Priesthood assidui status requirement (Nova Roma)

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As of ante diem IV Nonas November MMDCCLVI (Sun Nov 2, 2003 2:13 pm) all members of the official Nova Roma Priesthood and Collegium Pontificum are required to hold Assidui Citizen status in order to retain their official Priesthood status.

As a part of the formal infrastructure of Nova Roma, the Priesthood is a public position which holds responsibility for helping to maintain Nova Roma as a community. Therefore the Priesthood is as responsible for maintaining Assidui status as are political magistrates.

Priesthood who cannot pay their Citizen taxes for any reason are required to make a report to the Collegium Pontificum, so that arrangement for payment by others can be made if warranted.

Those sacerdotes who are not registered as assidui for the consular year shall be suspended from their offices.

Should full (i.e., tax *and* penalty) remittance of such a suspended individual's annual dues be made prior to 01 January, such an individual will be immediately restored to their position, without lapse of service, and without the need of any additional action by the Collegium (though the Collegium may make notice of their restoration).

Should full remittance not be made for a suspended person prior to 01 January, and should arrangements not be made with the Collegium for that purpose, the person shall be considered removed from office; again, no additionalaction shall be needed by the Collegium ((though the Collegium may make notice of their removal)."


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