Sodalitas Graeciae (Nova Roma)/Application

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Application for Approval of Local Chapter

Interested in starting your own local ancient Greek community offline? You can further the development and expansion of the Sodalitas Graeciae by applying for official community status. In order to request an approval for an officially-recognized local community, you must provide the following information to the SG Boule. You may copy and paste this information into a word document or post a message to the Boule list below with the completed information.

PART I: Organizational Information


II. Type of local community applied for:

___ APOIKIA (3 or more members of Sodalitas Graeciae)
___ KOINOTITA (5-19 members of Sodalitas Graeciae at any geographic location)
___ POLIS (20 or more members of Sodalitas Graeciae at any geographic location)

III. Home NR Provincia of Chapter:

IV. Name (Chapter): The official Greek name of the Chapter shall be:

NOTE: Chapters shall reflect an actual ancient Greek City-State should primarily devote its study, research and activities to the development of an historic database on that particular city. The chapter will be expected to provide as much information as possible about the actual ancient city on their website. A listing of the ancient Greek City-States can be found by clicking here.

V. Jurisdiction: The geographical limits or the Post-Secondary Educational Institution of the Chapter are:

VI. Metroon: Location/Website Address of Metroon (Law Repository):

VII. Ecclesia: Petitioners hereby establish an Ecclesia (Local Assembly), which shall have the following duties and rights:

  • A. Voting in an Ecclesia shall require physical presence of the voter in the place where the Ecclesia is being held.
  • B. The local Ecclesia shall elect all local magistrates and enact laws (called "nomima") binding upon the members of the local community.
  • C. The local Ecclesia shall be called to order by the highest ranking magistrate of the local community (as defined in this application) through a nomimom.
  • D. All the members of a local community shall have the right to speak and vote in its Ecclesia.
  • E. The local Ecclesia shall be called to order at least once every three months for informational sessions.
  • F. Local magistrates will be elected by the Ecclesia of the local community annually.
  • G. Add any additional rights and duties here

VIII. Local Magistrates: In order to meet the requirements, a local community must have at least three magistrates. The highest ranking magistrates shall use the title “Arkon/Arkhousa”. These offices shall be collegial magistracies composed of three members of equal power. Local magistrates will be elected by the Ecclesia of the local community annually. The rights and duties of local magistrates shall be:

  • A. To issue those nomima necessary to carry out those tasks which they are mandated by the law to engage in (such nomima being binding upon themselves as well as the other members of the local community);
  • B. To call the local Ecclesia to order;
  • C. To pronounce intercessio against another local magistrate of equal or lesser authority;
  • D. To maintain the local Metroon (Archives) and Bouleuterion (City Hall);
  • E. To appoint scribae to assist with administrative and other tasks, as they shall see fit.
  • F. The Chapter Boule shall submit to the SG Boule an operational status report of the Chapter no less than quarterly, which will be posted to the Sodalitas Graeciae mailing list.
  • G. Add any additional rights and duties here

IX. Elections: The procedures for the election of magistrates shall be:

X. Roll of Citizens: The procedure for the maintenance of the Roll of Citizens shall be:

XI. Legal precedence:

  • A. Nomima approved by the Ecclesia of a local community shall have precedence over nomima of local magistrates (Boule) of that community.
  • B. Nomima approved by the Ecclesia of a local community and nomima issued by local magistrates shall take a lower precedence than the current SG Regula.
  • C. The current SG Regula shall take a lower precedence than the constitution and laws of Nova Roma, the Senatus Consulta of the Senate of Nova Roma, the nomima of magistrates of Nova Roma (including the provincial governor), and the Decreta of the pontifical and augural colleges of Nova Roma.
  • D. The actions of local Ecclesia and magistrates shall be subject to intercessio by the Arkhon Basileus / Arkhousa Basilissa of the SG Boule of Nova Roma in accordance with current SG Regula and the constitution and the laws of Nova Roma.
  • E. Local magistrates shall be considered under the authority of the Arkhon Basileus / Arkhousa Basilissa of the SG Boule, and/or as delegated/regulated through his/her officially-appointed representative in terms of authority conflict.

XII. Patron Diety/Dieties: We hereby elect to honor the following diety/dieties of Ancient Greece:

XIII. Militarium: In our local community:

___ YES, we DO have Hoplite representation (Greek reenactor unit)
___ NO, we DO NOT have Hoplite representation (Greek reenactor unit)
If YES, please enter the contact information (if known) of the unit:

XIV. Reenactment/Research/Primary Interest Activities: Time period of primary interest:

___ Pre-Archaic Period (Before 700 BCE)
___ Archaic Period (700-480 BCE)
___ Classical Period (480-323 BCE)
___ Hellenistic Period (323-146 BCE)
___ Late Hellenistic or Greco-Roman (146-30)
___ Non-Specific/To Be Determined

PART II: Primary Applicants Information

Applicants & Provisional Boule (NOTE: Boule Applicants must be members of Nova Roma.)


  • Full Legal Name:
  • NR Roman Name:
  • NR ID Number:
  • Address:
  • City, State, Zip Code:
  • Phone:
  • Best time to reach you by phone:
  • Website (if any):
  • Email:


  • Full Legal Name:
  • NR Roman Name:
  • NR ID Number:
  • Address:
  • City, State, Zip Code:
  • Phone:
  • Best time to reach you by phone:
  • Website (if any):
  • Email:


  • Full Legal Name:
  • NR Roman Name:
  • NR ID Number:
  • Address:
  • City, State, Zip Code:
  • Phone:
  • Best time to reach you by phone:
  • Website (if any):
  • Email:

PART III: Initial Roll of Citizens/Members at the Time of Application

Please include: Greek Name (Legal Name), Nova Roma Name/ID Number (if any), Valid Email Address

Apoikia (3+ members):





Koinotita (5-19 members):
















Polis (20+ members):







Completed application should be forwarded to the Sodalitas Graeciae Boule mailing list at:

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