Sarmatia provincial report MMDCCLXI

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Legatus Pro Praetore Provincia Sarmatia , Marcus Octavius Corvus senatibus Novae Romae S•P•D

Salvete patres conscripti!

Please find below the yearly report for the provincia Sarmatia. I would also like to ask you for my prorogation as Legatus Pro Praetore of the provincia Sarmatia.

I am Marcus Octavius Corvus, Russian, 36 years old and Nova Roman citizen since 2006. I am married and have 3 children (Gnaeus, Servius and Marcus). I am of the Gens Octavia and the Tribus Collina, I am of assidui status and from plebeian order. My background in Nova Roma:

-2008 Legatus Pro Praetore Provincia Sarmatia.
-2008 Interpreter, Russian, Scriba ad moderandum Forum.
-2008 Collegium sodalitas proDIIS A temple for the Gods in Rome.
-2008 Sacerdos of Iuppiter.

Report MMDCCLXI Provincia Sarmatia. State of the Provincia Sarmatia:

  • Provincial Magistrates:
-Legatus Pro Praetore, provincial sacerdos: Marcus Octavius Corvus.
-Pocurator Sarmatiae: Gaius Antonius Costa
-Legatus Internis rebus: Lucius Iunius Brutus
-Legatus externis rebus: Tiberius Claudius Custos
-Legatus militum: Aulus Porcius Pullus
-Caput Officina Interpreti: Marcus Aurelius Celsus
-Caput Officina Retiari: Titus Flavius Agrippa
-Caput Officina Ludorum: Publius Arrius Senexus
  • Key Accomplishments:
-Land purchased and project created for building of the Temple of Iuppiter OM;
-Consolidated and strengthened the province Sarmatiae;
-Created Curia Sarmatiae;
-Introduced semi-annual reports of the Sarmatian Magistrates to report about their accomplishments in their fields;
-New Website Provincia Sarmatia. Created and donated a new website for my provincia. As Legatus Pro Praetore I will bear the costs from my private income. Since I have published the website - April - 5020 visitors have been visiting the new site (repeating visitors not counted ): [1]currently only available in Russian, the English version to come soon.;
-Head of reconstructor club “Legio XI Claudia Pia Fidelis” Aulus Porcius Pullus (Sanct-Peterburg City, Russia)has became the Legatus Militum of provincial Sarmatia;
-Increased the number of citizens, the provincia Sarmatia has now 15 citizens (2 of them – provisional citizenship). Encouraged citizens of the provincia to pay taxes - 6 of citizens of Provincia Sarmatia are going to obtain the assidui status in the next year. 4,60 USD, revenue (Tax ) PROVINCIA in 2761a.u.c.;
-Built a Roman Network of interested people to possibly recruit new citizens in the future.
  • Budget Provincia Sarmatia 2761 a.u.c.
Revenue from the province in 2761 a.u.c.
-Tax income: 4,60 USD
-Tax retained by the Provincia: 2,30 USD
-Provincial Treasury status as of 31 st of October 2761 a.u.c.:
-2,30 USD tax retained
-300 USD donation to the Provincia by Legatus Pro Praetore
-Total: 302,30 USD.
-300 USD Web site Provincia Sarmatia creation, paid for and donated to the provincia by the Legatus Pro Praetore .
-80 USD Web site hosting Provincia Sarmatia, paid for and donated to the provincia by the Legatus Pro Praetore .
-8000 USD purchase of the land 3000 square meters for building the Temple of Iuppiter OM, paid for and donated to the provincia by the Legatus Pro Praetore .
-1000 USD paid to architect for creating the project for the Temple of Iuppiter OM, paid for and donated to the provincia by the Legatus Pro Praetore.
  • Budget for 2762 a.u.c.
Revenue from the province in 2762 a.u.c.
-Tax income: 21,60 USD.
-Website hosting: 80 USD.
-No cost estimations yet for: information tent/booth, Nova Roma flyers, flag for the provincia Sarmatia.
  • Outlook:
-Start building the Temple of Iuppiter OM;
-Planning to involve my provincia in big reconstructional events in Russia with an Information tent/booth;
-Take part in organizing Roman Saturnalia festival, Sanct-Peterburg City, Russia;
-Organize a big Roman event in Khersones (Sevastopol, Ukraine), make it an annual gathering of all citizens of the provincia Sarmatia, provincial conventus ;
-Introduce our own Roman Day event for the provincia Sarmatia;
-Organize and incorporate the provincia Sarmatia as a cultural, non profit association;
-Create and develop local groups (oppidi and municipiis) in the Provincia;
-Flyers for Nova Roma and the provincia Sarmatia;
-Create a provincial Flag and historical chart;
-Divide provincia into sub-territories under the regional Lagates direction.
  • Conclusion:

We need to further develop our Republic and our provinces, we need to live up to be an independent and sovereign nation, according to our constitution. I will do everything possible to support necessary for achieving these goals, in the interest of the people and the Senate of Nova Roma.

Patres consripti, on these grounds, I would like to ask for your prolongation as Legatus Pro Praetore of the provincia Sarmatia. I pray to the Di Immortales that you will be favorably in order to be prorogued for another term, to serve as Legatus Pro Praetore and that you choose me, to serve you.

Pro Res Publica, Pro Patria!

Di vos incolumes custodiant!

Marcus Octavius Corvus,

Legatus Pro Praetore provincia Sarmatia.