymes. A maximum of ten sentences written in Times New Roman-12.
- Topic: Rome and its history; the foundation of New Rome and its purpose.
- Language: Latin language.
- Evaluation methods: Content, aesthetic, grammar. Score maximum: 12 points i.e. maximum 4 points per subject.
PRIZE: An imperial classic clean coin in good condition.
The winner of the Latin poetic composition contest is A. Tullia Scholastica! Congratulations! Her poem is this:
- Mater magnifica sempiterna,
- carissima genetrix
- tot legum, linguarum, litterarum;
- tot viarum, aquarum, aedificiorum
- ad nos permanentium;
- Roma, te salutamus.
- Utrum gemini an Trojá aufugientes
- te condiderint
- nec scimus nec curamus;
- gloria tua candens nos illustrat,
- semitae tuae nos ducunt,
- quicumque fundamina tua jecit.
- Regimen tuum exemplar
- nationibus tibi ignotis
- dedisti; fortitudo tua eximia
- omnibus exemplum
- per millennia manet.
- Etiam victis misericordiam ostendisti;
- pepercerunt milites se dedentibus
- dum multas magnasque terras vicens
- mundo exculto addidisti
- linguamque tuam aeternam
- posteritatem docuisti.
Ludi Circenses: virtual chariot races
For these Ludi Apollinares, both the Ludi Circenses and the Munera Gladiatoria will be organized, managed and chronicled by myself, Censor Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus, upon request and in agreement with Prætor Sex. Lucilius Tutor and his office.
The Virtual Chariot Race for these Ludi features 8 chariots and their drivers, all belonging to the teams of Russata and Veneta (as I received no entries from either Præsina or Albata this time) and it is articulated in two Quarterfinals, one Semifinal and one Final.
The First Quarterfinal took place on April 11, 2768 AUC, from three o'clock PM to about half past four PM. The line-up and results were as follows.
Lane I: Potentia, owned by Consul M. Pompeius Caninus and driven by Atrectus for VENETA - fourth place, eliminated.
Lane II: Fulmen Punicum, owned by C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus and driven by Hanno Pœnulus for VENETA - Second place, qualified for the Semifinal.
Lane III: Ulpia Prima, owned by C. Æmilius Crassus and driven by Viriathus for RUSSATA - third place, eliminated.
Lane IV: Nova Roma, owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and driven by Dorothea for RUSSATA - WINNER, qualified for the Semifinal.
You may find the full account of this race here:
The Second Quarterfinal took place on the same day, from seven o'clock PM to about half past eight PM. The line-up and results were as follows.
Lane I: Ulpia Secunda, owned by C. Æmilius Crassus and driven by Sertorius for RUSSATA - second place, qualified for the Semifinal.
Lane II: Fragor, owned by A. Tullius Paterculus and driven by Caratacus for VENETA - fourth place, eliminated.
Lane III: Ralfy-M, owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and driven by Tyrannosaurus for RUSSATA - WINNER, qualified for the Semifinal.
Lane IV: Taurus Flammeus, owned by Tita Popilia Lænas and driven by Triumphus for RUSSATA - third place, eliminated.
You may find the full account of this race here:
The Semifinal took place in the evening of April 12th, from seven o'clock PM to about half past eight PM. The line-up and results were as follows.
Lane I: Nova Roma, owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and driven by Dorothea for RUSSATA - WINNER, qualified for the Final.
Lane II: Fulmen Punicum, owned by C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus and driven by Hanno Pœnulus for VENETA - Second place, qualified for the Final.
Lane III: Ralfy-M, owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and driven by Tyrannosaurus for RUSSATA - third place, eliminated.
Lane IV: Ulpia Secunda, owned by C. Æmilius Crassus and driven by Sertorius for RUSSATA - fourth place, eliminated.
The full account and lap-by-lap narration for this Semifinal may be read here:
The Final took place in the late evening of June 13th, starting from seven o'clock PM and concluding at about half past nine PM. Apologizing for the huge delay in posting here (due to tehcnical reasons, namely PC slowing down and partly crashing...), Censor Placidus informs all citizens that the line-up and results were as follows.
Lane I: Nova Roma, owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and driven by Dorothea for RUSSATA - WINNER of Ludi Circenses.
Lane II: Fulmen Punicum, owned by C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus and driven by Hanno Pœnulus for VENETA - Second place.
You may read the full account of this Final race here:
All citizens are advised to keep watching this space for news and updates.
The winner of the virtual chariot races is Cn. Cornelius Lentulus! Congratulations!
Munera Gladiatoria: virtual gladiatorial combats
The Munera Gladiatoria for these Ludi feature 8 fighters and are split in a series of seven short fights (four Quarterfinals, two Semifinals, one Final). Contrary to previous announcements within this space, the Quarterfinals are taking place in the morning of April 12th starting from noon (12.00) while the Semifinals and Final will both take place on the 13th, respectively in the morning and early afternoon (exact times to be yet determined). The setting for all fights shall be the Flavian Amphitheater in Roma, better known as the Colosseum - except for the final, which, to avoid scheduling conflicts with the Chariot Race Semifinal, is going to take place indoors in the Gladiators' Gymnasium, next to the main Amphitheater.
The line-ups and results for the Quarterfinals are as follows.
Quarterfinal 1: Venutius (Retiarius), owned by Consul M. Pompeius Caninus for Veneta vs. Absrubal (Dimachærus), owned by C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus for Russata.
Venetius wins. Absbrubal, on a 50%-50% chance, gets thumbs-up and survives.
Quarterfinal 2: Decimus Antonius Interficius (Thraex) owned by L. Claudia Quadrata Feles vs. M. Pompeius Magnuus (Retiarius), owned by C. Claudius Quadratus, both for Russata.
Interficius wins. Magnus, who fought badly, is given thumbs-down and dies.
You may read the full account of these two Quarterfinals here:
Quarterfinal 3: Andreas (Retiarius), owned by A. Tullius Paterculus for Veneta vs. Dorothea (Dimachærus), owned by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus for Russata.
Andreas wins. Dorothea gets thumbs-up and survives.
Quarterfinal 4: Triumphus Maculosus (Secutor), owned by Tita Popilia Lænas vs. Stoicus (Retiarius), owned by Prætor Sex. Lucilius Tutor , both for Veneta.
Stoicus wins. Maculosus survives.
You may read the full account of these two Quarterfinals here:
(NOTE: the account for all four Quarterfinals is meant to be undivided and unitarian. It has been split in two halves for ease of reading, with Part I containing Quarterfinals 1 and 2, and Part II containing Quarterfinals 3 and 4.)
The First Semifinal took place on April 13th 2768 AUC, starting from noon (12:00) and finishing at about one PM. The line-up and result is as follows.
The fighters are Venutius (Retiarius) vs. Decimus Antonius Interficius (Thraex). This fight ends in a tie; however, Venatius wins by popular vote and is qualified to the Final. Interficius is given thumbs-down but spared by the Prætor for his valour in combat.
You may read the full account of the First Semifinal here:
The Second Semifinal has taken place on the same day, starting from about half past one PM and concluding at about ten past two PM. The line-up and result is as follows.
The fighters are Andreas (Retiarius) vs. Stoicus (Retiarius). Andreas, who is clumsy but highly popular, gets 51% thumbs-up and survives.
You may read the full account of the Second Semifinal here:
The Final of the Munera Gladiatoria has taken place from four o'clock PM to about a quarter to five PM in the Gladiators' Gymnasium.
The fighters are Venutius (Retiarius) vs. Stoicus (Retiarius). Venutius wins by just one point!! Stoicus, in recognition of his great fight, is given thumbs-up and survives.
Venutius, owned by Consul M. Pompeius Caninus, is the Winner of the Munera Gladiatoria.
The full account of this Final may be read here:
On behalf of Prætor Sextus Lucilius Tutor, his colleague Aulus Liburnus Hadrianus and all of the staff in the Prætura, Censor Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus would like to send out his warmest, sincere and most heartfelt thanks to everyone who partitipated in the Ludi Circenses and in the Munera Gladiatoria, hoping to see all of them, and more, returning for the next Ludi. Placidus would also like to give very, very special thanks to Liburnus Hadrianus for his invaluable assistance in preparing the accounts for the virtual chariot races, and for his very much welcome contributions to the accounts themselves.
Optime valete omnes!
-Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus
The winner of the virtual munera gladiatoria is M. Pompeius Caninus ! Congratulations!
Nova Roma Citizens, We have honored Apollo and Roman culture with ritual and dedicated games during the last 5 days. I hope not only they participated who played in the games but in spirit a lot more citizens were with us to remember Rome, our heritage and Apollo's role in western culture and civilization, arts and philosophy. I congratulate the winners, A. Tullia Scholastica the Latin Poetry Contest winner, C. Claudius Quadratus the Ipse Dixit Quiz winner, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus the Virtual Chariot Race Ludi Circenses winner, and M. Pompeius Caninus the Vitual Munera Gladiatoria winner. And deepest respect to my assistants who made this ludi happen: I thank in the first place P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus for creating the virtual games and the Ipse Dixit Quiz, to my Collega Praetor A. Liburnius Hadrianus for contributing to the Chariot Race. A huge thank to Cn. Cornelius Lentulus who was the bedrock of the organization of Ludi Apollinares. I also thank A. Scribonius Nasica for doing the Latin Poetic Contest, and T. Domitius Draco for assisting me.
Now the Ludi Apollinares is closed!